2012-10-22 10 views

Qualche suggerimento per una buona libreria per Android/Java da visualizzare ora?Libreria "Time Since/Ago" per Android/Java

(ad esempio 10 minuti fa, 5 giorni fa)


Ho usato [Joda] (http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/) e l'ho trovato molto utile, controllare il loro [documentazione] (http://joda-time.sourceforge.net /api-release/index.html) su [Intervallo] (http://joda-time.sourceforge.net/api-release/org/joda/time/Interval.html) – jnthnjns



Dal Google I/O 2012 App:

* Copyright 2012 Google Inc. 
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
* You may obtain a copy of the License at 
*  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
* limitations under the License. 

private static final int SECOND_MILLIS = 1000; 
private static final int MINUTE_MILLIS = 60 * SECOND_MILLIS; 
private static final int HOUR_MILLIS = 60 * MINUTE_MILLIS; 
private static final int DAY_MILLIS = 24 * HOUR_MILLIS; 

public static String getTimeAgo(long time, Context ctx) { 
    if (time < 1000000000000L) { 
     // if timestamp given in seconds, convert to millis 
     time *= 1000; 

    long now = getCurrentTime(ctx); 
    if (time > now || time <= 0) { 
     return null; 

    // TODO: localize 
    final long diff = now - time; 
    if (diff < MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "just now"; 
    } else if (diff < 2 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "a minute ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 50 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return diff/MINUTE_MILLIS + " minutes ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 90 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "an hour ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 24 * HOUR_MILLIS) { 
     return diff/HOUR_MILLIS + " hours ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 48 * HOUR_MILLIS) { 
     return "yesterday"; 
    } else { 
     return diff/DAY_MILLIS + " days ago"; 

Grande esempio. Spero che i DateUtil incorporino qualcosa come "proprio ora" all'interno di esso. '0 minuti fa 'sembra brutto. – mente


Che cos'è getCurrentTime() qui? –


È possibile sostituire 'getCurrentTime()' con 'System.currentTimeMillis();' lo fanno solo per il mocking nell'ambiente di debug. Non dovresti nemmeno passare il contesto. –


È possibile utilizzare il built-in DateUtils classe con i getRelative...() metodi.


Da plugin per jQuery timeago

Questo fornisce più opzioni e formati rispetto alle risposte di cui sopra.

public static Date currentDate() { 
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    return calendar.getTime(); 

public static String getTimeAgo(Date date, Context ctx) { 

    if(date == null) { 
     return null; 

    long time = date.getTime(); 

    Date curDate = currentDate(); 
    long now = curDate.getTime(); 
    if (time > now || time <= 0) { 
     return null; 

    int dim = getTimeDistanceInMinutes(time); 

    String timeAgo = null; 

    if (dim == 0) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_less) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_a) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_minute); 
    } else if (dim == 1) { 
     return "1 " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_minute); 
    } else if (dim >= 2 && dim <= 44) { 
     timeAgo = dim + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_minutes); 
    } else if (dim >= 45 && dim <= 89) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_about) + " "+ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_an)+ " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_hour); 
    } else if (dim >= 90 && dim <= 1439) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_about) + " " + (Math.round(dim/60)) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_hours); 
    } else if (dim >= 1440 && dim <= 2519) { 
     timeAgo = "1 " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_day); 
    } else if (dim >= 2520 && dim <= 43199) { 
     timeAgo = (Math.round(dim/1440)) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_days); 
    } else if (dim >= 43200 && dim <= 86399) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_about) + " "+ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_a)+ " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_month); 
    } else if (dim >= 86400 && dim <= 525599) { 
     timeAgo = (Math.round(dim/43200)) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_months); 
    } else if (dim >= 525600 && dim <= 655199) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_about) + " "+ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_a)+ " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_year); 
    } else if (dim >= 655200 && dim <= 914399) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_over) + " "+ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_term_a)+ " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_year); 
    } else if (dim >= 914400 && dim <= 1051199) { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_almost) + " 2 " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_years); 
    } else { 
     timeAgo = ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_prefix_about) + " " + (Math.round(dim/525600)) + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_unit_years); 

    return timeAgo + " " + ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.date_util_suffix); 

private static int getTimeDistanceInMinutes(long time) { 
     long timeDistance = currentDate().getTime() - time; 
     return Math.round((Math.abs(timeDistance)/1000)/60); 

aggiuntivi seguenti stringhe nel file string.xml

<!-- Date Util --> 
<string name="date_util_term_less">less than</string> 
<string name="date_util_term_a">a</string> 
<string name="date_util_term_an">an</string> 

<string name="date_util_unit_second">second</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_seconds">seconds</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_minute">minute</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_minutes">minutes</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_hour">hour</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_hours">hours</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_day">day</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_days">days</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_month">month</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_months">months</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_year">year</string> 
<string name="date_util_unit_years">years</string> 

