2014-04-16 42 views




Mat a,b; // num of rows/cols/channels does not matter, they just have to be equal for both 

double dist = norm(a,b,NORM_L2); 

E le due matrici necessariamente bisogno di avere solo una riga? È corretto? – farahm


^^ risposta modificata – berak


Fonte: OpenCV, C++: Distance between two points

Mat pts1(nPts, 1, CV_8UC2), pts2(nPts, 1, CV_8UC2); 
// populate them 
Mat diffPts = pts1-pts2; 
Mat ptsx, ptsy; 
// split your points in x and y vectors. maybe separate them from start 
Mat dist; 
magnitude(ptsx, ptsy, dist); // voila!