2013-02-22 5 views



dovrebbe fare il trucco.


def func(): 
    I am a function who doesn't do anything, 
    I just sit in your namespace and crowd it up. 
    If you call me expecting anything 
    I'll just return to you the singleton None 


Quindi importare pyplot come plt. Voglio regolare la posizione delle mie trame. Quando digito help (pl.set_position) o help (set_position) ottengo un messaggio di errore. – lord12


@ lord12 - Questo perché 'plt.set_position' non esiste ... È necessario sapere dove trovare la funzione in primo luogo. – mgilson


Accettare le proposte per un modo migliore per scrivere l'ultima riga della docstring --- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaWU1CmrJNc – mgilson


In ipython sua supereasy - basta aggiungere ? (o ?? per info prolungato con il codice sorgente) per la funzione in questione.

io uso sempre che quando si lavora in modo interattivo in matplotlib:

In [2]: from matplotlib.axes import Axes 

In [3]: Axes.set_position?? 
Type:  instancemethod 
String Form:<unbound method Axes.set_position> 
File:  /home/tzelleke/.local/modules/active_python_2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes.py 
Definition: Axes.set_position(self, pos, which='both') 
    def set_position(self, pos, which='both'): 
     Set the axes position with:: 

      pos = [left, bottom, width, height] 

     in relative 0,1 coords, or *pos* can be a 

     There are two position variables: one which is ultimately 
     used, but which may be modified by :meth:`apply_aspect`, and a 
     second which is the starting point for :meth:`apply_aspect`. 

     Optional keyword arguments: 

      ========== ==================== 
      value  description 
      ========== ==================== 
      'active'  to change the first 
      'original' to change the second 
      'both'  to change both 
      ========== ==================== 

     if not isinstance(pos, mtransforms.BboxBase): 
      pos = mtransforms.Bbox.from_bounds(*pos) 
     if which in ('both', 'active'): 
     if which in ('both', 'original'): 

In [4]: 

Provate a lanciare in ipython, nel qual caso è possibile digitare:

In [1]: from matplotlib import pyplot as pl 

In [2]: pl.set_position? 
Object `pl.set_position` not found. 

Qui, è necessario utilizzare google per scoprire che set_position è un metodo della classe Axes:

In [3]: pl.Axes.set_position? 
Type:  instancemethod 
String Form:<unbound method Axes.set_position> 
File:  /opt/local/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/axes.py 
Definition: pl.Axes.set_position(self, pos, which='both') 
Set the axes position with:: 

    pos = [left, bottom, width, height] 

in relative 0,1 coords, or *pos* can be a 

There are two position variables: one which is ultimately 
used, but which may be modified by :meth:`apply_aspect`, and a 
second which is the starting point for :meth:`apply_aspect`. 

Optional keyword arguments: 

    ========== ==================== 
    value  description 
    ========== ==================== 
    'active'  to change the first 
    'original' to change the second 
    'both'  to change both 
    ========== ==================== 
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