<string name="date_util_prefix_lt">less than a</string> 
<string name="date_util_prefix_about">about</string> 
<string name="date_util_prefix_over">over</string> 
<string name="date_util_prefix_almost">almost</string> 

<string name="date_util_suffix">ago</string> 

risposta migliore in assoluto –


È possibile utilizzare anche i moment.js come libray PrettyTime, che Additionnaly offrirti tradotto contenuti. http://www.ocpsoft.org/prettytime/

semplice Esempio:

PrettyTime p = new PrettyTime(); 
System.out.println(p.format(new Date())); 
//prints: “moments from now” 

System.out.println(p.format(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + 1000*60*10))); 
//prints: “10 minutes from now” 

È possibile provare la mia libreria Time4A che è la versione Android di Time4J. Demo:

Locale uk = Locale.UK; 
ChronoFormatter<Moment> f = 
    ChronoFormatter.ofMomentPattern("d. MMMM uuuu h:mm B", PatternType.CLDR, uk, paris); 
PrettyTime pt = PrettyTime.of(uk); 

// => examples for relative formats 
Moment moment = f.parse("4. January 2016 5:45 in the afternoon"); 
System.out.println(pt.printRelative(moment, paris)); 
// output: 1 week ago 

Moment now = SystemClock.currentMoment(); 
System.out.println(pt.printRelative(now, paris)); 
// output: now 

Moment shortTimeAgo = now.minus(15, SI.SECONDS); 
System.out.println(pt.printRelative(shortTimeAgo, paris)); 
// output: 15 seconds ago 

TimeUnit precision = TimeUnit.DAYS; 
System.out.println(pt.printRelative(shortTimeAgo, Timezone.of(paris), precision)); 
// output: today 

// => examples for list formats  
Duration<?> duration = // this way for getting duration requires extra range-module 
    MomentInterval.between(moment, now).getNominalDuration(

// output: 11 days, 1 hour and 26 minutes 

System.out.println(pt.print(duration, TextWidth.ABBREVIATED)); 
// output: 11 days, 1 hr, 26 min 

In realtà non v'è il supporto per 72 lingue (v3.18-2016c) compreso regole plurali localizzate (importante per le lingue servili o l'arabo) e tre diverse larghezze di testo:

af am ar az essere bg bn bs ca cs da de el en es et fa fi

fil fr ga gu ha hi hr hu hy id è ja ka kk km kn ko


ky lo lt lv mk mn Mr My nb ne pa nn nl pl pt ro ru

si sk sl quadrati sr sv sw ta te esimo tk tr uk ur uz vi zh zu

Sono supportate tutte le unità da anni a secondi (o anche millis, micros, nanos per i formati elenco).

Al fine di convertire (millisecs esprimono dall'Epoca Unix) java.util.Date oa lungo timestamp da/per time4j-tipi che è possibile utilizzare:

java.util.Date d = TemporalType.JAVA_UTIL_DATE.from(moment); 
long epochMillis = TemporalType.MILLIS_SINCE_UNIX.from(moment); 
Moment m1 = TemporalType.JAVA_UTIL_DATE.translate(d); 
Moment m2 = TemporalType.MILLIS_SINCE_UNIX.translate(epochMillis); 

solo inserire il numero di time-stamp e ottenere la risposta di tua domanda. l'uscita viene come per la tua posizione.

public static String getTimeAgo(long timestamp) { 

    Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    TimeZone tz = cal.getTimeZone();//get your local time zone. 
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm a"); 
    sdf.setTimeZone(tz);//set time zone. 
    String localTime = sdf.format(new Date(timestamp * 1000)); 
    Date date = new Date(); 
    try { 
     date = sdf.parse(localTime);//get local date 
    } catch (ParseException e) { 

    if(date == null) { 
     return null; 

    long time = date.getTime(); 

    Date curDate = currentDate(); 
    long now = curDate.getTime(); 
    if (time > now || time <= 0) { 
     return null; 

    int timeDIM = getTimeDistanceInMinutes(time); 

