2012-01-05 44 views

Sto sospettando che la mia applicazione web abbia perdite di connessione (ottenendo il timeout e la connessione massima ha raggiunto un errore). Quindi volevo monitorare quante connessioni al database sono attive nel pool. Sto usando SQL Express, quindi non ho contatori delle prestazioni di User Connections come suggerito in alcune guide.Come monitorare il pool di connessioni attive in SQL Server?

Ho trovato che potrei anche utilizzare Performance Monitor del server Win 2008 ma non ho idea di come farlo. Qualsiasi guida su questo sarebbe apprezzata.



Utilizzo semplice

SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_connections 


Cercare di adottare questo script nel caso se avete bisogno di alcuni altri dati

declare @now datetime 
set  @now = getdate() 
set nocount off 
select p.spid      as spid 
    , rtrim(p.loginame)   as SQLUser 
    , rtrim(p.nt_username)  as NTUser 
    , rtrim(p.nt_domain)   as NTDomain 
    , rtrim(case 
     when p.blocked <> 0 then 'BLOCKED' 
     else p.status 
     end)      as status 
    , case 
     when p.blocked is null or p.blocked = 0 then ''  
     else convert(varchar(10),p.blocked) 
     end       as BlockedBySpid 
    , rtrim(p.cmd)    as CurrentCommand 
    , case when p.dbid = 0 then '' else rtrim(db_name(p.dbid)) end as DBName 
    , isnull(rtrim(p.program_name),'')  as ProgramName 
    , cast(cast(p.waittype as int) as nvarchar(10)) as CurrentWaitType 
    , p.waittime    as CurrentWaitTime 
    , p.lastwaittype    as LastWaitType 
    , rtrim(p.waitresource)  as LastWaitResource 
    , p.open_tran     as OpenTransactionCnt 
    , p.cpu      as CPUTime 
    , convert(bigint, p.physical_io) as DiskIO 
    , p.memusage     as MemoryUsage 
    , p.hostprocess    as HostProcess 
    , rtrim(p.hostname)   as HostName 
    , p.login_time    as LoginTime 
    , p.last_batch    as LastBatchTime 
    , p.net_address    as NetAddress 
    , ltrim(rtrim(p.net_library)) as NetLibrary 
    , case 
     when lower(p.status) not in ('sleeping', 'background', 'dormant', 'suspended') 
     or  p.open_tran > 0 
     or  p.blocked > 0 
     or  upper(ltrim(rtrim(p.cmd))) like 'WAITFOR%' 
     then 'Y' 
     else 'N' 
     end       as Active 
    , case 
     when p.net_address <> '' -- Non system processes 
     and  p.program_name not like 'SQLAgent - %' 
     then 'N' 
     else 'Y' 
     end       as SystemProcess 
    , case 
     when p.last_batch = '19000101'  then 'n/a' 
     when datediff(day,  p.last_batch, @now) > 2 then convert(varchar(10),datediff(day,  p.last_batch, @now)) + ' days' 
     when datediff(hour,  p.last_batch, @now) >= 4 then convert(varchar(10),datediff(hour,  p.last_batch, @now)) + ' hrs' 
     when datediff(minute, p.last_batch, @now) >= 10 then convert(varchar(10),datediff(minute, p.last_batch, @now)) + ' min' 
     else convert(varchar(10),datediff(second, p.last_batch, @now)) + ' sec' 
     end       as TimeSinceLastBatch 
    , p.kpid      as InternalKPID 
    , case  
     when (lower(p.status) in ('background', 'dormant') 
     and  p.open_tran <= 0 
     and  p.blocked <= 0 
     and  upper(ltrim(rtrim(p.cmd))) not like 'WAITFOR%' 
     ) or (
     lower(p.status) like '%sleeping%' 
     then 0 
     else p.kpid 
     end       as kpid 
    , (convert(nvarchar,p.spid) + '.' + case  
             when (lower(p.status) in ('background', 'dormant') 
             and  p.open_tran <= 0 
             and  p.blocked <= 0 
             and  upper(ltrim(rtrim(p.cmd))) not like 'WAITFOR%' 
             ) or (
             lower(p.status) like '%sleeping%' 
             then '0' 
             else convert(nvarchar,p.kpid) 
             end) + '.' + convert(nvarchar,convert(float, p.login_time)) as SessionLifeTimeKey     
    , convert(float, p.login_time) as 'LoginTimeFloatDiff' 
from sys.sysprocesses   p with (readpast) 

Quando si esegue SELECT * FROM sys.dm_exec_connections quello che stai cercando? –


è possibile eseguire built-in stored procedure

exec sp_who 
exec sp_who2 

Questi sono ora deprecati a favore della risposta di Oleg – Liam


Questo darà il numero di connessioni per database, per utente:

    DB_NAME(dbid) as DBName, 
    COUNT(dbid) as NumberOfConnections, 
    loginame as LoginName 
    dbid > 0 
    dbid, loginame 
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