2015-11-07 12 views

Desidero eseguire l'aggiornamento al ramo angolare stabile durato 1.4.7. Vengo dal 1.2.13. nel mio progetto c'è una direttiva angolare-leaflet che è stata personalizzata per l'applicazione. Sto cercando di capire come modificare la sintassi in una funzione in modo da non generare un errore. messaggi della consolecome correggere la sintassi dopo l'aggiornamento angolare

Error: [$parse:syntax] Syntax Error: Token '.50465' is an unexpected token at column 8 of the expression [markers.50465] starting at [.50465]. 
at angular.js:68 
at Object.AST.throwError (angular.js:13057) 
at Object.AST.ast (angular.js:12827) 
at Object.ASTCompiler.compile (angular.js:13276) 
at Parser.parse (angular.js:14146) 
at $parse (angular.js:14248) 
at Scope.$watch (angular.js:15412) 
at createMarker (angular-leaflet-directive.js:1496) 
at Object.fn (angular-leaflet-directive.js:1158) 
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:15826)(anonymous function) @ angular.js:12477(anonymous function) @ angular.js:9246Scope.$digest @ angular.js:15844Scope.$apply @ angular.js:16097done @ angular.js:10546completeRequest @ angular.js:10744requestLoaded @ angular.js:10685 

funzione errore è a 'marcatori'.

// add new markers 
       for (var new_name in newMarkers) { 
        if (markers[new_name] === undefined) { 
         var newMarker = createMarker('markers.' + new_name, $scope.markers[new_name], map); 
         if (newMarker !== null) { 
          markers[new_name] = newMarker; 

riga 1496 inizia qui.

var clearWatch = $scope.$watch(scope_watch_name, function (data, old_data) { 
       if (!data) { 
        // There is no easy way to know if a marker is added to a layer, so we search for it 
        // if there are overlays 
        if (layers !== undefined && layers !== null) { 
         if (layers.overlays !== undefined) { 
          for (var key in layers.overlays) { 
           if (layers.overlays[key] instanceof L.LayerGroup) { 
            if (layers.overlays[key].hasLayer(marker)) { 

       if (old_data) { 

        //TODO Check for layers !== null 
        //TODO Check for layers.overlays !== null !== undefined 
        // It is possible the the layer has been removed or the layer marker does not exist 

        // Update the layer group if present or move it to the map if not 
        if (data.layer === undefined || data.layer === null || typeof data.layer !== 'string') { 
         // There is no layer information, we move the marker to the map if it was in a layer group 
         if (old_data.layer !== undefined && old_data.layer !== null && typeof old_data.layer === 'string') { 
          // Remove from the layer group that is supposed to be 
          if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer] !== undefined) { 
           if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer].hasLayer(marker)) { 
            // If the marker had a popup we close it because we do not know if the popup in on the map 
            // or on the layer group. This is ineficient, but as we can't check if the popup is opened 
            // in Leaflet we can't determine if it has to be open in the new layer. So removing the 
            // layer group of a marker always closes the popup. 
            // TODO: Improve popup behaviour when removing a marker from a layer group 
          // Test if it is not on the map and add it 
          if (!map.hasLayer(marker)) { 
        } else if (old_data.layer === undefined || old_data.layer === null || old_data.layer !== data.layer) { 
         // If it was on a layer group we have to remove it 
         if (typeof old_data.layer === 'string') { 
          if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer] !== undefined) { 
           if (layers.overlays[old_data.layer].hasLayer(marker)) { 
         // If the marker had a popup we close it because we do not know how the new layer 
         // will be. This is ineficient, but as we can't check if the opoup is opened in Leaflet 
         // we can't determine if it has to be open in the new layer. So changing the layer group 
         // of a marker always closes the popup. 
         // TODO: Improve popup behaviour when changing a marker from a layer group 
         // Remove it from the map in case the new layer is hidden or there is an error in the new layer 
         if (map.hasLayer(marker)) { 
         // The data.layer is defined so we add the marker to the layer if it is different from the old data 
         if (layers.overlays[data.layer] !== undefined) { 
          // Is a group layer? 
          var layerGroup = layers.overlays[data.layer]; 
          if (layerGroup instanceof L.LayerGroup) { 
           // The marker goes to a correct layer group, so first of all we add it 
           // The marker is automatically added to the map depending on the visibility 
           // of the layer, so we only have to open the popup if the marker is in the map 
           if (map.hasLayer(marker)) { 
            if (data.focus === true) { 
          } else { 
           $log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] A marker can only be added to a layer of type "group"'); 
         } else { 
          $log.error('[AngularJS - Leaflet] You must use a name of an existing layer'); 
        } else { 
         // Never has to enter here... 

