2015-05-01 17 views

Sto lavorando a un grafico di variabili ambientali (linee) e all'intervallo interquartile per quelle variabili di più anni (aree di tonalità di grigio) rispetto al giorno dell'anno. Sto usando Matlab 2014b, e poiché sto usando più di un asse, sto usando plotyy. Il mio grafico attualmente si presenta così:Aggiungi area ombreggiata a plotyy in Matlab


voglio aggiungere la regione ombreggiata per l'intervallo interquartile per il quotidiano temperatura media dell'aria, proprio come ho fatto per SWE e precipitazioni (Temp nella leggenda.). Il problema è che la temperatura utilizza un diversi assi, e quando provo definire l'asse da utilizzare per aggiungere l'ombra 'zona', ho un errore:

>Error using area (line 35) 
>Cannot set property to a deleted object 
>Error in env_plot_for_stack_overflow (line 43) 

Se non definiscono l'asse da utilizzare quindi non ottengo un errore, ma l'intervallo interquartile traccia l'asse precip/SWE, non l'asse della temperatura.

Ecco il mio codice per riprodurre i primi 30 giorni della mia figura e l'errore. Se si copia questo in uno script, il problema è un po 'dopo la linea 40.

%% Data & definitions 
SWE_stats = [1, 117.348000000000, 91.4400000000000, 141.605000000000;2, 118.533333333333, 91.4400000000000, 144.145000000000;3, 119.549333333333, 91.4400000000000, 144.780000000000;4, 121.412000000000, 96.5200000000000, 146.685000000000;5, 122.936000000000, 96.5200000000000, 146.685000000000;6, 126.153333333333, 97.7900000000000, 148.590000000000;7, 128.185333333333, 97.7900000000000, 148.590000000000;8, 129.709333333333, 102.235000000000, 151.765000000000;9, 131.572000000000, 102.235000000000, 152.400000000000;10, 132.588000000000, 102.235000000000, 154.305000000000;11, 134.789333333333, 104.140000000000, 154.940000000000;12, 136.144000000000, 104.140000000000, 156.845000000000;13, 138.006666666667, 104.775000000000, 159.385000000000;14, 138.853333333333, 104.140000000000, 159.385000000000;15, 139.022666666667, 104.140000000000, 161.290000000000;16, 140.038666666667, 107.315000000000, 161.290000000000;17, 140.546666666667, 107.315000000000, 161.290000000000;18, 142.917333333333, 109.220000000000, 163.195000000000;19, 145.457333333333, 110.490000000000, 167.005000000000;20, 148.674666666667, 109.855000000000, 173.355000000000;21, 149.860000000000, 111.760000000000, 177.165000000000;22, 152.061333333333, 111.760000000000, 179.070000000000;23, 154.093333333333, 111.760000000000, 180.340000000000;24, 155.617333333333, 111.760000000000, 182.245000000000;25, 157.818666666667, 111.760000000000, 182.245000000000;26, 158.496000000000, 112.395000000000, 184.150000000000;27, 160.020000000000, 112.395000000000, 186.055000000000;28, 161.036000000000, 112.395000000000, 186.690000000000;29, 162.390666666667, 114.300000000000, 189.230000000000;30, 163.914666666667, 114.935000000000, 189.230000000000]; 
