2010-05-07 12 views

Devo creare un software che analizzerà diverse directory ed estrae le informazioni sugli eseguibili trovati.Come ottenere informazioni su un file eseguibile di Windows (.exe) utilizzando C++

ho bisogno di fare due cose:

  • determinare se un dato file è un eseguibile (.exe, .dll, e così via) - Controllo della estensione non è probabilmente sufficiente.
  • Ottenere le informazioni su questo file eseguibile (il nome dell'azienda, il nome prodotto e così via).

Non l'ho mai fatto prima e quindi non sono a conoscenza se esiste un'API di Windows (o una libreria leggera C/C++) per farlo o se è addirittura possibile. Suppongo di sì, perché lo fa explorer.exe.

Ragazzi, sapete qualcosa che potrebbe indicarmi la giusta direzione?

Grazie mille per il vostro aiuto.



È possibile verificare il numero di PE File Format desiderato. Se lo desideri, puoi anche cercare un PE file signature. È quindi possibile utilizzare File Version API per recuperare il nome dell'azienda, il nome del prodotto, i numeri di versione, ecc.


praticamente nulla di cui avevo bisogno;) Grazie mille! – ereOn


Non tutti gli eseguibili sono file PE: ad esempio, i file batch/comando sono (in un certo senso) eseguibili, così come gli eseguibili in formato DOS.


Se questo è per un qualche tipo di controllo di sicurezza, questi tipi di file alternativi possono essere molto importanti. Inoltre cose come vbs, scr, ecc. – Alan


Grazie per questo. Buono a sapersi. @Alan: di solito non sono anche i file '.scr' PE? – ereOn


@ereOn: credo di si, si. – Alan


Controllare il codice e modificarlo in base alle esigenze ur ....



        Program to dump the PE,DOS headers and Hex Dump of particular section 
                     Sat 03/24/2007 
                    K.Vineel Kumar Reddy 
                     In VC++ 6.0 

        ref : http://www.microsoft.com/whdc/system/platform/firmware/PECOFF.mspx 
        tools used : Hiew 


       |      | 
       | Other stuff not | 
       | touched in this | 
       | program   | 
       |      | 
       |      | 
       | Various Section like | 
       |  .....   | 
       |  .....   | 
     .------>|  .reloc   | 
     | .---->|  .idata   | 
     | | .-->|  .data   | 
     | | | .>|  .text   | 
     | | | | |----------------------| 
     '-|-|-|-|      | <--- Each entry in section table have pointer 
      '-|-|-|   Section  |  offsets to actual sections 
      '-|-|  Header or Table | 
       '-|      |  ---.----------------. 
       |----------------------|-----/ | PE Optional | 1) ImageBase 
       |      |   | Header  | 
       |      |   |    | 
       |  NT Headers |   |----------------| 
       |      |   |  COFF/PE | 1) NumberOfSections 
       |      |   | Header Info | 2) SizeOfOptionalHeader 
       |----------------------|----- |----------------| 
       |   UNUSED  |  \ | PE Signature | 
       |----------------------|  ---'----------------' 
       |  MS-DOS stub  | 
       |   UNUSED  | 
       |  MS-DOS Header | <-- Here at 0x3c location we have the offset of NT Header 

Structres related to these exe headers 
2) NT Header  ---> IMAGE_NT_HEADERS --->contain 
              --->IMAGE_FILE_HEADER dealing with COFF/PE Header 
              --->IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER dealing with Optional PE Header 

3) Section Table ---> IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER 

Key Points 

    dosHeader = Memory mapped base address 
    ntHeader = (IMAGE_NT_HEADER)((DWORD)dosHeader + dosHeader->e_lfanew) 
    sectionHeader = (IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER)((DWORD)ntHeader + OFFSET(OptionalHeader) + sizeof(OptionalHeader)) 
    each section = (char *)((DWORD)dosHeader + sectionHeader.PointerToRawData) 

