2013-08-09 15 views



È possibile utilizzare i metodi descritti qui: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Change_font_size_quickly per creare associazioni di tasti per farlo. (Anche se io sono sorpreso gvim non supporta questa out of the box, MacVim fa con CMD + +)


ma questo funziona solo per la versione GTK2 di vim. non una versione generica. –


The font size of a a console-based vim is determined by the font size of the terminal. Così cambia la dimensione del carattere vim può essere ottenuto mediante changing font size of the terminal che vim si chiama da:

|Terminal emulators |  + font size  |- font size 
| xterm   |Shift + Keypad Plus(+)|Shift + Keypad Minus(-) 
|     |Or control + mouse right click to choose the 
|     |desired font size. 
| GNOME terminal |Control+Shift+Plus(+) |Control + Minus(-) 
|     |Do not use keypad. |Do not use keypad. 
| Terminator  |Control+Shift+Plus(+) |Control+Minus(-) 
|     |Do not use keypad. |Do not use keypad. 
| Konsole  |Control+Mouse Wheel |Control + Mouse Wheel 
|     |Scroll Up, or   |Scroll Down, or 
|     |Control + Plus(+)  |Control + Minus(-) 
| lilyterm  | Control + Plus(+) |Control + Minus(-)  
| xfce4-terminal | Right Click/Preferences/Appearance. 
|     | No keyboard or mouse shortcut. 
| lxterminal  | Edit/Preferences/Style. 
|     | No keyboard or mouse shortcut. 
| mlterm   | Control + Right click to bring up settings. 
|     |Encoding tab/Font Size. 
|     | No keyboard or mouse shortcut. 
| kterm    | Control + Right click to bring up font size menu. 
|rxvt-unicode(urxvt)|Issue printf command inside terminal window. 
|     |Eg: printf '\33]50;%s\007' "xft:DejaVu Sans Mono-8" 
|     |running this command inside flying vim is not  
|     |working. One has to quit vim and issue the commmand 
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