2016-03-05 70 views

Se ho due tabelle di dati con la stessa struttura, la stessa chiave primaria e lo stesso numero di colonne.Come confrontare i valori di cella di due tabelle di dati

Come confrontare il loro content e rilevare le celle che non sono le stesse nelle due tabelle di dati?



emp_num(key) salary  ov  

455   3000  67.891 
677   5000  89.112  
778   6000  12.672 


emp_num(key) salary  ov 

455   3000  67.891 
677   5000  50.113 
778   5500  12.672 

voglio risultato come questo per ottenere (o qualche struttura per mostrare le differenze):

emp_num(key)| salary_off |salary_on|s1 | ov_off | ov_on |s2   

    677  | 5000  | 5000 | 1 | 89.112 | 50.113 | 0  
    778  | 6000  | 5500 | 0 | 12.672 | 12.672 | 1 


455 doesn't exist in the result because it was the exact in all columns among the two datatables. 



voi in base alle nuove esigenze si possono provare questo.

E prima si fa il nome della chiave primaria - la colonna Unique, poi i nomi di altre colonne, crea un nuovo DataTable con nuovi nomi di colonna, riempie i valori e crea un'espressione per confrontare il loro:

void Main() 
    // create some test data 

    var dt1 = new DataTable(); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
    dt1.Columns[0].Unique = true; 

    dt1.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
    dt1.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 89.112); 
    dt1.Rows.Add(778, 6000, 12.672); 

    var dt2 = new DataTable(); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
    dt2.Columns[0].Unique = true; 

    dt2.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 50.113); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(778, 5500, 12.672); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(779, 5500, 12.672); 

    var result = CompareDataTables(dt1, dt2); 


CompareDataTables metodo:

static DataTable CompareDataTables(DataTable dt1, DataTable dt2) 
    var keyName = dt1.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Single (x => x.Unique).ColumnName; 
    var dt1Cols = dt1.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Where (x => !x.Unique).Select (x =>x.ColumnName); 
    var dt2Cols = dt1.Columns.Cast<DataColumn>().Where (x => !x.Unique).Select (x =>x.ColumnName); 

    // get keys from both data tables 
    var keys = new HashSet<int>(dt1.AsEnumerable().Select (x => (int)x[keyName])); 
    keys.UnionWith(dt2.AsEnumerable().Select (x => (int)x[keyName])); 


    // create a new data table that will hold the results 
    var result = new DataTable(); 
    result.Columns.Add(keyName, typeof(int)); 
    result.Columns[0].Unique = true; 

    // initialize data and comparison columns 
    foreach (var name in dt1Cols) 
     result.Columns.Add(name + "_off", dt1.Columns[name].DataType); 
     result.Columns.Add(name + "_on", dt1.Columns[name].DataType); 
     result.Columns.Add(name + "_same", typeof(bool), name + "_off = " + name + "_on"); 

    foreach (var key in keys) 
     // get a row from each data table with the current key 
     var rowOff = dt1.Select(keyName + " = " + key).FirstOrDefault(); 
     var rowOn = dt2.Select(keyName + " = " + key).FirstOrDefault(); 

     // create a new row    
     var newRow = result.NewRow(); 

     // fill the new row with off data 
     if (rowOff != null) 
      newRow[keyName] = rowOff[keyName]; 
      foreach (var name in dt1Cols) 
       newRow[name + "_off"] = rowOff[name]; 

     // fill the new row with on data 
     if (rowOn != null) 
      foreach (var name in dt1Cols) 
       newRow[name + "_on"] = rowOn[name]; 
      newRow[keyName] = rowOn[keyName]; 

     // add the row to the result data table 

    return result; 


non è proiettile pro di. Sarebbe una buona idea controllare se le tabelle di dati hanno la stessa struttura.


Potrebbe U chiarire qual è il metodo 'Dump'? È un metodo '.net'? –


Oh, mi dispiace. È copia di copia da 'LINQPad' e' Dump' è il suo metodo per scaricare oggetti. Ha creato le griglie sull'immagine per semplificare il debug. – t3chb0t


Se questo è SQL legato, allora si potrebbe utilizzare l'eccezione di comando SQL:


È possibile dare un'occhiata here, sotto "Confrontare tabelle utilizzando la clausola except"


nella query SQL, è possibile unire due tabelle e utilizzando istruzione SELECT-CASE per determinare il valore di differenza per ogni colonna: ad esempio

SELECT CASE TB_Online.salary_on = Tb_offline.salary_off then 0 ELSE 1 END AS salary_same 
ON TB_Online.emp_num = TB_Offline.emp_num 