                     ASCII ART by 
                     Vineel :) 



void Help() 
    printf("\nUsage \ntest <path to exe file> [ -h <section> ]\n"); 
void HexDump(char * p ,int size,int secAddress) 
    int i=1,temp=0; 
    wchar_t buf[18];  //Buffer to store the character dump displayed at the right side 
    printf("\n\n%x: |",secAddress); 

    buf[temp] = ' ' ; //initial space 
    buf[temp+16] = ' ' ; //final space 
    buf[temp+17] = 0 ; //End of buf 
    temp++;    //temp = 1; 
    for(; i <= size ; i++, p++,temp++) 
     buf[temp] = !iswcntrl((*p)&0xff)? (*p)&0xff :'.'; 

     if(i%16 == 0){ //print the chracter dump to the right  
      if(i+1<=size)printf("%x: ",secAddress+=16); 
      printf("%-3.2c",' '); 

main(int argc , char ** argv){ 

    int i=0; 
    HANDLE hMapObject,hFile;   //File Mapping Object 
    LPVOID lpBase;      //Pointer to the base memory of mapped file 
    PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER dosHeader;  //Pointer to DOS Header 
    PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS ntHeader;   //Pointer to NT Header 
    IMAGE_FILE_HEADER header;   //Pointer to image file header of NT Header 
    IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER opHeader;  //Optional Header of PE files present in NT Header structure 
    PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSecHeader; //Section Header or Section Table Header 

     //Open the Exe File 
     if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){printf("\nERROR : Could not open the file specified\n"); goto info;}; 

     //Mapping Given EXE file to Memory 
     hMapObject = CreateFileMapping(hFile,NULL,PAGE_READONLY,0,0,NULL); 
     lpBase = MapViewOfFile(hMapObject,FILE_MAP_READ,0,0,0); 

     //Get the DOS Header Base 
     dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)lpBase;// 0x04000000 

     //Check for Valid DOS file 
     if(dosHeader->e_magic == IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE){ 
      //Dump the Dos Header info 
      printf("\nValid Dos Exe File\n------------------\n"); 
      printf("\nDumping DOS Header Info....\n---------------------------"); 
      printf("\n%-36s%s ","Magic number : ",dosHeader->e_magic==0x5a4d?"MZ(Mark Zbikowski)":"-"); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Bytes on last page of file :",dosHeader->e_cblp); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Pages in file : ",dosHeader->e_cp); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Relocation : ",dosHeader->e_crlc); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Size of header in paragraphs : ",dosHeader->e_cparhdr); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Minimum extra paragraphs needed : ",dosHeader->e_minalloc); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Maximum extra paragraphs needed : ",dosHeader->e_maxalloc); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Initial (relative) SS value : ",dosHeader->e_ss); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Initial SP value : ",dosHeader->e_sp); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Checksum : ",dosHeader->e_csum); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Initial IP value : ",dosHeader->e_ip); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Initial (relative) CS value : ",dosHeader->e_cs); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","File address of relocation table : ",dosHeader->e_lfarlc); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Overlay number : ",dosHeader->e_ovno); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","OEM identifier : ",dosHeader->e_oemid); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","OEM information(e_oemid specific) :",dosHeader->e_oeminfo); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","RVA address of PE header : ",dosHeader->e_lfanew); 
     else { 
      printf("\nGiven File is not a valid DOS file\n"); 
      goto end; 

     //Offset of NT Header is found at 0x3c location in DOS header specified by e_lfanew 
     //Get the Base of NT Header(PE Header) = dosHeader + RVA address of PE header 
     ntHeader = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)((DWORD)(dosHeader) + (dosHeader->e_lfanew)); 
     //Identify for valid PE file 
     if(ntHeader->Signature == IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE){ 
      printf("\nValid PE file \n-------------\n"); 

      //Dump NT Header Info.... 
      printf("\nDumping COFF/PE Header Info....\n--------------------------------"); 
      printf("\n%-36s%s","Signature :","PE"); 

      //Get the IMAGE FILE HEADER Structure 
      header = ntHeader->FileHeader; 

      //Determine Machine Architechture 
      printf("\n%-36s","Machine Architechture :"); 
      switch(header.Machine){ //Only few are determined (for remaining refer to the above specification) 
      case 0x0: printf("All "); break; 
      case 0x14d: printf("Intel i860"); break; 
      case 0x14c: printf("Intel i386,i486,i586"); break; 
      case 0x200: printf("Intel Itanium processor"); break; 
      case 0x8664: printf("AMD x64"); break; 
      case 0x162: printf("MIPS R3000"); break; 
      case 0x166: printf("MIPS R4000"); break; 
      case 0x183: printf("DEC Alpha AXP"); break; 
      default:  printf("Not Found"); break; 
      //Determine the characteristics of the given file 
      printf("\n%-36s","Characteristics : "); 
      if((header.Characteristics&0x0002) == 0x0002) printf("Executable Image ,"); 
      if((header.Characteristics&0x0020) == 0x0020) printf("Application can address > 2GB ,"); 
      if((header.Characteristics&0x1000) == 0x1000) printf("System file (Kernel Mode Driver(I think)) ,"); 
      if((header.Characteristics&0x2000) == 0x2000) printf("Dll file ,"); 
      if((header.Characteristics&0x4000) == 0x4000) printf("Application runs only in Uniprocessor ,"); 

