2011-06-17 15 views

Stavo solo guardando una delle mappa Google implementata in IPhone che contiene etichette e pulsanti.Finestra di tocco personalizzata su Google Map

enter image description here

Come posso ottenere questo tipo di finestra in Android contenente le etichette, bottoni e un'immagine così?
Gentilmente fornirmi la fonte per lo stesso.



etichette e pulsanti significa cosa ??? vuoi aggiungere questa scheda in basso e il titolo "SYNNYX" sopra o cosa ??? – Sujit


Considerare la prima riga come Nome del luogo e seconda riga come Indirizzo. Potrebbero esserci linee mre. Button ci porta ai dettagli di quel posto. Dovrebbe esserci anche un'immagine di quel posto nella finestra. –



ho già dato la risposta di questa domanda, ma ho anche un altro esso stesso come si vuole nella data sopra di immagine .

package com.pocketjourney.tutorials; 
import android.os.Bundle; 
import com.google.android.maps.MapActivity; 

     public class ShowMapWithTappingWindowActivity extends MapActivity { 
     public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) { 

* Must let Google know that a route will not be displayed 
protected boolean isRouteDisplayed() { 
    return false; 

package com.pocketjourney.view; 
import com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint; 
    /** Class to hold our location information */ 
    public class MapLocation { 
    private GeoPoint point; 
    private String name; 

public MapLocation(String name,double latitude, double longitude) { 
    this.name = name; 
    point = new GeoPoint((int)(latitude*1e6),(int)(longitude*1e6)); 

public GeoPoint getPoint() { 
    return point; 

public String getName() { 
    return name; 

package com.pocketjourney.view; 

    import java.util.Iterator; 
    import java.util.List; 

    import android.graphics.Bitmap; 
    import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; 
    import android.graphics.Canvas; 
    import android.graphics.Paint; 
    import android.graphics.Point; 
    import android.graphics.RectF; 
    import android.graphics.Paint.Style; 
    import android.os.Handler; 
    import android.util.Log; 
    import android.widget.Toast; 

    import com.google.android.maps.GeoPoint; 
    import com.google.android.maps.MapView; 
    import com.google.android.maps.Overlay; 
    import com.pocketjourney.tutorials.R; 

     public class MapLocationOverlay extends Overlay { 

// Store these as global instances so we don't keep reloading every time 
     private Bitmap bubbleIcon, shadowIcon,iconForMapKit,iconForMapKitRollOver; 
    private Handler mHandler = new Handler(); 
     private boolean flag = false; 

     private MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer; 

    private Paint innerPaint, borderPaint, textPaint; 
     private Point arrowPointCoordinates = new Point(); 
    // The currently selected Map Location...if any is selected. This tracks whether        an information 
// window should be displayed & where...i.e. whether a user 'clicked' on a known map location 
     private MapLocation selectedMapLocation; 
     private int [] start,end ; 
     private boolean checkAnimationEnded; 

* The Following method is to be called when to have dropping pin effect 
* the method is simply creating two arrays for starting and ending point of map location. 
* On draw will be called again and again till start point equals the end point 
private void fillYCoordinateArrayForPinDropAnimation(MapLocationViewer mapLocationViewer) 
    List<MapLocation> mList = mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations(); 
    int size = mList.size(); 
    start = new int[size]; 
    end = new int[size]; 

* Method for checking two arrays. Used for dropping pin effect 
private boolean checkTwoArrayForEquality(int [] a , int [] b) 
    boolean result = true ; 

    for(int i = 0 ; i< a.length ; i++) 
     if(a[i] < b[i]){ result = false; break; } 
    Log.v("Coor", "Coor Resut = "+ result); 
    return result; 

public MapLocationOverlay(MapLocationViewer  mapLocationViewer) { 
    this.mapLocationViewer = mapLocationViewer; 

    bubbleIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mapLocationViewer.getResources(),R.drawable.marker); 
    shadowIcon = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mapLocationViewer.getResources(),R.drawable.shadow); 
    iconForMapKit = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mapLocationViewer.getResources(),R.drawable.arrowformapkit); 
    iconForMapKitRollOver = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(mapLocationViewer.getResources(),R.drawable.arrowformapkit_rollover); 

public boolean onTap(GeoPoint p,final MapView mapView) { 

    // Store whether prior popup was displayed so we can call invalidate() & remove it if necessary. 
    boolean isRemovePriorPopup = selectedMapLocation != null; 