Per rimuovere tutte le righe hanno valori esatti, è possibile selezionare di nuovo basare sulla tabella dei risultati sopra


cosa di sbagliato con la mia risposta? @Anyname Donotcare – phuongnd


scusa, la tua risposta relativa al 'sql' non il' .net' –


È possibile ottenere tutte le chiavi prima, quindi creare un nuovo Summary obje cts, metti i dati lì e lascia che faccia il lavoro di confronto. Infine si può fare quello che vuoi con esso: classe

void Main() 
    var dt1 = new DataTable(); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
    dt1.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
    dt1.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
    dt1.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 89.112); 
    dt1.Rows.Add(778, 6000, 12.672); 

    var dt2 = new DataTable(); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
    dt2.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 50.113); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(778, 5500, 12.672); 
    dt2.Rows.Add(779, 5500, 12.672); 

    var keys = new HashSet<int>(dt1.AsEnumerable().Select (x => (int)x["emp_num"])); 
    keys.UnionWith(dt2.AsEnumerable().Select (x => (int)x["emp_num"])); 

    keys.Dump("emp_num (keys)"); 

    var results = keys.Select (emp_num => 
     var rowOff = dt1.Select("emp_num = " + emp_num).FirstOrDefault(); 
     var rowOn = dt2.Select("emp_num = " + emp_num).FirstOrDefault(); 
     return new Summary(emp_num, rowOff, rowOn); 


Summary aiutante:

class Summary 
    public Summary(int emp_num, DataRow rowOff, DataRow rowOn) 
     this.emp_num = emp_num; 

     if (rowOff != null) 
      salary_off = (int)rowOff["salary"]; 
      ov_off = (double)rowOff["ov"]; 

     if (rowOn != null) 
      salary_on = (int)rowOn["salary"]; 
      ov_on = (double)rowOn["ov"]; 
    public int emp_num; 

    public int salary_off ; 
    public int salary_on; 
    public bool salarySame { get { return salary_off == salary_on; } } 

    public double ov_off ; 
    public double ov_on; 
    public bool ovSame { get { return ov_off == ov_on; } } 




+1 per la risposta, grazie mille ma questo metodo è limitato, mi aspetto che il metodo generico faccia il confronto. –


@AnynameDonotcare Cosa intendi con metodo generico? Non c'è nulla a riguardo nella tua domanda ;-) – t3chb0t


Apprezzo molto il tuo sforzo :), intendo nel costruttore tu usi campi specifici '(int) rowOff [" salary "]', '(double) rowOff [" ov "]' e con tipi specifici. Voglio usare questo metodo con qualsiasi due datatable con qualsiasi struttura. –


Ecco un modo per ottenere il vostro compito:

var dt1 = new DataTable(); 
     dt1.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
     dt1.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
     dt1.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
     dt1.Columns[0].Unique = true; 

     dt1.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
     dt1.Rows.Add(677, 6000, 50.113); 
     dt1.Rows.Add(778, 5500, 12.650); 
     dt1.Rows.Add(779, 5500, 12.672); 

     var dt2 = new DataTable(); 
     dt2.Columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
     dt2.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
     dt2.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 
     dt2.Columns[0].Unique = true; 

     dt2.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
     dt2.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 50.113); 
     dt2.Rows.Add(778, 5500, 12.672); 
     dt2.Rows.Add(779, 5500, 12.672); 

     var dtListValues1 = new List<List<string>>(); 

     for (int j = 0; j < dt2.Rows.Count; j++) 
      var list = new List<string>(); 
      for (var i = 0; i < dt2.Columns.Count; i++) 


       if(dt2.Rows[j][i].ToString() == dt1.Rows[j][i].ToString()) 


     var rowsWithDifferentCells = dtListValues1.Where(x => x.Contains("false")); 

     foreach (var item in dtListValues1) 
      Console.WriteLine("Row-->> "+ string.Join(",",item)); 
     foreach (var item in rowsWithDifferentCells) 
      Console.WriteLine("Row with different cell-->> "+string.Join(",", item)); 

ho messo tutti i dati dei test in un List<List<string>>(), nel processo ho anche fatto il check se i valori sono gli stessi. Poi metto un filtro su false, per mostrarmi solo le righe che contengono celle con valori diversi.

Devi solo inserire questo codice in una ConsoleApp. e testarlo.

Di sicuro non è l'approccio migliore, ma è un modo rapido per controllare i dati.