doy_Sum_precip = [1, 0.169333333333333, 0, 0.254000000000000;2, 1.79840000000000, 0, 1.56350000000000;3, 0.926400000000000, 0, 0.925000000000000;4, 1.09773333333333, 0, 2.31350000000000;5, 1.70760000000000, 0, 1.65100000000000;6, 0.802866666666667, 0, 1.20650000000000;7, 1.08426666666667, 0, 0.190500000000000;8, 0.592666666666667, 0, 0.698500000000000;9, 1.32026666666667, 0, 1.46050000000000;10, 2.35740000000000, 0, 1.58750000000000;11, 1.24480000000000, 0, 1.67900000000000;12, 1.08400000000000, 0, 1.39700000000000;13, 0.377333333333333, 0, 0.790500000000000;14, 0.203200000000000, 0, 0;15, 0.304800000000000, 0, 0;16, 0.728400000000000, 0, 0.952500000000000;17, 1.78973333333333, 0, 1.01600000000000;18, 2.09146666666667, 0, 2.15900000000000;19, 3.64760000000000, 0, 8.02000000000000;20, 0.947200000000000, 0, 0.940500000000000;21, 1.81280000000000, 0, 1.20650000000000;22, 1.05040000000000, 0, 2.03200000000000;23, 1.04933333333333, 0, 1.39800000000000;24, 1.22426666666667, 0, 0.577000000000000;25, 1.21386666666667, 0, 2.14000000000000;26, 1.39800000000000, 0, 2.08300000000000;27, 0.406400000000000, 0, 0.381000000000000;28, 0.480133333333333, 0, 0.254000000000000;29, 1.04986666666667, 0, 0.190500000000000;30, 2.87186666666667, 0, 1.71450000000000]; 
doy_mean_T = [1, -8.09985972222222, -11.1540625000000, -4.68436979166667;2, -5.79463055555556, -8.83109375000000, -1.22841145833333;3, -6.15105277777778, -9.55364583333333, -0.743854166666667;4, -6.92336388888889, -10.3746354166667, -2.77996875000000;5, -7.25890694444444, -11.0315625000000, -4.07119791666667;6, -6.18180833333333, -10.4846354166667, -2.76178125000000;7, -5.54212777777778, -9.26921875000000, -1.93483854166667;8, -5.09104166666667, -8.83031250000000, -1.83472395833333;9, -4.96344583333333, -8.44984375000000, -1.28418229166667;10, -5.27322916666667, -7.72354166666667, -0.434656250000000;11, -5.80188055555556, -9.92223958333334, -1.75604166666667;12, -6.99728333333334, -10.4307291666667, -3.12812500000000;13, -7.50514166666667, -10.4349479166667, -2.81125520833333;14, -6.15788888888889, -8.36640625000000, -1.33665104166667;15, -5.94321805555556, -7.64838541666667, -3.19562500000000;16, -7.18778888888889, -10.8927604166667, -4.12190625000000;17, -7.81982500000000, -11.9085937500000, -2.91764062500000;18, -5.99718750000000, -10.1986458333333, -2.70777083333333;19, -4.83423333333333, -8.95630208333333, -1.95089062500000;20, -5.49905833333333, -10.3791666666667, -2.15208333333333;21, -5.49337222222222, -8.93609375000000, -2.93130208333333;22, -6.19372638888889, -9.28411458333333, -3.25116145833333;23, -5.30543611111111, -9.65098958333334, -2.07925000000000;24, -4.39752361111111, -7.25994791666667, -1.20045833333333;25, -3.94550694444445, -5.87848958333333, -0.259760416666667;26, -5.62684305555556, -6.75958333333333, -3.34563541666667;27, -6.46449444444444, -10.5350520833333, -1.48580729166667;28, -7.41584861111111, -11.0597395833333, -3.56207812500000;29, -9.58481111111111, -12.7808854166667, -6.40843750000000;30, -7.77898888888889, -11.7937500000000, -3.38882812500000]; 

