2012-07-12 11 views

Sto utilizzando OpenXML SDK 2.0 per aggiungere dati al modello di foglio di calcolo, ma ho riscontrato un problema (poiché utilizzo OpenXML per un giorno che non è così difficile credere). Non riesco a capire come aggiungere nuove righe mentre spingo tutte le righe che sono sotto quelle nuove in basso.Inserimento di nuove righe e spostamento di quelli esistenti con OpenXML SDK 2.0

Ecco il modello di foglio di lavoro che sto utilizzando. Per essere più precisi, ciò che voglio ottenere è spostare quelle righe colorate in basso mentre si aggiungono dati alle righe bianche.

Il codice Attualmente sto usando è identico a quello su MSDN - Creating Documents by Using the Open XML Format SDK 2.0 (Part 2 of 3)

enter image description here

Credo che il problema è da qualche parte in questa parte del codice:


Ho anche provato a sperimentare con InsertAfter, InsertAt, ecc. ma senza successo.

Qualsiasi aiuto sarebbe apprezzato.



Tale codice nel tutorial funzionerà se si aggiungono nuove righe a un foglio di lavoro vuoto. Dal momento che hai un modello che stai usando che ha delle righe, dovrai fare molto più lavoro per aggiungere una riga nel mezzo del tuo foglio di lavoro. Hai praticamente bisogno di usare lo stesso codice da aggiungere alla riga, ma poi devi aggiornare manualmente l'indice di riga di ogni riga dopo la riga che inserisci. Devi anche aggiornare i riferimenti delle celle unite e i riferimenti dei collegamenti ipertestuali. Potrebbero esserci altre cose che devi aggiornare, ma non ho mai dovuto aggiornare più di queste tre cose. Il metodo principale per inserire una riga è qui sotto:

 /// <summary> 
     /// Inserts a new row at the desired index. If one already exists, then it is 
     /// returned. If an insertRow is provided, then it is inserted into the desired 
     /// rowIndex 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="rowIndex">Row Index</param> 
     /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param> 
     /// <param name="insertRow">Row to insert</param> 
     /// <param name="isLastRow">Optional parameter - True, you can guarantee that this row is the last row (not replacing an existing last row) in the sheet to insert; false it is not</param> 
     /// <returns>Inserted Row</returns> 
     public static Row InsertRow(uint rowIndex, WorksheetPart worksheetPart, Row insertRow, bool isNewLastRow = false) 
      Worksheet worksheet = worksheetPart.Worksheet; 
      SheetData sheetData = worksheet.GetFirstChild<SheetData>(); 

      Row retRow = !isNewLastRow ? sheetData.Elements<Row>().FirstOrDefault(r => r.RowIndex == rowIndex) : null; 

      // If the worksheet does not contain a row with the specified row index, insert one. 
      if (retRow != null) 
       // if retRow is not null and we are inserting a new row, then move all existing rows down. 
       if (insertRow != null) 
        UpdateRowIndexes(worksheetPart, rowIndex, false); 
        UpdateMergedCellReferences(worksheetPart, rowIndex, false); 
        UpdateHyperlinkReferences(worksheetPart, rowIndex, false); 

        // actually insert the new row into the sheet 
        retRow = sheetData.InsertBefore(insertRow, retRow); // at this point, retRow still points to the row that had the insert rowIndex 

        string curIndex = retRow.RowIndex.ToString(); 
        string newIndex = rowIndex.ToString(); 

        foreach (Cell cell in retRow.Elements<Cell>()) 
         // Update the references for the rows cells. 
         cell.CellReference = new StringValue(cell.CellReference.Value.Replace(curIndex, newIndex)); 

        // Update the row index. 
        retRow.RowIndex = rowIndex; 
       // Row doesn't exist yet, shifting not needed. 
       // Rows must be in sequential order according to RowIndex. Determine where to insert the new row. 
       Row refRow = !isNewLastRow ? sheetData.Elements<Row>().FirstOrDefault(row => row.RowIndex > rowIndex) : null; 

       // use the insert row if it exists 
       retRow = insertRow ?? new Row() { RowIndex = rowIndex }; 

       IEnumerable<Cell> cellsInRow = retRow.Elements<Cell>(); 

       if (cellsInRow.Any()) 
        string curIndex = retRow.RowIndex.ToString(); 
        string newIndex = rowIndex.ToString(); 

        foreach (Cell cell in cellsInRow) 
         // Update the references for the rows cells. 
         cell.CellReference = new StringValue(cell.CellReference.Value.Replace(curIndex, newIndex)); 

        // Update the row index. 
        retRow.RowIndex = rowIndex; 

       sheetData.InsertBefore(retRow, refRow); 

      return retRow; 

poi qui ci sono i seguenti metodi di supporto per aggiornare gli indici di riga, collegamenti ipertestuali, e si è fusa riferimenti di cella:

/// <summary> 
    /// Updates all of the Row indexes and the child Cells' CellReferences whenever 
    /// a row is inserted or deleted. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param> 
    /// <param name="rowIndex">Row Index being inserted or deleted</param> 
    /// <param name="isDeletedRow">True if row was deleted, otherwise false</param> 
    private static void UpdateRowIndexes(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, uint rowIndex, bool isDeletedRow) 
     // Get all the rows in the worksheet with equal or higher row index values than the one being inserted/deleted for reindexing. 
     IEnumerable<Row> rows = worksheetPart.Worksheet.Descendants<Row>().Where(r => r.RowIndex.Value >= rowIndex); 

     foreach (Row row in rows) 
      uint newIndex = (isDeletedRow ? row.RowIndex - 1 : row.RowIndex + 1); 
      string curRowIndex = row.RowIndex.ToString(); 
      string newRowIndex = newIndex.ToString(); 

      foreach (Cell cell in row.Elements<Cell>()) 
       // Update the references for the rows cells. 
       cell.CellReference = new StringValue(cell.CellReference.Value.Replace(curRowIndex, newRowIndex)); 

      // Update the row index. 
      row.RowIndex = newIndex; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Updates the MergedCelss reference whenever a new row is inserted or deleted. It will simply take the 
     /// row index and either increment or decrement the cell row index in the merged cell reference based on 
     /// if the row was inserted or deleted. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param> 
     /// <param name="rowIndex">Row Index being inserted or deleted</param> 
     /// <param name="isDeletedRow">True if row was deleted, otherwise false</param> 
     private static void UpdateMergedCellReferences(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, uint rowIndex, bool isDeletedRow) 
      if (worksheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<MergeCells>().Count() > 0) 
       MergeCells mergeCells = worksheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<MergeCells>().FirstOrDefault(); 

       if (mergeCells != null) 
        // Grab all the merged cells that have a merge cell row index reference equal to or greater than the row index passed in 
        List<MergeCell> mergeCellsList = mergeCells.Elements<MergeCell>().Where(r => r.Reference.HasValue) 
                        .Where(r => GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(0)) >= rowIndex || 
                           GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(1)) >= rowIndex).ToList(); 

        // Need to remove all merged cells that have a matching rowIndex when the row is deleted 
        if (isDeletedRow) 
         List<MergeCell> mergeCellsToDelete = mergeCellsList.Where(r => GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(0)) == rowIndex || 
                         GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(1)) == rowIndex).ToList(); 

         // Delete all the matching merged cells 
         foreach (MergeCell cellToDelete in mergeCellsToDelete) 

         // Update the list to contain all merged cells greater than the deleted row index 
         mergeCellsList = mergeCells.Elements<MergeCell>().Where(r => r.Reference.HasValue) 
                     .Where(r => GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(0)) > rowIndex || 
                        GetRowIndex(r.Reference.Value.Split(':').ElementAt(1)) > rowIndex).ToList(); 

        // Either increment or decrement the row index on the merged cell reference 
        foreach (MergeCell mergeCell in mergeCellsList) 
         string[] cellReference = mergeCell.Reference.Value.Split(':'); 

         if (GetRowIndex(cellReference.ElementAt(0)) >= rowIndex) 
          string columnName = GetColumnName(cellReference.ElementAt(0)); 
          cellReference[0] = isDeletedRow ? columnName + (GetRowIndex(cellReference.ElementAt(0)) - 1).ToString() : IncrementCellReference(cellReference.ElementAt(0), CellReferencePartEnum.Row); 

         if (GetRowIndex(cellReference.ElementAt(1)) >= rowIndex) 
          string columnName = GetColumnName(cellReference.ElementAt(1)); 
          cellReference[1] = isDeletedRow ? columnName + (GetRowIndex(cellReference.ElementAt(1)) - 1).ToString() : IncrementCellReference(cellReference.ElementAt(1), CellReferencePartEnum.Row); 

         mergeCell.Reference = new StringValue(cellReference[0] + ":" + cellReference[1]); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Updates all hyperlinks in the worksheet when a row is inserted or deleted. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="worksheetPart">Worksheet Part</param> 
     /// <param name="rowIndex">Row Index being inserted or deleted</param> 
     /// <param name="isDeletedRow">True if row was deleted, otherwise false</param> 
     private static void UpdateHyperlinkReferences(WorksheetPart worksheetPart, uint rowIndex, bool isDeletedRow) 
      Hyperlinks hyperlinks = worksheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<Hyperlinks>().FirstOrDefault(); 

      if (hyperlinks != null) 
       Match hyperlinkRowIndexMatch; 
       uint hyperlinkRowIndex; 