        // Update the draggable property 
        if (data.draggable === undefined || data.draggable === null || data.draggable !== true) { 
         // If there isn't or wasn't the draggable property or is false and previously true update the dragging 
         // the !== true prevents for not boolean values in the draggable property 
         if (old_data.draggable !== undefined && old_data.draggable !== null && old_data.draggable === true) { 
          if (marker.dragging) { 
        } else if (old_data.draggable === undefined || old_data.draggable === null || old_data.draggable !== true) { 
         // The data.draggable property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true 
         if (marker.dragging) { 
         } else { 
          if (L.Handler.MarkerDrag) { 
           marker.dragging = new L.Handler.MarkerDrag(marker); 
           marker.options.draggable = true; 

        if (data.zIndexOffset && data.zIndexOffset != old_data.zIndexOffset) { 

        // Update the icon property 
        if (data.icon === undefined || data.icon === null || typeof data.icon !== 'object') { 
         // If there is no icon property or it's not an object 
         if (old_data.icon !== undefined && old_data.icon !== null && typeof old_data.icon === 'object') { 
          // If there was an icon before restore to the default 
          marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon()); 
          if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
           marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
            autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 
        } else if (old_data.icon === undefined || old_data.icon === null || typeof old_data.icon !== 'object') { 
         // The data.icon exists so we create a new icon if there wasn't an icon before 
         var dragA = false; 
         if (marker.dragging) { 
          dragA = marker.dragging.enabled(); 
         if (Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.is(data.icon)) { 
          // This icon is a L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon so it is using the AwesomeMarker PlugIn 
          // As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted. 
         } else if (Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.is(data.icon) || Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.is(data.icon)) { 
          // This is a Leaflet.DivIcon or a Leaflet.Icon 
         } else { 
          // This icon is a icon set in the model trough options 
          marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon(data.icon)); 
         if (dragA) { 
         if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
          marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
           autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 

        } else { 
         if (Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.is(data.icon)) { 
          // This icon is a L.AwesomeMarkers.Icon so it is using the AwesomeMarker PlugIn 
          if (!Helpers.AwesomeMarkersPlugin.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) { 
           var dragD = false; 
           if (marker.dragging) { 
            dragD = marker.dragging.enabled(); 
           // As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted. 
           if (dragD) { 
           //TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup 
           // metrostudy 
           if (marker._popup && marker._popup._isOpen) { 
           if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
            marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
             autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 
         } else if (Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.is(data.icon)) { 
          // This is a Leaflet.DivIcon 
          if (!Helpers.Leaflet.DivIcon.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) { 
           var dragE = false; 
           if (marker.dragging) { 
            dragE = marker.dragging.enabled(); 
           // As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted. 
           if (dragE) { 
           //TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup 
           if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
            marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
             autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 
         } else if (Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.is(data.icon)) { 
          // This is a Leaflet.DivIcon 
          if (!Helpers.Leaflet.Icon.equal(data.icon, old_data.icon)) { 
           var dragF = false; 
           if (marker.dragging) { 
            dragF = marker.dragging.enabled(); 
           // As the new icon creates a new DOM object some elements, as drag, are reseted. 
           if (dragF) { 
           //TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup 
           // metrostudy 
           //if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
           // marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
           //  autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 
           // }); 
         } else { 
          // This icon is an icon defined in the marker model through options 
          // There is an icon and there was an icon so if they are different we create a new icon 
          if (JSON.stringify(data.icon) !== JSON.stringify(old_data.icon)) { 
           var dragG = false; 
           if (marker.dragging) { 
            dragG = marker.dragging.enabled(); 
           marker.setIcon(new LeafletIcon(data.icon)); 
           if (dragG) { 
           //TODO: Improve depending on anchorPopup 
           if (data.message !== undefined && data.message !== null && typeof data.message === 'string' && data.message !== "") { 
            marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
             autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 

