2012-10-04 15 views

Voglio mostrare un'immagine GIF animata in un'applicazione Android come l'immagine qui sotto. Ho provato la webview ma non ho avuto successo. Come mostrare la gif animata nell'applicazione? enter image description hereCome mostrare l'immagine GIF animata nell'applicazione Android?


questo aiuterà http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3660209/android-display-animated-gif –


Vedi anche anche questo, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9158310/è-da-possibile-to-set-un-animato-gif-file-da-live-wallpaper-i n-android – Aerrow



Dopo una lunga ricerca su Google, sapevo che non esiste un supporto nativo per le immagini GIF. Non ci sono soluzioni appropriate per mostrare la gif animata nell'applicazione. È possibile visualizzare This solution

per riprodurre le immagini animate in un layout.


Ho anche provato a fare lo stesso, ma Android non mostra immagini gif con Animazione. Se vuoi ottenere lo stesso risultato, prendi qualche fotogramma dell'immagine animata e poi usa l'animazione fotogramma per fotogramma.

È possibile avere riferimento nel link sottostante. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/drawable/AnimationDrawable.html


puoi condividere alcuni suggerimenti sul codice? –


@ aman.nepid ogni cosa è disponibile nel link che ti è stato dato. in questo esempio, wheel1, wheel2, wheel3 sono i diversi frame. se hai un designer, chiedigli di dare l'immagine GIF come cornice. – TNR


provare in questo modo:

Movie movie,movie1; 
    InputStream is=null,is1=null; 
    long moviestart; 
    long moviestart1; 
    public GIFView(Context context) { 

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { 
     long now=android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 
     if (moviestart == 0) { // first time 
      moviestart = now; 

     int relTime = (int)((now - moviestart) % movie.duration()) ; 
     int relTime1=(int)((now - moviestart1)% movie1.duration()); 

enter image description here


Si può avere una prova su questo lib GifImageView. È molto semplice e facile da usare. Il seguente codice di esempio proviene da README di questo progetto.

@Override protected void onCreate (finale Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate (savedInstanceState);

gifView = new GifImageView(context); 


@Override protetta onStart void() { super.onStart(); gifView.startAnimation(); }

@Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); gifView.stopAnimation(); }


È anche possibile utilizzare questa libreria per supportare facilmente un gifDrawable.

Basta usare GifImageView invece di ImageView normale:


e individuare il GIF-file con l'attr src. È tutto!


Sicuramente funziona bene da API 8+. Forse hai implementato la dipendenza o il repository in modo errato. – RyuZz


questo non è ripetere l'animazione, con dimmi come farlo – warlock


@warlock il tuo file gif dovrebbe ripetere automaticamente non è possibile farlo a livello di programmazione. In Photoshop puoi fare ciò: "File> Salva per Web e dispositivi" lì puoi impostare le opzioni di loop – RyuZz


È possibile utilizzare Glide:

ImageView imageView = (ImageView) findViewById(R.id.imageView); 
GlideDrawableImageViewTarget imageViewTarget = new GlideDrawableImageViewTarget(imageView); 

Funziona perfettamente grazie @mlevytskiy –


come impostare la durata? Intendo velocità dell'animazione – sasan


non hai bisogno di qualsiasi libreria, è sufficiente utilizzare questo codice:

Fase 1: Creare un file denominato GIFView.java

package com.thigale.testproject; 

* Created by Thigale Sameer on 11-12-16. 

import android.content.Context; 
import android.graphics.Canvas; 
import android.graphics.Color; 
import android.graphics.Movie; 
import android.util.AttributeSet; 
import android.view.View; 

import java.io.InputStream; 

public class GifView extends View { 
public Movie mMovie; 
public long movieStart; 
private int gifId; 

public GifView(Context context) { 

public GifView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
    super(context, attrs); 
    initializeView(attrs.getAttributeResourceValue("http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto", "src", 0)); 

public GifView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) { 
    super(context, attrs, defStyle); 
    initializeView(attrs.getAttributeResourceValue("http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto", "src", 0)); 

private void initializeView(final int id) { 
    InputStream is = getContext().getResources().openRawResource(id); 
    mMovie = Movie.decodeStream(is); 
    this.gifId = id; 

