2014-12-18 13 views

Ho appena creato un widget personalizzato, sono in grado di vederlo nell'area del widget ma non riesco a trovarlo nell'editor utilizzando il plug-in Visual Composer. C'è qualcosa di sbagliato nel mio widget? Il mio widget di usa semplicemente questo esempio come previsto dalla Wordpress.org:Widget personalizzato non visualizzato in Visual Composer

* Adds Foo_Widget widget. 
class Foo_Widget extends WP_Widget { 

* Register widget with WordPress. 
function __construct() { 
     'foo_widget', // Base ID 
     __('Widget Title', 'text_domain'), // Name 
     array('description' => __('A Foo Widget', 'text_domain'),) // Args 

* Front-end display of widget. 
* @see WP_Widget::widget() 
* @param array $args  Widget arguments. 
* @param array $instance Saved values from database. 
public function widget($args, $instance) { 

      echo $args['before_widget']; 
    if (! empty($instance['title'])) { 
     echo $args['before_title'] . apply_filters('widget_title', $instance['title']). $args['after_title']; 
    echo __('Hello, World!', 'text_domain'); 
    echo $args['after_widget']; 

* Back-end widget form. 
* @see WP_Widget::form() 
* @param array $instance Previously saved values from database. 
public function form($instance) { 
      $title = ! empty($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : __('New title', 'text_domain'); 
    <label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>"><?php _e('Title:'); ?></label> 
    <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo esc_attr($title); ?>"> 

* Sanitize widget form values as they are saved. 
* @see WP_Widget::update() 
* @param array $new_instance Values just sent to be saved. 
* @param array $old_instance Previously saved values from database. 
* @return array Updated safe values to be saved. 
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance) { 
    $instance = array(); 
    $instance['title'] = (! empty($new_instance['title'])) ? strip_tags($new_instance['title']) : ''; 

    return $instance; 

} // class Foo_Widget 



È necessario creare dedicato per compositore visiva Ecco esempio

Plugin Name: Extend Visual Composer Plugin Example 
Plugin URI: http://wpbakery.com/vc 
Description: Extend Visual Composer with your own set of shortcodes. 
Version: 0.1.1 
Author: WPBakery 
Author URI: http://wpbakery.com 
License: GPLv2 or later 

This example/starter plugin can be used to speed up Visual Composer plugins creation process. 
More information can be found here: http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Category:Visual_Composer 

// don't load directly 
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) die('-1'); 

class VCExtendAddonClass { 
    function __construct() { 
     // We safely integrate with VC with this hook 
     add_action('init', array($this, 'integrateWithVC')); 

     // Use this when creating a shortcode addon 
     add_shortcode('bartag', array($this, 'renderMyBartag')); 

     // Register CSS and JS 
     add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'loadCssAndJs')); 

    public function integrateWithVC() { 
     // Check if Visual Composer is installed 
     if (! defined('WPB_VC_VERSION')) { 
      // Display notice that Visual Compser is required 
      add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'showVcVersionNotice')); 

     Add your Visual Composer logic here. 
     Lets call vc_map function to "register" our custom shortcode within Visual Composer interface. 

     More info: http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Vc_map 
      "name" => __("My Bar Shortcode", 'vc_extend'), 
      "description" => __("Bar tag description text", 'vc_extend'), 
      "base" => "bartag", 
      "class" => "", 
      "controls" => "full", 
      "icon" => plugins_url('assets/asterisk_yellow.png', __FILE__), // or css class name which you can reffer in your css file later. Example: "vc_extend_my_class" 
      "category" => __('Content', 'js_composer'), 
      //'admin_enqueue_js' => array(plugins_url('assets/vc_extend.js', __FILE__)), // This will load js file in the VC backend editor 
      //'admin_enqueue_css' => array(plugins_url('assets/vc_extend_admin.css', __FILE__)), // This will load css file in the VC backend editor 
      "params" => array(
        "type" => "textfield", 
        "holder" => "div", 
        "class" => "", 
        "heading" => __("Text", 'vc_extend'), 
        "param_name" => "foo", 
        "value" => __("Default params value", 'vc_extend'), 
        "description" => __("Description for foo param.", 'vc_extend') 
        "type" => "colorpicker", 
        "holder" => "div", 
        "class" => "", 
        "heading" => __("Text color", 'vc_extend'), 
        "param_name" => "color", 
        "value" => '#FF0000', //Default Red color 
        "description" => __("Choose text color", 'vc_extend') 
        "type" => "textarea_html", 
        "holder" => "div", 
        "class" => "", 
        "heading" => __("Content", 'vc_extend'), 
        "param_name" => "content", 
        "value" => __("<p>I am test text block. Click edit button to change this text.</p>", 'vc_extend'), 
        "description" => __("Enter your content.", 'vc_extend') 

    Shortcode logic how it should be rendered 
    public function renderMyBartag($atts, $content = null) { 
     'foo' => 'something', 
     'color' => '#FF0000' 
    ), $atts)); 
     $content = wpb_js_remove_wpautop($content, true); // fix unclosed/unwanted paragraph tags in $content 

     $output = "<div style='color:{$color};' data-foo='${foo}'>{$content}</div>"; 
     return $output; 

    Load plugin css and javascript files which you may need on front end of your site 
    public function loadCssAndJs() { 
     wp_register_style('vc_extend_style', plugins_url('assets/vc_extend.css', __FILE__)); 

     // If you need any javascript files on front end, here is how you can load them. 
     //wp_enqueue_script('vc_extend_js', plugins_url('assets/vc_extend.js', __FILE__), array('jquery')); 

    Show notice if your plugin is activated but Visual Composer is not 
    public function showVcVersionNotice() { 
     $plugin_data = get_plugin_data(__FILE__); 
     echo ' 
     <div class="updated"> 
      <p>'.sprintf(__('<strong>%s</strong> requires <strong><a href="http://bit.ly/vcomposer" target="_blank">Visual Composer</a></strong> plugin to be installed and activated on your site.', 'vc_extend'), $plugin_data['Name']).'</p> 
// Finally initialize code 
new VCExtendAddonClass(); 

Grazie @Grek .. Sono in grado di vedere un widget all'interno Editor di backend di Visual Composer. Sarebbe più utile se fornisci anche una breve spiegazione a questo. –


Hai una spiegazione nel codice. È possibile configurare il blocco e ottenere questi valori di configurazione sul rendering. La funzione Render è renderMyBartag qui è necessario restituire un po 'di html. –


@GregHmhmm Sto cercando di creare un container ma sto ricevendo un errore per la creazione di una classe all'interno della classe .. l'errore sembra verificarsi dove ho 'if (class_exists ('WPBakeryShortCodesContainer')) {class WPBakeryShortCode_Your_Gallery estende WPBakeryShortCodesContainer {}}' Dove devo inserire quel codice? – neoDev

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