    String timeAgo = null; 

    if (timeDIM == 0) { 
     timeAgo = "less than a minute"; 
    } else if (timeDIM == 1) { 
     return "1 minute"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 2 && timeDIM <= 44) { 
     timeAgo = timeDIM + " minutes"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 45 && timeDIM <= 89) { 
     timeAgo = "about an hour"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 90 && timeDIM <= 1439) { 
     timeAgo = "about " + (Math.round(timeDIM/60)) + " hours"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 1440 && timeDIM <= 2519) { 
     timeAgo = "1 day"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 2520 && timeDIM <= 43199) { 
     timeAgo = (Math.round(timeDIM/1440)) + " days"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 43200 && timeDIM <= 86399) { 
     timeAgo = "about a month"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 86400 && timeDIM <= 525599) { 
     timeAgo = (Math.round(timeDIM/43200)) + " months"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 525600 && timeDIM <= 655199) { 
     timeAgo = "about a year"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 655200 && timeDIM <= 914399) { 
     timeAgo = "over a year"; 
    } else if (timeDIM >= 914400 && timeDIM <= 1051199) { 
     timeAgo = "almost 2 years"; 
    } else { 
     timeAgo = "about " + (Math.round(timeDIM/525600)) + " years"; 

    return timeAgo + " ago"; 

public static Date currentDate() { 
    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); 
    return calendar.getTime(); 

private static int getTimeDistanceInMinutes(long time) { 
    long timeDistance = currentDate().getTime() - time; 
    return Math.round((Math.abs(timeDistance)/1000)/60); 

'getTimeDistanceInMinutes' shoud return' long' invece di 'int'. –


ho controllato tutte le risposte menziona in questo post, non ha in grado di ottenere un output corretto e formattato da qualsiasi.finalmente trovato la risposta im alla ricerca di in questo post, http://memorynotfound.com/calculate-relative-time-time-ago-java/

import java.util.Date; 
import java.util.LinkedHashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; 

public class TimeAgo { 

    public static final Map<String, Long> times = new LinkedHashMap<>(); 

    static { 
     times.put("year", TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(365)); 
     times.put("month", TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(30)); 
     times.put("week", TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(7)); 
     times.put("day", TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(1)); 
     times.put("hour", TimeUnit.HOURS.toMillis(1)); 
     times.put("minute", TimeUnit.MINUTES.toMillis(1)); 
     times.put("second", TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(1)); 

    public static String toRelative(long duration, int maxLevel) { 
     StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); 
     int level = 0; 
     for (Map.Entry<String, Long> time : times.entrySet()){ 
      long timeDelta = duration/time.getValue(); 
      if (timeDelta > 0){ 
         .append(" ") 
         .append(timeDelta > 1 ? "s" : "") 
         .append(", "); 
       duration -= time.getValue() * timeDelta; 
      if (level == maxLevel){ 
     if ("".equals(res.toString())) { 
      return "0 seconds ago"; 
     } else { 
      res.setLength(res.length() - 2); 
      res.append(" ago"); 
      return res.toString(); 

    public static String toRelative(long duration) { 
     return toRelative(duration, times.size()); 

    public static String toRelative(Date start, Date end){ 
     assert start.after(end); 
     return toRelative(end.getTime() - start.getTime()); 

    public static String toRelative(Date start, Date end, int level){ 
     assert start.after(end); 
     return toRelative(end.getTime() - start.getTime(), level); 

È possibile utilizzare il modulo su Android fa https://github.com/curioustechizen/android-ago

Aggiungere il componente nel vostro XML

app:relative_time_prefix="Completed " 
android:layout_marginTop="@dimen/margin_primary" /> 

impostare il codice della vista riferimento temporale

RelativeTimeTextView v = (RelativeTimeTextView)findViewById(R.id.timestamp); //Or just use Butterknife! 

v.setReferenceTime (new Date(). prendi tempo());


Se hai bisogno di "n settimane fa" con la risposta di @ kaderud, prova questo.

* Copyright 2012 Google Inc. 
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
* You may obtain a copy of the License at 
*  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
* limitations under the License. 

private static final int SECOND_MILLIS = 1000; 
private static final int MINUTE_MILLIS = 60 * SECOND_MILLIS; 
private static final int HOUR_MILLIS = 60 * MINUTE_MILLIS; 
private static final int DAY_MILLIS = 24 * HOUR_MILLIS; 
private static final int WEEK_MILLIS = 7 * DAY_MILLIS; 

public static String getTimeAgo(long time) { 
    if (time < 1000000000000L) { 
     // if timestamp given in seconds, convert to millis 
     time *= 1000; 

    long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
    if (time > now || time <= 0) { 
     return null; 

    // TODO: localize 
    final long diff = now - time; 
    if (diff < MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "just now"; 
    } else if (diff < 2 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "a minute ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 50 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return diff/MINUTE_MILLIS + " minutes ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 90 * MINUTE_MILLIS) { 
     return "an hour ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 24 * HOUR_MILLIS) { 
     return diff/HOUR_MILLIS + " hours ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 48 * HOUR_MILLIS) { 
     return "yesterday"; 
    } else if (diff < 7 * DAY_MILLIS) { 
     return diff/DAY_MILLIS + " days ago"; 
    } else if (diff < 2 * WEEK_MILLIS) { 
     return "a week ago"; 
    } else { 
     return diff/WEEK_MILLIS + " weeks ago"; 