       foreach (Hyperlink hyperlink in hyperlinks.Elements<Hyperlink>()) 
        hyperlinkRowIndexMatch = Regex.Match(hyperlink.Reference.Value, "[0-9]+"); 
        if (hyperlinkRowIndexMatch.Success && uint.TryParse(hyperlinkRowIndexMatch.Value, out hyperlinkRowIndex) && hyperlinkRowIndex >= rowIndex) 
         // if being deleted, hyperlink needs to be removed or moved up 
         if (isDeletedRow) 
          // if hyperlink is on the row being removed, remove it 
          if (hyperlinkRowIndex == rowIndex) 
          // else hyperlink needs to be moved up a row 
           hyperlink.Reference.Value = hyperlink.Reference.Value.Replace(hyperlinkRowIndexMatch.Value, (hyperlinkRowIndex - 1).ToString()); 

         // else row is being inserted, move hyperlink down 
          hyperlink.Reference.Value = hyperlink.Reference.Value.Replace(hyperlinkRowIndexMatch.Value, (hyperlinkRowIndex + 1).ToString()); 

       // Remove the hyperlinks collection if none remain 
       if (hyperlinks.Elements<Hyperlink>().Count() == 0) 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Given a cell name, parses the specified cell to get the row index. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="cellReference">Address of the cell (ie. B2)</param> 
     /// <returns>Row Index (ie. 2)</returns> 
     public static uint GetRowIndex(string cellReference) 
      // Create a regular expression to match the row index portion the cell name. 
      Regex regex = new Regex(@"\d+"); 
      Match match = regex.Match(cellReference); 

      return uint.Parse(match.Value); 

     /// <summary> 
     /// Increments the reference of a given cell. This reference comes from the CellReference property 
     /// on a Cell. 
     /// </summary> 
     /// <param name="reference">reference string</param> 
     /// <param name="cellRefPart">indicates what is to be incremented</param> 
     /// <returns></returns> 
     public static string IncrementCellReference(string reference, CellReferencePartEnum cellRefPart) 
      string newReference = reference; 

      if (cellRefPart != CellReferencePartEnum.None && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(reference)) 
       string[] parts = Regex.Split(reference, "([A-Z]+)"); 

       if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Column || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both) 
        List<char> col = parts[1].ToCharArray().ToList(); 
        bool needsIncrement = true; 
        int index = col.Count - 1; 

         // increment the last letter 
         col[index] = Letters[Letters.IndexOf(col[index]) + 1]; 

         // if it is the last letter, then we need to roll it over to 'A' 
         if (col[index] == Letters[Letters.Count - 1]) 
          col[index] = Letters[0]; 
          needsIncrement = false; 

        } while (needsIncrement && --index >= 0); 

        // If true, then we need to add another letter to the mix. Initial value was something like "ZZ" 
        if (needsIncrement) 

        parts[1] = new String(col.ToArray()); 

       if (cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Row || cellRefPart == CellReferencePartEnum.Both) 
        // Increment the row number. A reference is invalid without this componenet, so we assume it will always be present. 
        parts[2] = (int.Parse(parts[2]) + 1).ToString(); 

       newReference = parts[1] + parts[2]; 

      return newReference; 

Anche alcuni pezzi aggiuntivi si necessario:

/// <summary> 
/// Given a cell name, parses the specified cell to get the column name. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="cellReference">Address of the cell (ie. B2)</param> 
/// <returns>Column name (ie. A2)</returns> 
private static string GetColumnName(string cellName) 
    // Create a regular expression to match the column name portion of the cell name. 
    Regex regex = new Regex("[A-Za-z]+"); 
    Match match = regex.Match(cellName); 

    return match.Value; 
public enum CellReferencePartEnum 
    private static List<char> Letters = new List<char>() { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ' }; 

grazie! Questo è esattamente quello che stavo cercando, tuttavia, pensavo che sarebbe stato più semplice di così. –


Per chiunque riscontri un errore durante l'apertura del file prova questa riga prima di salvare il documento 'xlsFile.WorkbookPart.DeletePart (xlsFile.WorkbookPart.CalculationChainPart);' dove xlsfile è lo SpreadsheetDocument – Reid


Grazie amurra per la risposta. Per chi ancora non ce la fa Ecco i pezzi mancanti

/// <summary> 
/// Given a cell name, parses the specified cell to get the column name. 
/// </summary> 
/// <param name="cellReference">Address of the cell (ie. B2)</param> 
/// <returns>Column name (ie. A2)</returns> 
private static string GetColumnName(string cellName) 
    // Create a regular expression to match the column name portion of the cell name. 
    Regex regex = new Regex("[A-Za-z]+"); 
    Match match = regex.Match(cellName); 

    return match.Value; 
public enum CellReferencePartEnum 
    private static List<char> Letters = new List<char>() { 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', ' ' }; 
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