%% Plot example 


% First variable: SWE 
% Add shaded area between SWE 25 and 75 percentiles 
shadearea=[SWE_stats(:,3), (SWE_stats(:,4)-SWE_stats(:,3))]; 
hold on; 

% % Second variable: precipitation 
% Add shaded area between Precip 25 and 75 percentiles 
shadearea=[doy_Sum_precip(:,3), (doy_Sum_precip(:,4)-doy_Sum_precip(:,3))]; 

% Using plotyy allows for two y axes 
[haxes,hprecip,htemp]=plotyy(doy_Sum_precip(:,1),doy_Sum_precip(:,2),doy_mean_T(:,1),doy_mean_T(:,2),'plot'); %precip and temperature 
set(hprecip,'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],... %precip color 
set(htemp,'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],...  %temperature color 
% Add daily SWE 
hSWE = plot(SWE_stats(:,1),SWE_stats(:,2),'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],... % plot swe 

% Third variable: Mean air temperature (need to add after plotyy to add on 
% same scale as mean temperature) 
% Plot interquartile range of daily mean air T 
% Add shaded area between daily mean air T 25 and 75 percentiles 
Tshadearea=[doy_mean_T(:,3), (doy_mean_T(:,4)-doy_mean_T(:,3))]; 

hold off 

% Adjust axes properties 
set(haxes,{'ycolor'},{'k';'k'}) % Left color , right color ... 
y1_Nticks = 5; 
y2_Nticks = 5; 
y1 = linspace(-150, 400, y1_Nticks); 
y2 = linspace(-15, 40, y2_Nticks); 
set(haxes(1),'xlim',[0 366],... % set x limits 
    'ylim',[y1(1) y1(end)],... 
    'TickDir'  , 'out'  , ... 
    'TickLength' , [.02 .02] , ... 
    'Box','off');    % get rid of top border. See also 'linkaxes' 
set(haxes(2),'xlim',[0 366],... 
    'ylim',[y2(1) y2(end)],... 
    'TickDir'  , 'out'  , ... 
    'TickLength' , [.02 .02] , ... 
set(haxes, 'FontSize', SmallFont) % Set axes font size 

% Set properties for Precip IQR   
set(precipHarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD/iqr? 
set(precipHarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD/iqr 
set(precipHarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% Set properties for SWE IQR   
set(SWEHarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD? 
set(SWEHarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD 
set(SWEHarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% % Set line properties for mean Temperature IQR     
% set(THarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD? 
% set(THarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD 
% set(THarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% Add legend 
LEG = legend([hprecip;htemp;hSWE],... 
set(LEG, 'Box', 'off'); 

% Make x and y labels 
ylabel(haxes(1),'Daily Precipitation & snow water (mm)','Fontsize',SmallFont) % label left y-axis 
ylabel(haxes(2),strcat('Daily Mean Air Temperature (',char(176),'C)'),'Fontsize',SmallFont) % label right y-axis 
xlabel('Day of year','Fontsize',SmallFont) 

Un esempio minimale di quella qualità per un tale problema è abbastanza eccezionale qui! +1 – thewaywewalk



Io non sono un grande fan di plotyy, è conveniente se si desidera solo avere due lotti con due assi. Ma al momento si desidera aggiungere qualcosa che crea sempre problemi. Preferisco usare diversi oggetti di assi indipendenti.

Ho provato a modificare il codice per ottenere esattamente questo. Spero che tu capisca i cambiamenti senza ulteriori commenti.

idea di base è quella di tracciare sia hprecip e htemp su assi oggetti indipendenti, allora la XTicks dei secondi assi viene eliminato e th asse y spostato verso destra:

%% Data & definitions 
SWE_stats = [1, 117.348000000000, 91.4400000000000, 141.605000000000;2, 118.533333333333, 91.4400000000000, 144.145000000000;3, 119.549333333333, 91.4400000000000, 144.780000000000;4, 121.412000000000, 96.5200000000000, 146.685000000000;5, 122.936000000000, 96.5200000000000, 146.685000000000;6, 126.153333333333, 97.7900000000000, 148.590000000000;7, 128.185333333333, 97.7900000000000, 148.590000000000;8, 129.709333333333, 102.235000000000, 151.765000000000;9, 131.572000000000, 102.235000000000, 152.400000000000;10, 132.588000000000, 102.235000000000, 154.305000000000;11, 134.789333333333, 104.140000000000, 154.940000000000;12, 136.144000000000, 104.140000000000, 156.845000000000;13, 138.006666666667, 104.775000000000, 159.385000000000;14, 138.853333333333, 104.140000000000, 159.385000000000;15, 139.022666666667, 104.140000000000, 161.290000000000;16, 140.038666666667, 107.315000000000, 161.290000000000;17, 140.546666666667, 107.315000000000, 161.290000000000;18, 142.917333333333, 109.220000000000, 163.195000000000;19, 145.457333333333, 110.490000000000, 167.005000000000;20, 148.674666666667, 109.855000000000, 173.355000000000;21, 149.860000000000, 111.760000000000, 177.165000000000;22, 152.061333333333, 111.760000000000, 179.070000000000;23, 154.093333333333, 111.760000000000, 180.340000000000;24, 155.617333333333, 111.760000000000, 182.245000000000;25, 157.818666666667, 111.760000000000, 182.245000000000;26, 158.496000000000, 112.395000000000, 184.150000000000;27, 160.020000000000, 112.395000000000, 186.055000000000;28, 161.036000000000, 112.395000000000, 186.690000000000;29, 162.390666666667, 114.300000000000, 189.230000000000;30, 163.914666666667, 114.935000000000, 189.230000000000]; 
doy_Sum_precip = [1, 0.169333333333333, 0, 0.254000000000000;2, 1.79840000000000, 0, 1.56350000000000;3, 0.926400000000000, 0, 0.925000000000000;4, 1.09773333333333, 0, 2.31350000000000;5, 1.70760000000000, 0, 1.65100000000000;6, 0.802866666666667, 0, 1.20650000000000;7, 1.08426666666667, 0, 0.190500000000000;8, 0.592666666666667, 0, 0.698500000000000;9, 1.32026666666667, 0, 1.46050000000000;10, 2.35740000000000, 0, 1.58750000000000;11, 1.24480000000000, 0, 1.67900000000000;12, 1.08400000000000, 0, 1.39700000000000;13, 0.377333333333333, 0, 0.790500000000000;14, 0.203200000000000, 0, 0;15, 0.304800000000000, 0, 0;16, 0.728400000000000, 0, 0.952500000000000;17, 1.78973333333333, 0, 1.01600000000000;18, 2.09146666666667, 0, 2.15900000000000;19, 3.64760000000000, 0, 8.02000000000000;20, 0.947200000000000, 0, 0.940500000000000;21, 1.81280000000000, 0, 1.20650000000000;22, 1.05040000000000, 0, 2.03200000000000;23, 1.04933333333333, 0, 1.39800000000000;24, 1.22426666666667, 0, 0.577000000000000;25, 1.21386666666667, 0, 2.14000000000000;26, 1.39800000000000, 0, 2.08300000000000;27, 0.406400000000000, 0, 0.381000000000000;28, 0.480133333333333, 0, 0.254000000000000;29, 1.04986666666667, 0, 0.190500000000000;30, 2.87186666666667, 0, 1.71450000000000]; 
doy_mean_T = [1, -8.09985972222222, -11.1540625000000, -4.68436979166667;2, -5.79463055555556, -8.83109375000000, -1.22841145833333;3, -6.15105277777778, -9.55364583333333, -0.743854166666667;4, -6.92336388888889, -10.3746354166667, -2.77996875000000;5, -7.25890694444444, -11.0315625000000, -4.07119791666667;6, -6.18180833333333, -10.4846354166667, -2.76178125000000;7, -5.54212777777778, -9.26921875000000, -1.93483854166667;8, -5.09104166666667, -8.83031250000000, -1.83472395833333;9, -4.96344583333333, -8.44984375000000, -1.28418229166667;10, -5.27322916666667, -7.72354166666667, -0.434656250000000;11, -5.80188055555556, -9.92223958333334, -1.75604166666667;12, -6.99728333333334, -10.4307291666667, -3.12812500000000;13, -7.50514166666667, -10.4349479166667, -2.81125520833333;14, -6.15788888888889, -8.36640625000000, -1.33665104166667;15, -5.94321805555556, -7.64838541666667, -3.19562500000000;16, -7.18778888888889, -10.8927604166667, -4.12190625000000;17, -7.81982500000000, -11.9085937500000, -2.91764062500000;18, -5.99718750000000, -10.1986458333333, -2.70777083333333;19, -4.83423333333333, -8.95630208333333, -1.95089062500000;20, -5.49905833333333, -10.3791666666667, -2.15208333333333;21, -5.49337222222222, -8.93609375000000, -2.93130208333333;22, -6.19372638888889, -9.28411458333333, -3.25116145833333;23, -5.30543611111111, -9.65098958333334, -2.07925000000000;24, -4.39752361111111, -7.25994791666667, -1.20045833333333;25, -3.94550694444445, -5.87848958333333, -0.259760416666667;26, -5.62684305555556, -6.75958333333333, -3.34563541666667;27, -6.46449444444444, -10.5350520833333, -1.48580729166667;28, -7.41584861111111, -11.0597395833333, -3.56207812500000;29, -9.58481111111111, -12.7808854166667, -6.40843750000000;30, -7.77898888888889, -11.7937500000000, -3.38882812500000]; 

%% Plot example 


ax1 = axes; %// first axes object 
% First variable: SWE 
% Add shaded area between SWE 25 and 75 percentiles 

shadearea=[SWE_stats(:,3), (SWE_stats(:,4)-SWE_stats(:,3))]; 
hold on; 

% % Second variable: precipitation 
% Add shaded area between Precip 25 and 75 percentiles 
shadearea=[doy_Sum_precip(:,3), (doy_Sum_precip(:,4)-doy_Sum_precip(:,3))]; 