Ecco un'implementazione in un metodo abbastanza generico che confronta due DataTable e restituisce un altro DataTable con le differenze mostrate.

  • Colonna 'chiave' dinamica (solo colonna singola, non multipla).
  • Non visualizza righe con gli stessi dati.
  • Gestisce i valori NULL nei dati.
  • Colonne non in entrambe le tabelle.
  • T = confronti tra oggetti.

popolamento le DataTable ...


    /// Build data and test the underlying method. 
    public void Main() 
     Dictionary columns = new Dictionary(); 
     columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
     columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
     columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 

     DataTable left = new DataTable(); 
     foreach(KeyValuePair column in columns) 
      left.Columns.Add(column.Key, column.Value); 
     left.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
     left.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 89.112); 
     left.Rows.Add(778, 6000, 12.672); 
     left.Rows.Add(9001, 5500, 12.672); 
     left.Rows.Add(4, null, 9.2); 

     DataTable right = new DataTable(); 
     right.Columns.Add("outlier", typeof(string)); 
     foreach (KeyValuePair column in columns) 
      right.Columns.Add(column.Key, column.Value); 
     right.Columns.Add("float", typeof(float)); 
     right.Rows.Add(0, 455, 3000, 67.891, 5); 
     right.Rows.Add(1, 677, 5000, 50.113, 5); 
     right.Rows.Add(2, 778, 5500, 12.672, 6); 
     right.Rows.Add(2, 9000, 5500, 12.672, 6); 
     right.Rows.Add(3, 4, 10, 9.2, 7); 

     // Compare. 
     DataTable results = Compare(left, right, "emp_num"); 
     //results.Dump("Results"); // Fancy table output via LINQPad. 

     // Get the comparison columns for display. 
     List comparedColumns = new List(); 
     foreach (DataColumn column in results.Columns) 

     // Display the comparison rows. 
     Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", comparedColumns)); 
     foreach(DataRow row in results.Rows) 
      Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", row.ItemArray)); 

Fancy table output from LINQPad of the input.

metodo generico: DataTable Confronta (DataTable, DataTable)


    /// Compares the values of each row in the provided DataTables and returns any rows that have a difference based on a provided 'key' column. 
    /// the 'pre' data. 
    /// the 'post' data. 
    /// Name of the column to use for matching rows. 
    /// New DataTable populated with difference rows only. 
    public DataTable Compare(DataTable left, DataTable right, string keyColumn) 
     const string Pre = "_Pre"; 
     const string Post = "_Post"; 

     DataColumn leftKey = left.Columns.Contains(keyColumn) ? left.Columns[keyColumn] : null; 
     DataColumn rightKey = right.Columns.Contains(keyColumn) ? right.Columns[keyColumn] : null; 

     if (leftKey == null || rightKey == null) 
      return null; 

     // Get the matching columns between the two tables for doing comparisons. 
     List comparisonColumns = new List(); 
     DataTable results = new DataTable(); 
     // Adding the key column to the front for sake of ease of viewing. 
     results.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(leftKey.ColumnName, leftKey.DataType)); 
     foreach (DataColumn column in left.Columns) 
      if(column == leftKey) 

      // Remove any columns that are not present in the compare table. 
      foreach (DataColumn compareColumn in right.Columns) 
       if (column.ColumnName == compareColumn.ColumnName && column.DataType == compareColumn.DataType) 
        results.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(column.ColumnName + Pre, column.DataType)); 
        results.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(column.ColumnName + Post, column.DataType)); 

     foreach (DataRow leftRow in left.Rows) 
      object key = leftRow.Field(leftKey); 
      string filterExpression = string.Format("{0} = {1}", keyColumn, key); 
      DataRow rightRow = right.Select(filterExpression).SingleOrDefault(); 
      // Need a row for a comparison to be valid. 
      if (rightRow == null) 

      List comparison = new List(); 
      bool isDiff = false; 
      foreach (string comparisonColumn in comparisonColumns) 
       object pre = leftRow.ItemArray[left.Columns.IndexOf(comparisonColumn)]; 
       object post = rightRow.ItemArray[right.Columns.IndexOf(comparisonColumn)]; 

       // Only need the row if the values differ in at least one column. 
       isDiff |= (pre == null && post != null) || (pre != null && post == null) || (!pre.Equals(post)); 
      if (isDiff) 

     return results; 

outpu t:

Fancy table output from LINQPad of the output.


    emp_num, salary_Pre, salary_Post, ov_Pre, ov_Post 
    677, 5000, 5000, 89.112, 50.113 
    778, 6000, 5500, 12.672, 12.672 
    4, , 10, 9.2, 9.2 


