2016-05-01 22 views

Ciao Sto lavorando a un progetto su Java Card che implica un sacco di moltiplicazione modulo. Sono riuscito a implementare una moltiplicazione modulo su questa piattaforma utilizzando il cryptosystem RSA, ma sembra funzionare per determinati numeri.L'utilizzo di RSA per la moltiplicazione modulo porta all'errore su Java Card

public byte[] modMultiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, 
     short yOffset, short yLength, short tempOutoffset) { 

    //copy x value to temporary rambuffer 
    Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, xLength); 

    // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object 
    Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, (byte) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); 
    Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,eempromTempBuffer,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); 

    // x+y 
    if (JBigInteger.add(x,xOffset,xLength, eempromTempBuffer, 
      (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) ; 
    if(this.isGreater(x, xOffset, xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) 
     JBigInteger.subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer, 
       Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

    mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); 

    mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, x, 
      xOffset); // OK 

    mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK 

    if (JBigInteger.subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, 
      Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 
     JBigInteger.add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
       Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

    mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset); //OK 

    if (JBigInteger.subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, 
      Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 

     JBigInteger.add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
       Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

    // ((x+y)^2 - x^2 -y^2)/2 
    JBigInteger.modular_division_by_2(x, xOffset,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
    return x; 

public static boolean add(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, 
     short yOffset, short yLength) { 
    short digit_mask = 0xff; 
    short digit_len = 0x08; 
    short result = 0; 
    short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); 
    short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); 

    for (; i >= xOffset; i--, j--) { 
     result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) + (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); 

     x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); 
     result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); 
    while (result > 0 && i >= xOffset) { 
     result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask)); 
     x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); 
     result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); 

    return result != 0; 
public static boolean subtract(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, 
     short yOffset, short yLength) { 
    short digit_mask = 0xff; 
    short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); 
    short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); 
    short carry = 0; 
    short subtraction_result = 0; 

    for (; i >= xOffset && j >= yOffset; i--, j--) { 
     subtraction_result = (short) ((x[i] & digit_mask) 
       - (y[j] & digit_mask) - carry); 
     x[i] = (byte) (subtraction_result & digit_mask); 
     carry = (short) (subtraction_result < 0 ? 1 : 0); 
    for (; i >= xOffset && carry > 0; i--) { 
     if (x[i] != 0) 
      carry = 0; 
     x[i] -= 1; 

    return carry > 0; 

public short isGreater(byte[] x,short xOffset,short xLength,byte[] y ,short yOffset,short yLength) 
     if(xLength > yLength) 
      return (short)1; 
     if(xLength < yLength) 
      return (short)(-1); 
     short digit_mask = 0xff; 
     short digit_len = 0x08; 
     short result = 0; 
     short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); 
     short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); 

     for (; i >= xOffset; i--, j--) { 
      result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) - (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); 
      if(result > 0) 
       return (short)1; 
      if(result < 0) 
       return (short)-1; 
     return 0; 

Il codice funziona bene per poco numero, ma non riesce su uno più grande


tiro (corto) (0x6A00 | getReason()) invece ... – vojta


@vojta Ora ottengo (Errore sconosciuto ISO7816: 0x6A05) – Marga


@vojta Mi sembra che dopo 'if (JBigInteger.add (x, xOffset , xLength, eempromTempBuffer, (short) 0, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { JBigInteger.subtract (x, xOffset, xLength, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); } 'il valore di' x' è maggiore del modulo e la RSA fallisce. – Marga



sono riuscito a risolvere il problema cambiando la formula matematica di multiplication.I postato qui sotto il codice aggiornato.

private byte[] multiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, 
     short yOffset, short yLength,short tempOutoffset) 
    //copy x value to temporary rambuffer 
    Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset,(short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS+tempOutoffset),(byte)0x00); 
    Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, (short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - xLength), xLength); 

    // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object 
    Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); 
    Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,ram_y,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); 

    Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_y_prime, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); 
    Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,ram_y_prime,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); 

    Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); 
    Util.arrayCopy(x,xOffset,ram_x,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - xLength),xLength); 