% plots on diffent axes 
ax2 = axes('Position',ax1.Position,'Color','none'); %// second axes object 
hprecip = plot(doy_Sum_precip(:,1),doy_Sum_precip(:,2),'parent',ax1); hold on 
htemp = plot(doy_mean_T(:,1),doy_mean_T(:,2),'parent',ax2); hold on 
set(hprecip,'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],... %precip color 
set(htemp,'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],...  %temperature color 
% Add daily SWE 
hSWE = plot(SWE_stats(:,1),SWE_stats(:,2),'Color',[0.3,0.3,0.3],... % plot swe 
    'LineStyle','--','parent',ax1); ; hold on 

% Third variable: Mean air temperature (need to add after plotyy to add on 
% same scale as mean temperature) 
% Plot interquartile range of daily mean air T 
% Add shaded area between daily mean air T 25 and 75 percentiles 
Tshadearea=[doy_mean_T(:,3), (doy_mean_T(:,4)-doy_mean_T(:,3))]; 
THarea = area(doy_mean_T(:,1),shadearea,'parent',ax2); 

ax2.YAxisLocation = 'right' 
ax2.XTick = [] 

hold off 

% Adjust axes properties 
set(ax1,'ycolor','k') % Left color , right color ... 
set(ax2,'ycolor','k') % Left color , right color ... 
y1_Nticks = 5; 
y2_Nticks = 5; 
y1 = linspace(-150, 400, y1_Nticks); 
y2 = linspace(-15, 40, y2_Nticks); 
set(ax1,'xlim',[0 366],... % set x limits 
    'ylim',[y1(1) y1(end)],... 
    'TickDir'  , 'out'  , ... 
    'TickLength' , [.02 .02] , ... 
    'Box','off');    % get rid of top border. See also 'linkaxes' 
set(ax2,'xlim',[0 366],... 
    'ylim',[y2(1) y2(end)],... 
    'TickDir'  , 'out'  , ... 
    'TickLength' , [.02 .02] , ... 
set(ax1, 'FontSize', SmallFont) % Set axes font size 
set(ax2, 'FontSize', SmallFont) % Set axes font size 

% Set properties for Precip IQR   
set(precipHarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD/iqr? 
set(precipHarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD/iqr 
set(precipHarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% Set properties for SWE IQR   
set(SWEHarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD? 
set(SWEHarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD 
set(SWEHarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% % Set line properties for mean Temperature IQR     
set(THarea(1),'FaceColor','none');   % Area below lower SD? 
set(THarea(2),'FaceColor',[.87 .87 .87]); % Area between upper and lower SD 
set(THarea,'LineStyle', 'none')    % Line around shape 

% Add legend 
LEG = legend([hprecip;htemp;hSWE],... 
set(LEG, 'Box', 'off'); 

% Make x and y labels 
ylabel(ax1,'Daily Precipitation & snow water (mm)','Fontsize',SmallFont) % label left y-axis 
ylabel(ax2,strcat('Daily Mean Air Temperature (',char(176),'C)'),'Fontsize',SmallFont) % label right y-axis 
xlabel({'','Day of year'},'Fontsize',SmallFont) 

enter image description here

(la xlabel era un po 'buggy, quindi ho usato un tweak per sistemare la destra)


Grazie per la dimostrazione dell'uso di due assi per questo problema @thewaywewalk. Nel tuo esempio non vedo l'area IQR ombreggiata che si trova intorno alla temperatura media. Penso che questo potrebbe essere dovuto a un refuso: THarea = area (doy_mean_T (:, 1), shadearea, 'parent', ax2); dovrebbe usare Tshadearea, sì? Ora ho solo bisogno di capire come evitare di coprire la media Temp con l'area IQR per Temp. – user2860703


@ user2860703 forse ho mixato qualcosa, c'era un sacco di codice e trame insieme. Mi raccomando, prima traccia tutto quello che vuoi nei primi assi, poi genera un secondo con ax2 = axes ('Position', ax1.Position, 'Color', 'none'); 'e quindi traccia tutto ciò che vuoi nei secondi assi. Considera anche la funzione 'linkaxes' per ricucire tutto insieme. L'approccio 'plot (..., 'parent', ax2') può anche essere sostituito da' plot (ax2, ...,) – thewaywewalk