2011-09-12 23 views

Ho lo script seguente per importare dati da un file CSV sul mio server, lo script funziona correttamente.importazione file csv da sito FTP esterno

Ho bisogno di cambiare il percorso del file dal mio server a un server FTP che richiede l'autenticazione. Il nome file csv sul server FTP verrà applicato in base al timestamp che è stato generato. Dopo l'importazione nel database MySQL, il file sul server FTP deve essere eliminato.

Ho quindi bisogno di pianificare questo lavoro con cron jobs da eseguire ogni 5 minuti.

Qualsiasi assistenza sarà apprezzata.



/* Code at http://legend.ws/blog/tips-tricks/csv-php-mysql-import/ 
/* Edit the entries below to reflect the appropriate values 
$databasehost = "localhost"; 
$databasename = "dbname"; 
$databasetable = "dbtable"; 
$databaseusername ="username"; 
$databasepassword = "password"; 
$fieldseparator = ","; 
$lineseparator = "\n"; 
$csvfile = "filenamewithtimestamp.csv"; 
/* Would you like to add an empty field at the beginning of these records? 
/* This is useful if you have a table with the first field being an auto_increment integer 
/* and the csv file does not have such as empty field before the records. 
/* Set 1 for yes and 0 for no. ATTENTION: don't set to 1 if you are not sure. 
/* This can dump data in the wrong fields if this extra field does not exist in the table 
$addauto = 0; 
/* Would you like to save the mysql queries in a file? If yes set $save to 1. 
/* Permission on the file should be set to 777. Either upload a sample file through ftp and 
/* change the permissions, or execute at the prompt: touch output.sql && chmod 777 output.sql 
$save = 0; 
$outputfile = "output.sql"; 

if(!file_exists($csvfile)) { 
    echo "File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path.\n"; 

$file = fopen($csvfile,"r"); 

if(!$file) { 
    echo "Error opening data file.\n"; 

$size = filesize($csvfile); 

if(!$size) { 
    echo "File is empty.\n"; 

$csvcontent = fread($file,$size); 


$con = @mysql_connect($databasehost,$databaseusername,$databasepassword) or die(mysql_error()); 
@mysql_select_db($databasename) or die(mysql_error()); 

$lines = 0; 
$queries = ""; 
$linearray = array(); 

foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) { 


    $line = trim($line," \t"); 

    $line = str_replace("\r","",$line); 

    This line escapes the special character. remove it if entries are already escaped in the csv file 
    $line = str_replace("'","\'",$line); 

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line); 

    $linemysql = implode("','",$linearray); 

     $query = "insert into $databasetable values('','$linemysql');"; 
     $query = "insert into $databasetable values('$linemysql');"; 

    $queries .= $query . "\n"; 



if($save) { 

    if(!is_writable($outputfile)) { 
     echo "File is not writable, check permissions.\n"; 

    else { 
     $file2 = fopen($outputfile,"w"); 

     if(!$file2) { 
      echo "Error writing to the output file.\n"; 
     else { 


echo "Found a total of $lines records in this csv file.\n All records imported"; 



Solo un punto a caso, potrebbe essere la pena di guardare nelle funzioni PHP fgetcsv e fputcsv. –



ho pensato vorrei solo inserire il codice che ha risolto il mio problema; scarica un file csv da un sito FTP esterno sul mio server locale. Quindi importa il file csv nella mia tabella di database mysql locale. Una volta importato il file sul server ftp viene cancellato. Pianifico questo lavoro in cpanel con cronjob.

Non posso prendermi il merito della sceneggiatura, ho appena modificato uno script trovato su un altro sito. Sono sicuro che ci sono modi migliori per farlo con un controllo degli errori. Tuttavia, questo è il meglio che potrei fare con le mie capacità limitate.

Spero che questo aiuti i futuri visitatori con lo stesso problema. Grazie a tutti quelli che mi hanno aiutato. Ecco il codice che ho usato:


$source = "DespGoods.csv"; 
$target = fopen("DespGoods.csv", "w"); 
$conn = ftp_connect("ftp.server.com") or die("Could not connect"); 


echo "file downloaded.\n"; 

/* Code at http://legend.ws/blog/tips-tricks/csv-php-mysql-import/ 
/* Edit the entries below to reflect the appropriate values 
$dbhost = "localhost"; 
$dbname = "dbname"; 
$dbtable = "despgoods"; 
$dbusername ="dbusername"; 
$dbpassword = "dbpassword"; 
$fieldseparator = ","; 
$lineseparator = "\n"; 
$csvfile = "DespGoods.csv"; 
/* Would you like to add an ampty field at the beginning of these records? 
/* This is useful if you have a table with the first field being an auto_increment 
/* integer and the csv file does not have such as empty field before the records. 
/* Set 1 for yes and 0 for no. ATTENTION: don't set to 1 if you are not sure. 
/* This can dump data in the wrong fields if this extra field does not 
/* exist in the table. 
$addauto = 0; 
/* Would you like to save the mysql queries in a file? If yes set $save to 1. 
/* Permission on the file should be set to 777. Either upload a sample file 
/* through ftp and change the permissions, or execute at the prompt: 
/*  touch output.sql && chmod 777 output.sql 
$save = 0; 
$outputfile = "output.sql"; 

if(!file_exists($csvfile)) { 
    echo "File not found. Make sure you specified the correct path.\n"; 

$file = fopen($csvfile,"r"); 
if(!$file) { 
    echo "Error opening data file.\n"; 

$size = filesize($csvfile); 
if(!$size) { 
    echo "File is empty.\n"; 

$csvcontent = fread($file,$size); 

$con = @mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbusername,$dbpassword) or die(mysql_error()); 
@mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysql_error()); 

$lines = 0; 
$queries = ""; 
$linearray = array(); 

foreach(split($lineseparator,$csvcontent) as $line) { 
    $line = trim($line," \t"); 
    $line = str_replace("\r","",$line); 

    /* This line escapes the special character. 
    /* Remove it if entries are already escaped in the csv file 
    $line = str_replace("'","\'",$line); 

    $linearray = explode($fieldseparator,$line); 
    $linemysql = implode("','",$linearray); 

    if($addauto) { 
     $query = "insert into $dbtable values('','$linemysql');"; 
    else { 
     $query = "insert into $dbtable values('$linemysql');"; 
    $queries .= $query . "\n"; 

if($save) { 
    if(!is_writable($outputfile)) { 
     echo "File is not writable, check permissions.\n"; 
    else { 
     $file2 = fopen($outputfile,"w"); 

     if(!$file2) { 
      echo "Error writing to the output file.\n"; 
     else { 

echo "Found a total of $lines records in this csv file.\n"; 

$source = "DespGoods.csv"; 
$target = fopen("DespGoods.csv", "w"); 
$conn = ftp_connect("ftp.server") or die("Could not connect"); 


echo "file deleted"; 
