2013-04-17 13 views

Ho una tabella che memorizza la cronologia delle modifiche su un prodotto e desidera ottenere un elenco di record che hanno un cambiamento in Col1 o Col2 o Col3 ma non mi mostrano record che non hanno un cambia in ognuna di queste tre colonne.Linq Filtro differenze di riga in storico

Ecco un esempio fatto in SQL. Come stai con Linq?

Crea una tabella temporanea per la prova

CREATE TABLE #ProductHistorical(
    IdProductHistorical int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, 
    IdProduct int NOT NULL, 
    DateChange datetime NULL, 
    Col1 int NOT NULL, 
    Col2 int NOT NULL, 
    Col3 int NOT NULL, 
CONSTRAINT PK_ProductHistorical PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (IdProductHistorical ASC)) 

Inserisci dati di test

INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13900000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13A00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13B00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13C00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13D00000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13E00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2, 2) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A13F00000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2, 2) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A14000000000 AS DateTime), 2, 2, 2) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (1, CAST(0x0000A14100000000 AS DateTime), 1, 2, 3) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (2, CAST(0x0000A14200000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1, 1) 
INSERT #ProductHistorical (IdProduct, DateChange, Col1, Col2, Col3) VALUES (2, CAST(0x0000A14300000000 AS DateTime), 1, 1, 2) 

query SQL

SELECT phWithChanges.DateChange, 
FROM #ProductHistorical ph 
      SELECT TOP 1 * 
      FROM #ProductHistorical phPost 
      WHERE phPost.IdProduct=ph.IdProduct AND 
       phPost.IdProductHistorical>ph.IdProductHistorical AND 
       (phPost.Col1<>ph.Col1 OR phPost.Col2<>ph.Col2 OR phPost.Col2<>ph.Col2) 
      ORDER BY phPost.IdProductHistorical ASC) phWithChanges 
WHERE ph.IdProduct=1 
GROUP BY phWithChanges.DateChange,phWithChanges.Col1,phWithChanges.Col2,phWithChanges.Col3 

    --Add First Row 
     (SELECT TOP 1 
     FROM #ProductHistorical phFirst 
     WHERE phFirst.IdProduct=1 ORDER BY phFirst.IdProductHistorical) rowFirst 



IdProductHistorical IdProduct DateChange    Col1  Col2  Col3 
------------------- ----------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
1     1   2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 
2     1   2013-01-02 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 
3     1   2013-01-03 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 
4     1   2013-01-04 00:00:00.000 1   1   3 
5     1   2013-01-05 00:00:00.000 1   1   3 
6     1   2013-01-06 00:00:00.000 2   2   2 
7     1   2013-01-07 00:00:00.000 2   2   2 
8     1   2013-01-08 00:00:00.000 2   2   2 
9     1   2013-01-09 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 
10     2   2013-01-10 00:00:00.000 1   1   1 
11     2   2013-01-11 00:00:00.000 1   1   2 


DateChange    Col1  Col2  Col3 
----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- 
2013-01-01 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 
2013-01-04 00:00:00.000 1   1   3 
2013-01-06 00:00:00.000 2   2   2 
2013-01-09 00:00:00.000 1   2   3 

Come si fa con LINQ?

Primo approccio

var query=(
     from ph in ProductHistorical.Where(p=>p.IdProduct==1) 
     orderby ph.DateChange ascending 
     select new ProductHistoricalItem 
         DateChange = ph.DataChange, 
         Col1 = ph.Col1, 
         Col2 = ph.Col2, 
         Col3 = ph.Col3 

List<ProductHistoricalItem> listResult=new List<ProductHistoricalItem>(); 
ProductHistoricalItem previous = null; 
foreach (ProductHistoricalItem item in query) 
    if (previous == null || 
     previous.Col1 != item.Col1 || 
     previous.Col2 != item.Col2 || 
     previous.Col3 != item.Col3) 
     previous = item; 

questo non è molto efficiente. Come posso farlo senza usare un loop?


+1 per dare la tabella di creazione e le istruzioni di inserimento. –



Fondamentalmente, ho provato ad applicare esattamente la logica e convertirla in codice Linq.

var linqQuery = context.ProductHistoricals 
    .SelectMany(ph => context.ProductHistoricals, (ph, phPost) => new { ph = ph, phPost = phPost }) // cross join 
    .Where(a => a.ph.IdProduct == a.phPost.IdProduct 
      && a.ph.IdProductHistorical > a.phPost.IdProductHistorical 
      && (
       a.phPost.Col1 != a.ph.Col1 
      || a.phPost.Col2 != a.ph.Col2 
      || a.phPost.Col3 != a.ph.Col3)) 
    .Select(a => a.ph) 
    .GroupBy(p => new { p.IdProduct, p.Col1, p.Col2, p.Col3 }) 
    .Select(p => p.OrderBy(phPost => phPost.IdProductHistorical).FirstOrDefault()) 
     // add first row 
       .GroupBy(t => t.IdProduct) 
       .Select(t => t.OrderBy(p => p.IdProductHistorical).FirstOrDefault()) 

