2013-04-15 13 views

Sto usando Jekyll e Markdown su Github per il mio blog. Come inserisco i tag del codice nella mia pagina?Sto usando Jekyll e Markdown su Github per il mio blog. Come inserisco i tag del codice nella mia pagina?

esempio pensavo che posso utilizzare i tag <pre> inserire del codice scatta in mia pagina per visualizzare ai lettori, ma Jekyll non piace loro ..

Qualcuno può dirmi un buon tag di formattazione posso utilizzare con questa per inserire codice nella mia pagina

se provo questo codice:

    <code class="ruby"> 
git clone --mirror [email protected]:project project 

cd project 

git remote add github [email protected]:username/project.git 

In cron Job 

cd /pathto/project && git fetch -q && git push -q --mirror github 

ottengo questo errore

enter image description here

mio _config.xml

# This is the default format. 
# For more see: https://github.com/mojombo/jekyll/wiki/Permalinks 
permalink: /:categories/:year/:month/:day/:title 

exclude: [".rvmrc", ".rbenv-version", "README.md", "Rakefile", "changelog.md"] 
auto: true 
pygments: true 

# Themes are encouraged to use these universal variables 
# so be sure to set them if your theme uses them. 
title : xxxx 
tagline :xxxx 
author : 
    name : xxx 
    email : jxxx 
    github : xxx 
    twitter : xx 

# The production_url is only used when full-domain names are needed 
# such as sitemap.txt 
# Most places will/should use BASE_PATH to make the urls 
# If you have set a CNAME (pages.github.com) set your custom domain here. 
# Else if you are pushing to username.github.com, replace with your username. 
# Finally if you are pushing to a GitHub project page, include the project name at the end. 
production_url : http://johnathanmarksmith.com 

# All Jekyll-Bootstrap specific configurations are namespaced into this hash 
JB : 
    version : 0.3.0 

    # All links will be namespaced by BASE_PATH if defined. 
    # Links in your website should always be prefixed with {{BASE_PATH}} 
    # however this value will be dynamically changed depending on your deployment situation. 
    # CNAME (http://yourcustomdomain.com) 
    # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) 
    # GitHub Pages (http://username.github.com) 
    # (urls will be prefixed with "/" and work relatively) 
    # GitHub Project Pages (http://username.github.com/project-name) 
    # A GitHub Project site exists in the `gh-pages` branch of one of your repositories. 
    # REQUIRED! Set BASE_PATH to: http://username.github.com/project-name 
    # CAUTION: 
    # - When in Localhost, your site will run from root "/" regardless of BASE_PATH 
    # - Only the following values are falsy: ["", null, false] 
    # - When setting BASE_PATH it must be a valid url. 
    #  This means always setting the protocol (http|https) or prefixing with "/" 
    BASE_PATH : false 

    # By default, the asset_path is automatically defined relative to BASE_PATH plus the enabled theme. 
    # ex: [BASE_PATH]/assets/themes/[THEME-NAME] 
    # Override this by defining an absolute path to assets here. 
    # ex: 
    # http://s3.amazonaws.com/yoursite/themes/watermelon 
    # /assets 
    ASSET_PATH : false 

    # These paths are to the main pages Jekyll-Bootstrap ships with. 
    # Some JB helpers refer to these paths; change them here if needed. 
    archive_path: /archive.html 
    categories_path : /categories.html 
    tags_path : /tags.html 
    atom_path : /atom.xml 
    rss_path : /rss.xml 

    # Settings for comments helper 
    # Set 'provider' to the comment provider you want to use. 
    # Set 'provider' to false to turn commenting off globally. 
    comments : 
    provider : disqus 
    disqus : 
     short_name : jekyllbootstrap 
    livefyre : 
     site_id : 123 
    intensedebate : 
     account : 123abc 
    facebook : 
     appid : 123 
     num_posts: 5 
     width: 580 
     colorscheme: light 

    # Settings for analytics helper 
    # Set 'provider' to the analytics provider you want to use. 
    # Set 'provider' to false to turn analytics off globally. 
    analytics : 
    provider : google 
    google : 
     tracking_id : 'UA-123-12' 
    getclicky : 
     site_id : 
    mixpanel : 
     token : '_MIXPANEL_TOKEN_' 

    # Settings for sharing helper. 
    # Sharing is for things like tweet, plusone, like, reddit buttons etc. 
    # Set 'provider' to the sharing provider you want to use. 
    # Set 'provider' to false to turn sharing off globally. 
    sharing : 
    provider : false 

    # Settings for all other include helpers can be defined by creating 
    # a hash with key named for the given helper. ex: 
    # pages_list : 
    #  provider : "custom" 
    # Setting any helper's provider to 'custom' will bypass the helper code 
    # and include your custom code. Your custom file must be defined at: 
    # ./_includes/custom/[HELPER] 
    # where [HELPER] is the name of the helper you are overriding. 

Questo aiuto: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8648390/syntax-highlighting-markdown-code-blocks-in-jekyll-without-using-liquid-tags? –


no, ho ricevuto l'errore sopra riportato ... per favore guarda la domanda con informazioni aggiornate – SJS


Dovrai pubblicare il tuo file _config.yml se ne hai uno. Se è possibile fornire un collegamento al repository, sarebbe anche utile. –



Se la "pagina" a cui ti riferisci è un file di Markdown, vale a dire l'estensione è .md o .markdown, quindi ti consigliamo di utilizzare la sintassi standard di Markdown:

Per inline code uso backticks, in questo modo: `linea Codice delle

Per block code trattino ogni linea da 4 spazi:


Jekyll utilizza un parser Markdown come RedCarpet, Maruku o RDiscount e non definiscono come devi formattare il contenuto, impostato in base al tipo di contenuto che stai scrivendo, in questo caso, Markdown. Così il posto da guardare è la documentazione della sintassi Markdown per code:


Si potrebbe anche prendere in considerazione evidenziazione della sintassi utilizzando il tag {% highlight %} sintassi Liquid:


Speranza che aiuta!


ne dite di questo signore

~~~ ruby 
# This is a test. 
def foo 
    puts 'foo' 



In alternativa (e penso che sia più comune) aggiungere tre backtick '' 'al posto dei caratteri' ~ '. – IQAndreas

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