Ecco il mio prendere su di esso:

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Linq; 

namespace SO_DataTableCompare 
    class Program 
     static void Main(string[] args) 
      /// Build data and test the underlying method. 
      Dictionary<string,Type> columns = new Dictionary<string, Type>(); 
      columns.Add("emp_num", typeof(int)); 
      columns.Add("salary", typeof(int)); 
      columns.Add("ov", typeof(double)); 

      DataTable left = new DataTable(); 
      foreach (KeyValuePair<string,Type> column in columns) 
       left.Columns.Add(column.Key, column.Value); 
      left.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.891); 
      left.Rows.Add(677, 5000, 89.112); 
      left.Rows.Add(778, 6000, 12.672); 
      left.Rows.Add(9001, 5500, 12.672); 
      left.Rows.Add(4, null, 9.2); 

      DataTable right = new DataTable(); 
      right.Columns.Add("outlier", typeof(string)); 
      foreach (KeyValuePair<string, Type> column in columns) 
       right.Columns.Add(column.Key, column.Value); 
      right.Columns.Add("float", typeof(float)); 
      right.Rows.Add(0, 455, 3000, 67.891, 5); 
      right.Rows.Add(1, 677, 5000, 50.113, 5); 
      right.Rows.Add(2, 778, 5500, 12.672, 6); 
      right.Rows.Add(2, 9000, 5500, 12.672, 6); 
      right.Rows.Add(3, 4, 10, 9.2, 7); 

      // Compare. 
      DataTable results = Compare(left, right, "emp_num"); 
      //results.Dump("Results"); // Fancy table output via LINQPad. 

      // Get the comparison columns for display. 
      List<string> comparedColumns = new List<string>(); 
      foreach (DataColumn column in results.Columns) 

      // Display the comparison rows. 
      Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", comparedColumns)); 
      foreach (DataRow row in results.Rows) 
       Console.WriteLine(string.Join(", ", row.ItemArray)); 

     private static DataTable Compare(DataTable left, DataTable right, string keyColumn, string suffix1="_off",string suffix2="_on") 
      var columns = left.Columns.OfType<DataColumn>().Select(c => c.ColumnName).ToList(); 
      var updated = left.Rows.OfType<DataRow>() 
       .Join(right.Rows.OfType<DataRow>(), row => row[keyColumn], row => row[keyColumn], (row1, row2) => new { key = row1[keyColumn], row1, row2 }) 
       .Where(o => o.row2!=null && !DataRowSame(o.row1, o.row2, columns)); 
      //var deleted = left.Rows.OfType<DataRow>().Except(right.Rows.OfType<DataRow>(), new DataRowKeyComparer(keyColumn)); 
      //var inserted = right.Rows.OfType<DataRow>().Except(left.Rows.OfType<DataRow>(), new DataRowKeyComparer(keyColumn)); 
      var result = new DataTable(); 
      result.Columns.Add(keyColumn, left.Columns[keyColumn].DataType); 
      int k = 0; 
      foreach (var name in columns.Where(c=>c!=keyColumn)) 
       result.Columns.Add(name + suffix1, left.Columns[name].DataType); 
       result.Columns.Add(name + suffix2, right.Columns[name].DataType); 
       result.Columns.Add("s"+k, typeof(int)); 
      foreach (var upd in updated) 
       var vals = new[] { upd.key }.Concat(
         columns.Where(c => c != keyColumn) 
          .Select(c => new 
           l = upd.row1[c], 
           r = upd.row2[c] 
          .SelectMany(o => new object[] { o.l, o.r, object.Equals(o.l, o.r) ? 1 : 0 }) 
       result.LoadDataRow(vals, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges); 
      return result; 

     private static bool DataRowSame(DataRow row1, DataRow row2, List<string> columns) 
      foreach (var name in columns) 
       if (!object.Equals(row1[name], row2[name])) return false; 
      return true; 

    internal class DataRowKeyComparer : IEqualityComparer<DataRow> 
     private string keyColumn; 

     public DataRowKeyComparer(string keyColumn) 
      this.keyColumn = keyColumn; 

     public bool Equals(DataRow x, DataRow y) 
      return object.Equals(x[keyColumn], y[keyColumn]); 

     public int GetHashCode(DataRow obj) 
      return obj.GetHashCode(); 

Soluzione: Absolute base È possibile creare Struttura della tabella in modo dinamico pure.