    // if x>y 
    if(this.isGreater(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) 

     // x <- x-y 
     JBigInteger.subtract(ram_x,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y, 

     // y <- y-x 
     JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y_prime,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_x, 
       IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
     // ramy stores the (y-x) values copy value to ram_x 
     Util.arrayCopy(ram_y_prime, IConsts.OFFSET_START,ram_x,IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS); 


     mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); 
     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_x, 
       IConsts.OFFSET_START); // OK 

     // x^2 
     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK 

     // y^2 
     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, ram_y,IConsts.OFFSET_START); //OK 

     if (JBigInteger.add(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, 
       Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 
       // y^2 + x^2 
      JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
        Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

     // x^2 + y^2 
     if (JBigInteger.subtract(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, ram_x, IConsts.OFFSET_START, 
       Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 

      JBigInteger.add(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
        Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
    // (x^2 + y^2 - (x-y)^2)/2 
    JBigInteger.modular_division_by_2(ram_y, IConsts.OFFSET_START,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
    return ram_y; 

Il problema era che per alcuni numeri per stessi numeri a e b su 1024 bit la somma a+b superare il valore p del modulus.In sopra codice sottraggo dal a+b valore p al fine di rendere la RSA funzionamento.Ma questa cosa non è matematicamente corretta perché (a+b)^2 mod p è diverso da ((a+b) mod p)^2 mod p. Modificando la formula da ((x+y)^2 -x^2 -y^2)/2 a (x^2 + y^2 - (x-y)^2)/2 ero sicuro che non avrò mai overflow perché a-b è minore di p. Basato su link above ho cambiato il codice spostando tutte le operazioni nella RAM.


(Sfortunatamente) l'esecuzione di un test mostra che il codice non funziona su '(14716 * 44186) mod 49253' (durante il test ho usato' isGreater() 'e ho dovuto correggere il terzo argomento di' Util.arrayFillNonAtomic() ' chiamata durante la parte "copia x valore temporaneo rambuffer" - probabilmente non si desidera aggiungere 'tempOutoffset' qui). Volevo solo dirti ... buona fortuna! PS: [questo] (https://fenix.tecnico.ulisboa.pt/downloadFile/395143113437/dissertacao.pdf) (sezione 4.2.3) e [che] (http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/178424/modulus-distribution-over-multiplication) potrebbe essere interessante per te – vlp


Di seguito è riportato un semplice test di unità con una variante (si spera) di lavoro del codice:

package test.java.so; 

import java.math.BigInteger; 
import java.util.Random; 

import javacard.framework.JCSystem; 
import javacard.framework.Util; 
import javacard.security.KeyBuilder; 
import javacard.security.RSAPublicKey; 
import javacardx.crypto.Cipher; 

import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; 
import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays; 
import org.junit.Assert; 
import org.junit.Test; 

import sutil.test.AbstractTest; 

public class So36966764_Test extends AbstractTest { 

    private static final int NUM_BITS = 1024; 

    // Dummy 
    static class Configuration { 
     public static final short LENGTH_MODULUS = NUM_BITS/8; 
     public static final short LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS = LENGTH_MODULUS; 
     public static final short TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS = 0; 
     public static final short TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT = LENGTH_MODULUS; 

    private byte[] tempBuffer = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray((short)(Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT+Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS), JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_DESELECT); 
    private byte[] eempromTempBuffer = new byte[Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS]; // Why EEPROM? 
    private RSAPublicKey mRsaPublicKekForSquare = (RSAPublicKey)KeyBuilder.buildKey(KeyBuilder.TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC, (short)NUM_BITS, false); 
    private Cipher mRsaCipherForSquaring = Cipher.getInstance(Cipher.ALG_RSA_NOPAD, false); 

    // Assuming xLength==yLength==LENGTH_MODULUS 
    public byte[] modMultiply(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength, short tempOutoffset) { 

     //copy x value to temporary rambuffer 
     Util.arrayCopy(x, xOffset, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, xLength); 