Questa query ritorno

1 2013-01-01 1 2 3 
1 2013-01-04 1 1 3 
1 2013-01-06 2 2 2 
1 2013-01-09 1 2 3 
2 2013-01-10 1 1 1 
2 2013-01-11 1 1 2 

Per riferimento, ecco l'SQL generato:

SELECT [t10].[test], [t10].[IdProductHistorical], [t10].[IdProduct], [t10].[DateChange], [t10].[Col1], [t10].[Col2], [t10].[Col3] 
    SELECT [t5].[test], [t5].[IdProductHistorical], [t5].[IdProduct], [t5].[DateChange], [t5].[Col1], [t5].[Col2], [t5].[Col3] 
    FROM (
     SELECT [t0].[IdProduct], [t0].[Col1], [t0].[Col2], [t0].[Col3] 
     FROM [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t0], [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t1] 
     WHERE ([t0].[IdProduct] = [t1].[IdProduct]) AND ([t0].[IdProductHistorical] > [t1].[IdProductHistorical]) AND (([t1].[Col1] <> [t0].[Col1]) OR ([t1].[Col2] <> [t0].[Col2]) OR ([t1].[Col3] <> [t0].[Col3])) 
     GROUP BY [t0].[IdProduct], [t0].[Col1], [t0].[Col2], [t0].[Col3] 
     ) AS [t2] 
     SELECT TOP (1) 1 AS [test], [t3].[IdProductHistorical], [t3].[IdProduct], [t3].[DateChange], [t3].[Col1], [t3].[Col2], [t3].[Col3] 
     FROM [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t3], [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t4] 
     WHERE ([t2].[IdProduct] = [t3].[IdProduct]) AND ([t2].[Col1] = [t3].[Col1]) AND ([t2].[Col2] = [t3].[Col2]) AND ([t2].[Col3] = [t3].[Col3]) AND ([t3].[IdProduct] = [t4].[IdProduct]) AND ([t3].[IdProductHistorical] > [t4].[IdProductHistorical]) AND (([t4].[Col1] <> [t3].[Col1]) OR ([t4].[Col2] <> [t3].[Col2]) OR ([t4].[Col3] <> [t3].[Col3])) 
     ORDER BY [t3].[IdProductHistorical] 
     ) AS [t5] 
    SELECT [t9].[test], [t9].[IdProductHistorical], [t9].[IdProduct], [t9].[DateChange], [t9].[Col1], [t9].[Col2], [t9].[Col3] 
    FROM (
     SELECT [t6].[IdProduct] 
     FROM [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t6] 
     GROUP BY [t6].[IdProduct] 
     ) AS [t7] 
     SELECT TOP (1) 1 AS [test], [t8].[IdProductHistorical], [t8].[IdProduct], [t8].[DateChange], [t8].[Col1], [t8].[Col2], [t8].[Col3] 
     FROM [dbo].[ProductHistorical] AS [t8] 
     WHERE [t7].[IdProduct] = [t8].[IdProduct] 
     ORDER BY [t8].[IdProductHistorical] 
     ) AS [t9] 
    ) AS [t10] 

Grazie per la risposta. Questo è esattamente ciò di cui avevo bisogno! – Mcclure


Se siete disposti a implementare il proprio metodo di estensione LINQ, è possibile utilizzare un Versione "WhereWithPrevious" (l'implementazione originale era SelectWithPrevious, da here), così:

public static IEnumerable<TSource> WhereWithPrevious<TSource> 
(this IEnumerable<TSource> source, 
Func<TSource, TSource, bool> selector) 
    using (var iterator = source.GetEnumerator()) 
     if (!iterator.MoveNext()) 
      yield break; 
     TSource previous = default(TSource); 

     // return the first item always 
     yield return iterator.Current; 

     while (iterator.MoveNext()) 
      if(previous != null && selector(previous, iterator.Current)) 
       yield return iterator.Current; 
      previous = iterator.Current; 

e la query sarebbe simile a questa:

ProductHistorical.Where(p => p.Id == 1) 
      p => new 
       DateChange = p.Date, 
       Col1 = p.Col1, 
       Col2 = p.Col2, 
       Col3 = p.Col3 
     .OrderBy(p => p.DateChange) 
     .WhereWithPrevious((prev, curr) => 
       prev.Col1 != curr.Col1 
      || prev.Col2 != curr.Col2 
      || prev.Col3 != curr.Col3) 

Grazie per la tua risposta, ma l'amministratore di Scorpi0 è la soluzione migliore per il mio problema. – Mcclure


come su questo?

int? col1 = null; 
int? col2 = null; 
int? col3 = null; 

.Select(grp => grp.OrderBy(p=> p.DateChange) 
    .Select(p => { 
     var changed = col1 != p.Col1 || col2 != p.Col2 || col3 != p.Col3; 
     col1 = p.Col1; col2 = p.Col2; col3 = P.Col3; 
     return new { p = p, changed = changed }; 
    .Where(p => p.changed) 
    .Select(p => p.p) 
.SelectMany(p => p) 
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