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { 
    long now = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 

    if (movieStart == 0) { 
     movieStart = now; 

    if (mMovie != null) { 
     int relTime = (int) ((now - movieStart) % mMovie.duration()); 
     mMovie.draw(canvas, getWidth() - mMovie.width(), getHeight() - mMovie.height()); 

public void setGIFResource(int resId) { 
    this.gifId = resId; 

public int getGIFResource() { 
    return this.gifId; 

Passaggio 2: Aggiungere quanto segue linee in res/attrs.xml

<declare-styleable name="GIFView"> 
    <attr name="src" format="reference" /> 

Fase 3: Aggiungi questa riga la tua AndroidManifest.xml nella specifica attività


Fase 4: Creare questo punto di vista nel vostro XML:

    components:src="@drawable/loading" /> 

Passaggio 5 Nell'attività principale in cui si è creato la vista, aggiungere le seguenti righe:



Esiste una versione up-to-data in android arsenal e nella pagina GitHub di GIFView.

Questo è qualcosa di piccolo che ho fatto quando qualcuno mi ha chiesto di aiutarlo a mostrare gif. La maggior parte delle cose che ho trovato online erano librerie e soluzioni di terze parti che utilizzavano il thread UI per l'elaborazione della gif che non andava così bene sul mio telefono, quindi ho deciso di farlo da solo con l'aiuto dell'API Movie di Android. Ho intenzionalmente esteso ImageView in modo da poter utilizzare attributi come scaleType. Supporta il recupero di gif dall'URL o dalla directory delle risorse. Ho documentato tutto.

Come si usa:

semplice esempio di utilizzo in un file di layout xml:

<[package].GIFView xmlns:gif_view="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" 
     gif_view:gif_src="asset:gif1" /> 

Il codice:


* Class that represents a gif instance. 
public class GIF { 

    private static final Bitmap.Config DEF_VAL_CONFIG = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565; 

    private static final int DEF_VAL_DELAY_IN_MILLIS = 33; 

    // the gif's frames are stored in a movie instance 
    private Movie movie; 

    // the canvas of this gif 
    private Canvas canvas; 

    // the bitmap of this gif 
    private Bitmap bitmap; 

    // the start time of the gif 
    private long gifStartTime; 

    // the executor of the gif's thread 
    private ScheduledExecutorService executor; 

    // the main runnable of the gif 
    private Runnable mainRunnable; 

    // delay in millis between frames 
    private int delayInMillis; 

    private OnFrameReadyListener onFrameReadyListener; 

    private Handler listenerHandler; 

    private Runnable listenerRunnable; 

    * Creates Gif instance based on the passed InputStream. 
    * @param in the InputStream 
    * @throws InputStreamIsNull      if in is null 
    * @throws InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException if in is empty or unavailable 
    public GIF(InputStream in) { 
     this(in, DEF_VAL_CONFIG); 

    * Creates Gif instance based on the passed InputStream and the config. 
    * @param in  the InputStream 
    * @param config the Config 
    * @throws NullPointerException      if config is null 
    * @throws InputStreamIsNull      if in is null 
    * @throws InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException if in is empty or unavailable 
    public GIF(InputStream in, Bitmap.Config config) { 
     if (in == null) 
      throw new InputStreamIsNull("the input stream is null"); 

     this.movie = Movie.decodeStream(in); 

     if (movie == null) 
      throw new InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException("the input steam is empty or unavailable"); 

     this.bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(movie.width(), movie.height(), config); 

     // associates the canvas with the bitmap 
     this.canvas = new Canvas(bitmap); 

     this.mainRunnable = new Runnable() { 
      public void run() { 


    * Register a callback to be invoked when the gif changed a frame. 
    * Invokes methods from a special thread. 
    * @param onFrameReadyListener the listener to attach 
    public void setOnFrameReadyListener(OnFrameReadyListener onFrameReadyListener) { 
     setOnFrameReadyListener(onFrameReadyListener, null); 

    * Register a callback to be invoked when the gif changed a frame. 
    * Invokes methods from the specified handler. 
    * @param onFrameReadyListener the listener to attach 
    * @param handler    the handler 
    public void setOnFrameReadyListener(OnFrameReadyListener onFrameReadyListener, Handler handler) { 
     this.onFrameReadyListener = onFrameReadyListener; 
     listenerHandler = handler; 

     if (listenerHandler != null) 
      listenerRunnable = new Runnable() { 
       public void run() { 

      listenerRunnable = null; 