     // copy the y value to match th size of rsa_object 
     Util.arrayFillNonAtomic(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, (short) (Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1),(byte)0x00); 
     Util.arrayCopy(y,yOffset,eempromTempBuffer,(short)(Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS - yLength),yLength); 

     // x+y 
     if(add(x,xOffset,xLength, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 
      subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
     while(isGreater(x, xOffset, xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)>0) { 
      subtract(x,xOffset,xLength, tempBuffer,Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

     mRsaCipherForSquaring.init(mRsaPublicKekForSquare, Cipher.MODE_ENCRYPT); 
     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, x, xOffset); // OK 

     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset); // OK 

     if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, tempOutoffset, 
       Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 
      add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
        Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

     /*WRONG OFFSET mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, yOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset); */ 
     mRsaCipherForSquaring.doFinal(eempromTempBuffer, (short)0, Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0); //OK 

     /*WRONG OFFSET if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, yOffset,*/ 
     if (subtract(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, eempromTempBuffer, (short)0,Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS)) { 
      add(x, xOffset, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, 
        Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
     // ((x+y)^2 - x^2 -y^2)/2 
     modular_division_by_2(x, xOffset,Configuration. LENGTH_MODULUS, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 
     return x; 

    public static boolean add(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { 
     short digit_mask = 0xff; 
     short digit_len = 0x08; 
     short result = 0; 
     short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); 
     short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); 

     for (; i >= xOffset; i--, j--) { 
      result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask) + (short) (y[j] & digit_mask)); 

      x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); 
      result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); 
     while (result > 0 && i >= xOffset) { 
      result = (short) (result + (short) (x[i] & digit_mask)); 
      x[i] = (byte) (result & digit_mask); 
      result = (short) ((result >> digit_len) & digit_mask); 

     return result != 0; 

    public static boolean subtract(byte[] x, short xOffset, short xLength, byte[] y, short yOffset, short yLength) { 
     short digit_mask = 0xff; 
     short i = (short) (xLength + xOffset - 1); 
     short j = (short) (yLength + yOffset - 1); 
     short carry = 0; 
     short subtraction_result = 0; 

     for (; i >= xOffset && j >= yOffset; i--, j--) { 
      subtraction_result = (short) ((x[i] & digit_mask) 
        - (y[j] & digit_mask) - carry); 
      x[i] = (byte) (subtraction_result & digit_mask); 
      carry = (short) (subtraction_result < 0 ? 1 : 0); 
     for (; i >= xOffset && carry > 0; i--) { 
      if (x[i] != 0) 
       carry = 0; 
      x[i] -= 1; 

     return carry > 0; 

    public short isGreater(byte[] x,short xOffset,short xLength,byte[] y ,short yOffset,short yLength) 
     // Beware: this part is not tested 
     while(xLength>yLength) { 
      if(x[xOffset++]!=0x00) { 
       return 1; // x is greater 
     while(yLength>xLength) { 
      if(y[yOffset++]!=0x00) { 
       return -1; // y is greater 
     // Beware: this part is not tested END 
     for(short i = 0; i < xLength; i++) { 
      if (x[xOffset] != y[yOffset]) { 
       short srcShort = (short)(x[xOffset]&(short)0xFF); 
       short dstShort = (short)(y[yOffset]&(short)0xFF); 
       return (((srcShort > dstShort) ? (byte)1 : (byte)-1)); 
     return 0; 

    private void modular_division_by_2(byte[] input, short inOffset, short inLength, byte[] modulus, short modulusOffset, short modulusLength) { 
     short carry = 0; 
     short digit_mask = 0xff; 
     short digit_first_bit_mask = 0x80; 
     short lastIndex = (short) (inOffset + inLength - 1); 

     short i = inOffset; 
     if ((byte) (input[lastIndex] & 0x01) != 0) { 
      if (add(input, inOffset, inLength, modulus, modulusOffset, 
        modulusLength)) { 
       carry = digit_first_bit_mask; 

