2011-08-20 16 views



È possibile guardare il sorgente qui: https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/master/actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/routing/polymorphic_routes.rb

Quando redirect_to prende un modello, si filtra attraverso un paio di metodi per ottenere il percorso chiamando il metodo polymorphic_url. L'API per questo metodo [1] è in realtà un sacco di dettagli, copiato dai commenti qui:

# Constructs a call to a named RESTful route for the given record and returns the 
    # resulting URL string. For example: 
    # # calls post_url(post) 
    # polymorphic_url(post) # => "http://example.com/posts/1" 
    # polymorphic_url([blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/blogs/1/posts/1" 
    # polymorphic_url([:admin, blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/admin/blogs/1/posts/1" 
    # polymorphic_url([user, :blog, post]) # => "http://example.com/users/1/blog/posts/1" 
    # polymorphic_url(Comment) # => "http://example.com/comments" 
    # ==== Options 
    # * <tt>:action</tt> - Specifies the action prefix for the named route: 
    # <tt>:new</tt> or <tt>:edit</tt>. Default is no prefix. 
    # * <tt>:routing_type</tt> - Allowed values are <tt>:path</tt> or <tt>:url</tt>. 
    # Default is <tt>:url</tt>. 
    # ==== Examples 
    # # an Article record 
    # polymorphic_url(record) # same as article_url(record) 
    # # a Comment record 
    # polymorphic_url(record) # same as comment_url(record) 
    # # it recognizes new records and maps to the collection 
    # record = Comment.new 
    # polymorphic_url(record) # same as comments_url() 
    # # the class of a record will also map to the collection 
    # polymorphic_url(Comment) # same as comments_url() 

In sostanza, la risposta alla tua domanda è che si chiama (equivalente) il metodo model_path (@model) per il modello.

[1] http://apidock.com/rails/ActionController/PolymorphicRoutes/polymorphic_url