    * Sets the delay in millis between every calculation of the next frame to be set. 
    * @param delayInMillis the delay in millis 
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if delayInMillis is non-positive 
    public void setDelayInMillis(int delayInMillis) { 
     if (delayInMillis <= 0) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("delayInMillis must be positive"); 

     this.delayInMillis = delayInMillis; 

    * Starts the gif. 
    * If the gif is already running does nothing. 
    public void startGif() { 
     if (executor != null) 

     executor = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor(); 

     final int INITIAL_DELAY = 0; 
     executor.scheduleWithFixedDelay(mainRunnable, INITIAL_DELAY, 
       delayInMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); 

    * Stops the gif. 
    * If the gif is not running does nothing. 
    public void stopGif() { 
     if (executor == null) 


     // waits until the thread is finished 
     while (true) { 
      try { 
       executor.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS); 
      } catch (InterruptedException ignored) { 

     executor = null; 

    // calculates the frame and draws it to the bitmap through the canvas 
    private void draw() { 
     // if gifStartTime == 0 inits it for the first time 
     if (gifStartTime == 0) 
      gifStartTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); 

     long timeElapsed = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - gifStartTime; 

     int timeInGif = (int) (timeElapsed % movie.duration()); 

     movie.draw(canvas, 0, 0); 

    // invokes the listener 
    private void invokeListener() { 
     if (onFrameReadyListener == null) 

     // if handler was given invokes from it, otherwise invokes from this thread 
     if (listenerHandler != null) 

    * Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the gif changed a frame. 
    public interface OnFrameReadyListener { 
     * Called when the gif changed a frame. 
     * <p> 
     * Note: If a handler was given with the listener this method 
     * invokes from the handler, otherwise this method 
     * invokes from a special thread. 
     * <p> 
     * Note: This bitmap is mutable and used by the gif instance 
     * thus it is not recommended to mutate it. 
     * @param bitmap the new bitmap of the gif 
     void onFrameReady(Bitmap bitmap); 

    * Definition of a runtime exception class to throw when the inputStream is null. 
    public static class InputStreamIsNull extends NullPointerException { 

     * Creates a new instance. 
     public InputStreamIsNull() { 

     * * Creates a new instance with a message. 
     * @param message the message 
     public InputStreamIsNull(String message) { 

    * Definition of a runtime exception class to throw when the inputStream is empty or unavailable. 
    public static class InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException extends RuntimeException { 

     * Creates a new instance. 
     public InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException() { 

     * * Creates a new instance with a message. 
     * @param message the message 
     public InputStreamIsEmptyOrUnavailableException(String message) { 


* A view that can show gifs. 
* <p> 
* XML Attributes: 
* <p> 
* gif_src: 
* A string that represents the gif's source. 
* <p> 
* - If you want to get the gif from a url 
* concatenate the string "url:" with the full url. 
* <p> 
* - if you want to get the gif from the assets directory 
* concatenate the string "asset:" with the full path of the gif 
* within the assets directory. You can exclude the .gif extension. 
* <p> 
* for example if you have a gif in the path "assets/ex_dir/ex_gif.gif" 
* the string should be: "asset:ex_dir/ex_gif" 
* <p> 
* delay_in_millis: 
* A positive integer that represents how many milliseconds 
* should pass between every calculation of the next frame to be set. 
public class GIFView extends ImageView { 

    public static final String RESOURCE_PREFIX_URL = "url:"; 
    public static final String RESOURCE_PREFIX_ASSET = "asset:"; 

    private static final int DEF_VAL_DELAY_IN_MILLIS = 33; 

    // the gif instance 
    private GIF gif; 

    // keeps track if the view is in the middle of setting the gif 
    private boolean settingGif; 

    private GIF.OnFrameReadyListener gifOnFrameReadyListener; 

    private OnSettingGifListener onSettingGifListener; 

    // delay in millis between frames 
    private int delayInMillis; 

    * Creates a new instance in the passed context. 
    * @param context the context 
    public GIFView(Context context) { 

    * Creates a new instance in the passed context with the specified set of attributes. 
    * @param context the context 
    * @param attrs the attributes 
    public GIFView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
     super(context, attrs); 