        // Update the Popup message property 
        if (data.message === undefined || data.message === null || typeof data.message !== 'string' || data.message === "") { 
         // There is no popup to show, so if it has previously existed it must be unbinded 
         if (old_data.message !== undefined && old_data.message !== null && typeof old_data.message === 'string' && old_data.message !== "") { 
        } else { 
         // There is some text in the popup, so we must show the text or update existing 
         if (old_data.message === undefined || old_data.message === null || typeof old_data.message !== 'string' || old_data.message === "") { 
          // There was no message before so we create it 
          marker.bindPopup(data.message, { 
           autoPan: data.popupOptions ? (data.popupOptions.autoPan ? true : false) : true 
         } else if (data.message !== old_data.message) { 
          // There was a different previous message so we update it 

        // Update the focus property 
        if (data.focus && !old_data.focus) { 
         // The data.focus property must be true so we update if there wasn't a previous value or it wasn't true 

        // Update the lat-lng property (always present in marker properties) 
        if (data.lat === undefined || data.lat === null || isNaN(data.lat) || typeof data.lat !== 'number' || data.lng === undefined || data.lng === null || isNaN(data.lng) || typeof data.lng !== 'number') { 
         $log.warn('There are problems with lat-lng data, please verify your marker model'); 
         // Remove the marker from the layers and map if it is not valid 
         if (layers !== null) { 
          if (layers.overlays !== undefined && layers.overlays !== null) { 
           for (var olname in layers.overlays) { 
            if (layers.overlays[olname] instanceof L.LayerGroup || Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.is(layers.overlays[olname])) { 
             if (layers.overlays[olname].hasLayer(marker)) { 
        } else { 
         var cur_latlng = marker.getLatLng(); 
         // On dragend event, scope will be updated, which 
         // tirggers this watch expression. Then we call 
         // setLatLng and triggers move event on marker and 
         // causes digest already in progress error. 
         // This check is to make sure we don't trigger move 
         // event manually after dragend, which is redundant 
         // anyway. Because before dragend event fired, marker 
         // sate is already updated by leaflet. 
         if (cur_latlng.lat !== data.lat || cur_latlng.lng !== data.lng) { 
          // if the marker is in a clustermarker layer it has to be removed and added again to the layer 
          var isCluster = false; 
          if (data.layer !== undefined && data.layer !== null && typeof data.layer === 'string') { 
           if (Helpers.MarkerClusterPlugin.is(layers.overlays[data.layer])) { 
            isCluster = true; 
          marker.setLatLng([data.lat, data.lng]); 
          if (isCluster) { 
      }, true); 

vedi aggiornamento. fammi sapere cos'altro dovrei postare! – texas697


È necessario accedere al marker tramite 'marker ['+ id +']'. Il numero non è un identificatore Javascript valido. Se hai bisogno di consigli più specifici, condividi il codice dove costruisci 'scope_watch_name'. –


Ho incollato l'intero script nel file js. non riuscivo a capire dove viene definito. http://plnkr.co/edit/dmxX3vPnHiNQrKCwhUGu?p=catalogue – texas697



Si sta tentando di accedere agli elementi dell'array tramite proprietà notazione. Questo non è un costrutto valido ed è necessario utilizzare la notazione della parentesi - [].

Il problema deriva da un'espressione di orologio markers.12345, che viene presa da createMarker('markers.' + name, ...). Quindi anziché scrivere createMarker('markers[' + name + ']', ...).

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