      printf("\n%-36s%s","Time Stamp :",ctime(&(header.TimeDateStamp)));   //Determine Time Stamp 
      printf("%-36s%d","No.sections(size) :",header.NumberOfSections);   //Determine number of sections 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","No.entries in symbol table :",header.NumberOfSymbols); 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","Size of optional header :",header.SizeOfOptionalHeader); 

      printf("\n\nDumping PE Optional Header Info....\n-----------------------------------"); 
      //Info about Optional Header 
      opHeader = ntHeader->OptionalHeader; 
      //printf("\n\nInfo of optional Header\n-----------------------"); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Address of Entry Point : ",opHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Base Address of the Image : ",opHeader.ImageBase); 
      printf("\n%-36s%s","SubSystem type : ", 
       opHeader.Subsystem==1?"Device Driver(Native windows Process)": 
      opHeader.Subsystem==2?"Windows GUI": 
      opHeader.Subsystem==3?"Windows CLI": 
      opHeader.Subsystem==9?"Windows CE GUI": 
      printf("\n%-36s%s","Given file is a : ",opHeader.Magic==0x20b?"PE32+(64)":"PE32"); 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","Size of code segment(.text) : ",opHeader.SizeOfCode); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Base address of code segment(RVA) :",opHeader.BaseOfCode); 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","Size of Initialized data : ",opHeader.SizeOfInitializedData); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Base address of data segment(RVA) :",opHeader.BaseOfData); 
      printf("\n%-36s%#x","Section Alignment :",opHeader.SectionAlignment); 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","Major Linker Version : ",opHeader.MajorLinkerVersion); 
      printf("\n%-36s%d","Minor Linker Version : ",opHeader.MinorLinkerVersion);    

      printf("\n\nDumping Sections Header Info....\n--------------------------------"); 

      //Retrive a pointer to First Section Header(or Section Table Entry) 

      for(pSecHeader = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(ntHeader),i=0;i<ntHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;i++,pSecHeader++){ 
       printf("\n\nSection Info (%d of %d)",i+1,ntHeader->FileHeader.NumberOfSections); 
       printf("\n%-36s%s","Section Header name : ", pSecHeader->Name); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","ActualSize of code or data : ", pSecHeader->Misc.VirtualSize); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Virtual Address(RVA) :", pSecHeader->VirtualAddress); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Size of raw data (rounded to FA) : ", pSecHeader->SizeOfRawData); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Pointer to Raw Data : ", pSecHeader->PointerToRawData); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Pointer to Relocations : ", pSecHeader->PointerToRelocations); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Pointer to Line numbers : ", pSecHeader->PointerToLinenumbers); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Number of relocations : ", pSecHeader->NumberOfRelocations); 
       printf("\n%-36s%#x","Number of line numbers : ", pSecHeader->NumberOfLinenumbers); 
       printf("\n%-36s%s","Characteristics : ","Contains "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x20)==0x20)printf("executable code, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x40)==0x40)printf("initialized data, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x80)==0x80)printf("uninitialized data, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x80)==0x80)printf("uninitialized data, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x200)==0x200)printf("comments and linker commands, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x10000000)==0x10000000)printf("shareable data(via DLLs), "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x40000000)==0x40000000)printf("Readable, "); 
       if((pSecHeader->Characteristics&0x80000000)==0x80000000)printf("Writable, "); 

       // If -h or /h option is given then provide HexDump 
       if(argc==4&& (!strcmpi(argv[2],"-h")||!strcmpi(argv[2],"/h"))){ 
         HexDump((char *)((DWORD)dosHeader + pSecHeader->PointerToRawData) , pSecHeader->SizeOfRawData , opHeader.ImageBase + pSecHeader->VirtualAddress); 


     else goto end; 

    else Help(); 

          This Program is written by\ 
          K.Vineel Kumar Reddy.\ 
            III/IV IT\ 
          Gayathri Vidya Parishad college of Eng.\ 

Grazie per l'esempio del codice;) – ereOn

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