    // inits the view 
    private void init(AttributeSet attrs) { 
     this.gifOnFrameReadyListener = new GIF.OnFrameReadyListener() { 
      public void onFrameReady(Bitmap bitmap) { 


     if (attrs != null) 

    // inits the view with the specified attributes 
    private void initAttrs(AttributeSet attrs) { 
     TypedArray typedArray = getContext().getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(
       attrs, R.styleable.gif_view, 
       0, 0); 
     try { 
      // gets and sets the delay in millis. 
      int delayInMillis = typedArray.getInt(R.styleable.gif_view_delay_in_millis, 
      if (delayInMillis != DEF_VAL_DELAY_IN_MILLIS) 

      // gets the source of the gif and sets it 
      String string = typedArray.getString(R.styleable.gif_view_gif_src); 
      if (string != null) 

     } finally { 

    * Register callbacks to be invoked when the view finished setting a gif. 
    * @param onSettingGifListener the listener to attach 
    public void setOnSettingGifListener(OnSettingGifListener onSettingGifListener) { 
     this.onSettingGifListener = onSettingGifListener; 

    * Sets the delay in millis between every calculation of the next frame to be set. 
    * @param delayInMillis the delay in millis 
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if delayInMillis is non-positive 
    public void setDelayInMillis(int delayInMillis) { 
     if (delayInMillis <= 0) 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("delayInMillis must be positive"); 

     this.delayInMillis = delayInMillis; 

     if (gif != null) 

    * Returns true if the view is in the process of setting the gif, false otherwise. 
    * @return true if the view is in the process of setting the gif, false otherwise 
    public boolean isSettingGif() { 
     return settingGif; 

    * Sets the gif of this view and starts it. 
    * <p> 
    * Note that every exception while setting the gif is only sent to the 
    * OnSettingGifListener instance attached to this view. 
    * <p> 
    * If the view has already begun setting another gif, does nothing. 
    * You can query this state with isSettingGif(). 
    * <p> 
    * The string passed must be in the following format: 
    * <p> 
    * - If you want to get the gif from a url 
    * concatenate the string "url:" with the full url. 
    * <p> 
    * - if you want to get the gif from the assets directory 
    * concatenate the string "asset:" with the full path of the gif 
    * within the assets directory. You can exclude the .gif extension. 
    * <p> 
    * You can use the Constants: 
    * <p> 
    * GIFView.RESOURCE_PREFIX_URL = "url:" 
    * GIFView.RESOURCE_PREFIX_ASSET = "asset:" 
    * <p> 
    * for example if you have a gif in the path "assets/ex_dir/ex_gif.gif" 
    * invoke the method like this: setGifResource(GIFView.RESOURCE_PREFIX_ASSET + "ex_dir/ex_gif"); 
    * @param string the string 
    * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the string format is invalid 
    public void setGifResource(String string) { 
     if (settingGif) 

     // stops the gif if it is running 
     if (gif != null) 

     // defines some finals for readability 
     final int URL_START_INDEX = RESOURCE_PREFIX_URL.length(); 
     final String GIF_EXTENSION = ".gif"; 

     if (string.startsWith(RESOURCE_PREFIX_URL)) { 

      // notifies setting gif has started 
      settingGif = true; 

      // gets the url 
      String url = string.substring(URL_START_INDEX); 

      new AsyncSettingOfGif() { 
       protected InputStream getGifInputStream(String url) throws Exception { 
        // gets the input stream from the url 
        return (InputStream) new URL(url).getContent(); 

     } else if (string.startsWith(RESOURCE_PREFIX_ASSET)) { 

      // notifies setting gif has started 
      settingGif = true; 

      // gets the asset path 
      String assetPath = string.substring(ASSET_START_INDEX) 
        .replaceAll("[\\\\/]", File.separator); // replacing file separators 
      if (!assetPath.endsWith(GIF_EXTENSION)) 
       assetPath += GIF_EXTENSION; 

      new AsyncSettingOfGif() { 
       protected InputStream getGifInputStream(String assetPath) throws Exception { 
        // gets the input stream from the assets directory 
        return GIFView.this.getResources().getAssets().open(assetPath); 

      // if string format is invalid 
     } else { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("string format is invalid"); 