    // Next test whether a new popup should be displayed 
    if(moreArrowTappedEvent(mapView,p) && isRemovePriorPopup) 
     Toast.makeText(this.mapLocationViewer.getContext(), "I am hit", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
     flag = true; 

     mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { 

      public void run() { 
       // TODO Auto-generated method stub 
       flag = false; 


     selectedMapLocation = getHitMapLocation(mapView,p); 
     if (isRemovePriorPopup || selectedMapLocation != null) { 


     // Lastly return true if we handled this onTap() 
    return selectedMapLocation != null; 

public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) { 

    drawMapLocations(canvas, mapView, shadow); 
    drawInfoWindow(canvas, mapView, shadow); 

    // Uncomment the below for dropping pin effect 

    if(!checkTwoArrayForEquality(start, end)) 
     for(int i = 0; i<start.length ; i++) 
      if(start[i] < end[i]) start[i]+=3; 

     checkAnimationEnded = true; 


* Test whether an information balloon should be displayed or a prior balloon hidden. 
private boolean moreArrowTappedEvent(MapView mapView, GeoPoint tapPoint) 
    boolean result = false; 

    RectF hitTestRecr = new RectF(); 
    Point screenCoords = new Point(); 
    // Create a 'hit' testing Rectangle w/size and coordinates of our icon 
    // Set the 'hit' testing Rectangle with the size and coordinates of our on screen icon 

    // Finally test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle and the location clicked by the user 
    mapView.getProjection().toPixels(tapPoint, screenCoords); 
    if (hitTestRecr.contains(screenCoords.x,screenCoords.y)) { 
     result = true; 
    return result; 


private MapLocation getHitMapLocation(MapView mapView, GeoPoint tapPoint) { 

    // Track which MapLocation was hit...if any 
    MapLocation hitMapLocation = null; 

    RectF hitTestRecr = new RectF(); 
    Point screenCoords = new Point(); 
    Iterator<MapLocation> iterator = mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations().iterator(); 
    while(iterator.hasNext()) { 
     MapLocation testLocation = iterator.next(); 

     // Translate the MapLocation's lat/long coordinates to screen coordinates 
     mapView.getProjection().toPixels(testLocation.getPoint(), screenCoords); 

     // Create a 'hit' testing Rectangle w/size and coordinates of our icon 
     // Set the 'hit' testing Rectangle with the size and coordinates of our on screen icon 

     // Finally test for a match between our 'hit' Rectangle and the location clicked by the user 
     mapView.getProjection().toPixels(tapPoint, screenCoords); 
     if (hitTestRecr.contains(screenCoords.x,screenCoords.y)) { 
      hitMapLocation = testLocation; 

    // Lastly clear the newMouseSelection as it has now been processed 
    tapPoint = null; 

    return hitMapLocation; 

private void drawMapLocations(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) { 

    Iterator<MapLocation> iterator = mapLocationViewer.getMapLocations().iterator(); 
    Point screenCoords = new Point(); 

    int pos = 0; // for drop pin effect 
    while(iterator.hasNext()) {  
     MapLocation location = iterator.next(); 
     mapView.getProjection().toPixels(location.getPoint(), screenCoords); 
     shadow = false ; // remove this line if want shadow to be drawn also.. 

     end[pos] = screenCoords.y - bubbleIcon.getHeight();// for drop pin effect 
     if (shadow) { 
      // Only offset the shadow in the y-axis as the shadow is angled so the base is at x=0; 
      canvas.drawBitmap(shadowIcon, screenCoords.x, screenCoords.y - shadowIcon.getHeight(),null); 
     else { 
       canvas.drawBitmap(bubbleIcon, screenCoords.x - bubbleIcon.getWidth()/2, screenCoords.y - bubbleIcon.getHeight(),null); 
       canvas.drawBitmap(bubbleIcon, screenCoords.x - bubbleIcon.getWidth()/2, start[pos],null); // for drop pin effect 

      //canvas.drawBitmap(bubbleIcon, screenCoords.x - bubbleIcon.getWidth()/2, screenCoords.y - bubbleIcon.getHeight(),null); 

     pos++;// for drop pin effect 

private void drawInfoWindow(Canvas canvas, MapView mapView, boolean shadow) { 

    if (selectedMapLocation != null) { 
     if (shadow) { 
      // Skip painting a shadow in this tutorial 
     } else { 
      // First determine the screen coordinates of the selected MapLocation 
      Point selDestinationOffset = new Point(); 
      mapView.getProjection().toPixels(selectedMapLocation.getPoint(), selDestinationOffset); 