using System; 
using System.Collections.Generic; 
using System.Data; 
using System.Linq; 
using System.Web; 
using System.Web.UI; 
using System.Web.UI.WebControls; 

namespace WebApplication1 
    public partial class Default : System.Web.UI.Page 
     protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 

      //Table 1 
      DataTable table1 = new DataTable(); 

      table1.Columns.Add("emp_num(key)", typeof(Int32)); 
      table1.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(float)); 
      table1.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(float)); 

      table1.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.56); 
      table1.Rows.Add(456, 4000, 77.56); 
      table1.Rows.Add(457, 6000, 87.56); 

      grdTable1.DataSource = table1; 

      //Table 2 
      DataTable table2 = new DataTable(); 
      table2.Columns.Add("emp_num(key)", typeof(Int32)); 
      table2.Columns.Add("salary", typeof(float)); 
      table2.Columns.Add("ov", typeof(float)); 

      table2.Rows.Add(455, 3000, 67.56); 
      table2.Rows.Add(456, 4000, 27.56); 
      table2.Rows.Add(457, 5000, 87.56); 

      grdTable2.DataSource = table2; 

      DataTable result = new DataTable(); 
      result.Columns.Add("emp_num(key)", typeof(Int32)); 
      result.Columns.Add("salary_Table1", typeof(float)); 
      result.Columns.Add("salary_Table2", typeof(float)); 
      result.Columns.Add("same_Salary", typeof(string)); 
      result.Columns.Add("ov_Table1", typeof(float)); 
      result.Columns.Add("ov_Table2", typeof(float)); 
      result.Columns.Add("Same_OV", typeof(string)); 
      foreach (DataRow t1r in table1.Rows) 
       foreach (DataRow t2r in table2.Rows) 
        var array1 = t1r.ItemArray; 
        var array2 = t2r.ItemArray; 
        //Check ID Column to decide if compare needs to be done 
        if (array1[0].ToString() == array2[0].ToString()) 
         if (array1.SequenceEqual(array2)) 
          int SalSame = 0; 
          int OvSame = 0; 
          if (array1[1].ToString() == array2[1].ToString()) 
           SalSame = 1; 
          if (array1[2].ToString() == array2[2].ToString()) 
           OvSame = 1; 

          result.Rows.Add(array1[0].ToString(), array1[1].ToString(), array2[1].ToString(), SalSame, array1[2].ToString(), array2[2].ToString(), OvSame); 

      grdresult.DataSource = result; 

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApplication1.Default" %> 

<!DOCTYPE html> 

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> 
<head runat="server"> 
    <form id="form1" runat="server"> 

      <h3>First Table </h3> 
      <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdTable1"></asp:GridView> 
      <h3>Second Table </h3> 
      <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdTable2"></asp:GridView> 

      <h3>Result Table </h3> 
      <asp:GridView runat="server" ID="grdresult"></asp:GridView> 

Result ScreenShot

     <h3>First Table </h3> 
\t <table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="grdTable1" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> 
\t \t <tr> 
\t \t \t <th scope="col">emp_num(key)</th><th scope="col">salary</th><th scope="col">ov</th> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>455</td><td>3000</td><td>67.56</td> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>456</td><td>4000</td><td>77.56</td> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>457</td><td>6000</td><td>87.56</td> 
\t \t </tr> 
\t </table> 
     <h3>Second Table </h3> 
\t <table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="grdTable2" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> 
\t \t <tr> 
\t \t \t <th scope="col">emp_num(key)</th><th scope="col">salary</th><th scope="col">ov</th> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>455</td><td>3000</td><td>67.56</td> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>456</td><td>4000</td><td>27.56</td> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>457</td><td>5000</td><td>87.56</td> 
\t \t </tr> 
\t </table> 

     <h3>Result Table </h3> 
\t <table cellspacing="0" rules="all" border="1" id="grdresult" style="border-collapse:collapse;"> 
\t \t <tr> 
\t \t \t <th scope="col">emp_num(key)</th><th scope="col">salary_Table1</th><th scope="col">salary_Table2</th><th scope="col">same_Salary</th><th scope="col">ov_Table1</th><th scope="col">ov_Table2</th><th scope="col">Same_OV</th> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>456</td><td>4000</td><td>4000</td><td>1</td><td>77.56</td><td>27.56</td><td>0</td> 
\t \t </tr><tr> 
\t \t \t <td>457</td><td>6000</td><td>5000</td><td>0</td><td>87.56</td><td>87.56</td><td>1</td> 
\t \t </tr> 
\t </table> 

Problemi correlati