    * Called when the view finished to set the gif 
    * or an exception has occurred. 
    * If there are no exceptions e is null. 
    * <p> 
    * Note that the gif can be initialized properly 
    * and one or more exceptions can be caught in the way. 
    * @param e the Exception 
    protected void onFinishSettingGif(Exception e) { 
     // notifies setting the gif has finished 
     settingGif = false; 

     if (gif != null) 

    // on finish setting the gif 
    private void onSuccess() { 
     gif.setOnFrameReadyListener(gifOnFrameReadyListener, getHandler()); 

     if (onSettingGifListener != null) 

    // when an exception has occurred while trying to set the gif 
    private void onFailure(Exception e) { 
     if (onSettingGifListener != null) 
      onSettingGifListener.onFailure(this, e); 

    * Starts the gif. 
    * If the gif is already running does nothing. 
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the gif has not been initialized yet 
    public void startGif() { 
     if (gif == null || settingGif) 
      throw new IllegalStateException("the gif has not been initialized yet"); 


    * Stops the gif. 
    * If the gif is not running does nothing. 
    * @throws IllegalStateException if the gif has not been initialized yet 
    public void stopGif() { 
     if (gif == null || settingGif) 
      throw new IllegalStateException("the gif has not been initialized yet"); 


    * Interface definition for callbacks to be invoked when setting a gif. 
    public interface OnSettingGifListener { 

     * Called when a gif has successfully set. 
     * @param view the GIFView 
     void onSuccess(GIFView view); 

     * Called when a gif cannot be set. 
     * @param view the GIFView 
     * @param e the Exception 
     void onFailure(GIFView view, Exception e); 

    * Definition of an Exception class to throw when the view cannot initialize the gif. 
    public static class CannotInitGifException extends Exception { 

     * Creates a new instance. 
     public CannotInitGifException() { 

     * * Creates a new instance with a message. 
     * @param message the message 
     public CannotInitGifException(String message) { 

    * A sub-class of AsyncTask to easily perform an async task of setting a gif. 
    * <p> 
    * The default implementation of AsyncSettingOfGif.doInBackground() is to try and init the gif 
    * from the input stream returned from AsyncSettingOfGif.getGifInputStream() and notify 
    * GIFView.onFinishSettingGif() sending to it the exception, if occurred, or null. 
    * <p> 
    * Implementations of this class should override AsyncSettingOfGif.getGifInputStream() 
    * to return the right input stream for the gif based on the string argument. 
    * The string argument can be, for example, a url to retrieve the input stream from. 
    protected abstract class AsyncSettingOfGif extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Exception> { 

     protected Exception doInBackground(String... string) { 
      CannotInitGifException exceptionToSend = null; 

      try (InputStream in = getGifInputStream(string[0])) { 
       // tries to init the gif 
       gif = new GIF(in); 

      } catch (Exception e) { 
       // prepares the message of the exception 
       String message = e.getMessage(); 
       if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException) 
        message = "file not found: " + message; 

       // prepares the exception to send back 
       exceptionToSend = new CannotInitGifException(message); 

      return exceptionToSend; 

     * Override this method to return the right input stream for the gif based on the string argument. 
     * The string argument can be, for example, a url to retrieve the input stream from. 
     * @param string the string 
     * @return an InputStream of a gif 
     * @throws Exception if an exception has occurred 
     protected abstract InputStream getGifInputStream(String string) throws Exception; 

     protected void onPostExecute(Exception e) { 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
    <declare-styleable name="gif_view"> 
     <attr name="gif_src" format="string" /> 
     <attr name="delay_in_millis" format="integer" /> 

Si può solo aggiungere una WebView e mostrare un'immagine GIF in quanto, come:

    webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient()); 

Questo mostrerà l'immagine gif nella tua app.

Spero che aiuti! In bocca al lupo!


Migliore e soluzione più semplice per la visualizzazione delle immagini GIF in Android e funzionerà perfettamente:

  • aperta build.gradle (modulo: app)
  • messo in dipendenze: pl.droidsonroids di compilazione. gif: Android-gif-drawable: 1.1.+'
  • Apri cartella layout e inserire questo codice in cui si desidera visualizzare l'immagine GIF: esempio activity_main.xml

  • android: src = "@ drawable/your_gif_file_name", Sostituire 'your_gif_file_name' con l'immagine gif desiderata del file

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