      // Setup the info window with the right size & location 
      int INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH = 200; 
      int INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 50; 
      RectF infoWindowRect = new RectF(0,0,INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH,INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT);    
      int infoWindowOffsetX = selDestinationOffset.x-INFO_WINDOW_WIDTH/2; 
      int infoWindowOffsetY = selDestinationOffset.y-INFO_WINDOW_HEIGHT-bubbleIcon.getHeight(); 

      // Draw inner info window 
      canvas.drawRoundRect(infoWindowRect, 5, 5, getInnerPaint()); 

      // Draw border for info window 
      canvas.drawRoundRect(infoWindowRect, 5, 5, getBorderPaint()); 

      // Draw the MapLocation's name 
      int TEXT_OFFSET_X = 10; 
      int TEXT_OFFSET_Y = 15; 
      String name = selectedMapLocation.getName(); 
      if(name.length() >= 28) 
       name = name.substring(0, 26)+".."; 
     // canvas.drawText(selectedMapLocation.getPrice(),infoWindowOffsetX+TEXT_OFFSET_X,infoWindowOffsetY+TEXT_OFFSET_Y+20,getTextPaint()); 
       canvas.drawBitmap(iconForMapKit, infoWindowOffsetX+160,infoWindowOffsetY+10, null); 
       canvas.drawBitmap(iconForMapKitRollOver, infoWindowOffsetX+160,infoWindowOffsetY+10, null); 

      arrowPointCoordinates.x = infoWindowOffsetX+160; 
      arrowPointCoordinates.y = infoWindowOffsetY+10; 

public Paint getInnerPaint() { 
    if (innerPaint == null) { 
     innerPaint = new Paint(); 
     innerPaint.setARGB(225, 75, 75, 75); //gray 
    return innerPaint; 

public Paint getBorderPaint() { 
    if (borderPaint == null) { 
     borderPaint = new Paint(); 
     borderPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); 
    return borderPaint; 

public Paint getTextPaint() { 
    if (textPaint == null) { 
     textPaint = new Paint(); 
     textPaint.setARGB(255, 255, 255, 255); 
    return textPaint; 

package com.pocketjourney.view; 

import java.util.ArrayList; 
import java.util.List; 

import android.content.Context; 
import android.util.AttributeSet; 
import android.widget.LinearLayout; 

import com.google.android.maps.MapView; 

public class MapLocationViewer extends LinearLayout { 

private MapLocationOverlay overlay; 

// Known latitude/longitude coordinates that we'll be using. 
private List<MapLocation> mapLocations; 

private MapView mapView; 

public MapLocationViewer(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { 
    super(context, attrs); 

public MapLocationViewer(Context context) { 

public void init() {   

    setLayoutParams(new LinearLayout.LayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT,android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.FILL_PARENT)); 

    mapView = new MapView(getContext(),"0UHW90ofRVhQWOEMziC6Vn73Fogg9NtCmHCIGGw"); 

    overlay = new MapLocationOverlay(this); 


public List<MapLocation> getMapLocations() { 
    if (mapLocations == null) { 
     mapLocations = new ArrayList<MapLocation>(); 
     mapLocations.add(new MapLocation("North Beach",37.799800872802734,-122.40699768066406)); 
     mapLocations.add(new MapLocation("China Town",37.792598724365234,-122.40599822998047)); 
     mapLocations.add(new MapLocation("Fisherman's Wharf",37.80910110473633,-122.41600036621094)); 
     mapLocations.add(new MapLocation("Financial District",37.79410171508789,-122.4010009765625)); 
    return mapLocations; 

public MapView getMapView() { 
    return mapView; 

I have got the fallowing given blow output using the above code same like you want

Spero tu abbia la tua risposta.


Grande. Cosa succede se vogliamo visualizzare un'immagine nella finestra? –


Si prega di leggere la mia cura risposta pienamente >> è un MapLocationOverlay bitmap public class estende Overlay { \t // Conservare queste come istanze globali, in modo non teniamo ricaricare ogni volta Bitmap bubbleIcon privato, shadowIcon, iconForMapKit, iconForMapKitRollOver; \t \t iconForMapKitRollOver = BitmapFactory.decodeResource (mapLocationViewer.getResources(), R.drawable.arrowformapkit_rollover); leggerlo ho usato bitmap e ne ho impostato il valore. – DynamicMind


Bene. Come possiamo impostare un evento click per il pulsante che hai visualizzato. Puoi mostrare come posso aggiungere un evento click nel tuo codice? –


@@ pietra si prega di controllare il collegamento potrebbe essere più utile https://github.com/jgilfelt/android-mapviewballoons#readme e il codice è direttamente qui https://github.com/jgilfelt/android-mapviewballoons – Nikhil


Grazie Nik. Sì, è stato utile –

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