     for (; i <= lastIndex; i++) { 
      if ((input[i] & 0x01) == 0) { 
       input[i] = (byte) (((input[i] & digit_mask) >> 1) | carry); 
       carry = 0; 
      } else { 
       input[i] = (byte) (((input[i] & digit_mask) >> 1) | carry); 
       carry = digit_first_bit_mask; 

    public void testModMultiply() { 
     Random r = new Random(12345L); 
     for(int iiii=0;iiii<10;iiii++) { 
      BigInteger modulus = BigInteger.probablePrime(NUM_BITS, r); 
      System.out.println(" M = " + modulus); 
      byte[] modulusBytes = normalize(modulus.toByteArray()); 
      Util.arrayCopyNonAtomic(modulusBytes, (short)0, tempBuffer, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_MODULUS, Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS); 

      mRsaPublicKekForSquare.setModulus(modulusBytes, (short)0, (short)modulusBytes.length); 
      mRsaPublicKekForSquare.setExponent(new byte[] {0x02}, (short)0, (short)1); 

      for(int iii=0;iii<1000;iii++) { 
       BigInteger x = new BigInteger(NUM_BITS, r).mod(modulus); 
       System.out.println(" x = " + x); 
       BigInteger y = new BigInteger(NUM_BITS, r).mod(modulus); 
       System.out.println(" y = " + y); 
       BigInteger accResult; 
        byte[] xBytes = normalize(x.toByteArray()); 
        byte[] yBytes = normalize(y.toByteArray()); 
        byte[] accResultBytes = modMultiply(xBytes, (short)0, (short)xBytes.length, yBytes, (short)0, (short)yBytes.length, Configuration.TEMP_OFFSET_RESULT); 
        accResult = new BigInteger(1, accResultBytes); 
       System.out.println(" Qr = " + accResult); 
       BigInteger realResult = x.multiply(y).mod(modulus); 
       System.out.println(" Rr = " + realResult); 
       Assert.assertEquals(realResult, accResult); 

    private byte[] normalize(byte[] xBytes) { 
     if(xBytes.length<Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS) { 
      xBytes = ArrayUtils.addAll(new byte[Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS-xBytes.length], xBytes); 
     if(xBytes.length>Configuration.LENGTH_MODULUS) { 
      Assert.assertEquals(xBytes[0], 0x00); 
      xBytes=Arrays.copyOfRange(xBytes, 1, xBytes.length); 
     return xBytes; 

Qual è stata (IMHO) sbagliato:

  1. Il metodo isGreater() - anche se è possibile utilizzare su btraction per confrontare i numeri, è molto più facile (e più veloce) confrontare i byte corrispondenti a partire da quello più significativo e fermarsi alla prima mancata corrispondenza. (Nel caso di sottrazione si avrebbe bisogno di completare la sottrazione e restituire il segno del risultato finale - il codice originale si conclude il primo "non corrispondente".)

  2. x+y troppo pieno - si dovrebbe avere mantenuto la sottrazione modulo per avere il caso di overflow dell'aggiunta (ovvero quando add() restituisce true) nell'ultima modifica.

  3. Offset in eempromTempBuffer - su due posti che hai usato yOffset e avrebbe dovuto utilizzare 0 (commentato con un "WRONG OFFSET").

  4. con Lancio Configuration.LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS-1-byte non è una buona idea per i valori più grandi di lunghezza modulo

Alcuni (casuale) Commenti:

  • Il test utilizza già accennato jcardsim a lavorare

  • il codice presuppone che le lunghezze di x e y sono entrambi LENGTH_MODULUS (nonché LENGTH_RSAOBJECT_MODULUS essendo uguale alla LENGTH_MODULUS)

  • non è una buona idea avere eempromTempBuffer in una memoria non volatile

  • il codice è molto simile a this code che è interessante

  • una lettura interessante per quanto riguarda questo argomento è here (punto 4.2.3).

Buona fortuna!

Disclaimer: io non sono un esperto di crittografia né matematico quindi per favore convalidare i miei pensieri


@Drago Modificato la risposta come ho dimenticato per menzionare l'overflow di 'x + y' deve essere gestito. E aggiunto il link citato nel mio commento precedente. – vlp

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