2013-08-28 8 views



ho capito, sulla base di questa risposta https://stackoverflow.com/a/17217598 e appena sostituito il clic() con mouseOver().

Ecco il mio codice FeatureContext:

* @When /^I hover over the element "([^"]*)"$/ 
public function iHoverOverTheElement($locator) 
     $session = $this->getSession(); // get the mink session 
     $element = $session->getPage()->find('css', $locator); // runs the actual query and returns the element 

     // errors must not pass silently 
     if (null === $element) { 
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Could not evaluate CSS selector: "%s"', $locator)); 

     // ok, let's hover it 

devo passare il selettore css quando lo uso, quindi l'utilizzo sembra:

When I hover over the element ".about" 

hover alternativo oltre

* @Then /^I hover over "([^"]*)"$/ 
public function iHoverOver($arg1) 
    $page = $this->getSession()->getPage(); 
    $findName = $page->find("css", $arg1); 
    if (!$findName) { 
     throw new Exception($arg1 . " could not be found"); 
    } else { 
* works better with css, uses different method for css than xpath 
* @Then /^I mouse over "(?P<selector>[^"]*)"$/ 

public function iMouseOver($selector){ 
     $element = $this->find($selector); 
     if($element == null){ 
      throw new Exception('Element '.$selector.' NOT found'); 
     if (strstr($selector, '//')) { 
     } else { 
      $this->mouseOver($selector, '1'); 

Non riesco a trovare alcuna documentazione sull'iFocu metodo sOn() che stai usando lì. – Alpha01

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