2014-12-16 14 views

Come si può semplificare la parte di tag vocali restituita dal tagger POS francese di Stanford? E 'abbastanza facile da leggere una frase in inglese in NLTK, trovare una parte di ogni parola del discorso, quindi utilizzare map_tag() per semplificare il set di tag:Semplificazione del set di tag POS francese con NLTK

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import os 
from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger 
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize 
from nltk.tag import map_tag 

#set java_home path from within script. Run os.getenv("JAVA_HOME") to test java_home 
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_25\\bin" 

english = u"the whole earth swarms with living beings, every plant, every grain and leaf, supports the life of thousands." 

path_to_english_model = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\models\\english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger" 
path_to_jar = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger.jar" 

#define english and french taggers 
english_tagger = POSTagger(path_to_english_model, path_to_jar, encoding="utf-8") 

#each tuple in list_of_english_pos_tuples = (word, pos) 
list_of_english_pos_tuples = english_tagger.tag(word_tokenize(english)) 

simplified_pos_tags_english = [(word, map_tag('en-ptb', 'universal', tag)) for word, tag in list_of_english_pos_tuples] 

print simplified_pos_tags_english 

#output = [(u'the', u'DET'), (u'whole', u'ADJ'), (u'earth', u'NOUN'), (u'swarms', u'NOUN'), (u'with', u'ADP'), (u'living', u'NOUN'), (u'beings', u'NOUN'), (u',', u'.'), (u'every', u'DET'), (u'plant', u'NOUN'), (u',', u'.'), (u'every', u'DET'), (u'grain', u'NOUN'), (u'and', u'CONJ'), (u'leaf', u'NOUN'), (u',', u'.'), (u'supports', u'VERB'), (u'the', u'DET'), (u'life', u'NOUN'), (u'of', u'ADP'), (u'thousands', u'NOUN'), (u'.', u'.')] 

Ma io non sono sicuro di come mappare i tag francesi restituiti dal seguente codice insieme di tag universale:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

import os 
from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger 
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize 
from nltk.tag import map_tag 

#set java_home path from within script. Run os.getenv("JAVA_HOME") to test java_home 
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_25\\bin" 

french = u"Chaque plante, chaque graine, chaque particule de matière organique contient des milliers d'atomes animés." 

path_to_french_model = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\models\\french.tagger" 
path_to_jar = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger.jar" 

french_tagger = POSTagger(path_to_french_model, path_to_jar, encoding="utf-8") 

list_of_french_pos_tuples = french_tagger.tag(word_tokenize(french)) 

#up to this point all is well, but I'm not sure how to successfully create a simplified pos tagset with the French tuples 
simplified_pos_tags_french = [(word, map_tag('SOME_ARGUMENT', 'universal', tag)) for word, tag in list_of_french_pos_tuples] 
print simplified_pos_tags_french 

qualcuno sa come semplificare l'insieme di tag di default usata dal modello francese nel tagger Stanford POS? Sarei grato per qualsiasi intuizione che altri possono offrire su questa domanda.



Ho finito per mappare manualmente i tag POS di Stanford sul set di tag universale. Per quel che vale, il frammento di cui sopra faceva parte di un flusso di lavoro leggermente più ampio che mirava a misurare la somiglianza sintattica tra frasi francesi e inglesi. Ecco il codice completo, nel caso in cui aiuti gli altri:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- 

'''NLTK 3.0 offers map_tag, which maps the Penn Treebank Tag Set to the Universal Tagset, a course tag set with the following 12 tags: 

VERB - verbs (all tenses and modes) 
NOUN - nouns (common and proper) 
PRON - pronouns 
ADJ - adjectives 
ADV - adverbs 
ADP - adpositions (prepositions and postpositions) 
CONJ - conjunctions 
DET - determiners 
NUM - cardinal numbers 
PRT - particles or other function words 
X - other: foreign words, typos, abbreviations 
. - punctuation 

We'll map Stanford's tag set to this tag set then compare the similarity between subregions of French and English sentences.''' 

from __future__ import division 
import os, math 
from nltk.tag.stanford import POSTagger 
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize 
from nltk.tag import map_tag 
from collections import Counter 

# Create Tagset Mapping # 

def create_french_to_universal_dict(): 
    '''this function creates the dict we'll call below when we map french pos tags to the universal tag set''' 
    french_to_universal = {} 
    french_to_universal[u"ADJ"] = u"ADJ" 
    french_to_universal[u"ADJWH"] = u"ADJ" 
    french_to_universal[u"ADV"] = u"ADV" 
    french_to_universal[u"ADVWH"] = u"ADV" 
    french_to_universal[u"CC"]  = u"CONJ"  
    french_to_universal[u"CLO"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"CLR"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"CLS"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"CS"]  = u"CONJ" 
    french_to_universal[u"DET"] = u"DET" 
    french_to_universal[u"DETWH"] = u"DET" 
    french_to_universal[u"ET"]  = u"X" 
    french_to_universal[u"NC"]  = u"NOUN" 
    french_to_universal[u"NPP"] = u"NOUN" 
    french_to_universal[u"P"]  = u"ADP" 
    french_to_universal[u"PUNC"] = u"." 
    french_to_universal[u"PRO"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"PROREL"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"PROWH"] = u"PRON" 
    french_to_universal[u"V"]  = u"VERB" 
    french_to_universal[u"VIMP"] = u"VERB" 
    french_to_universal[u"VINF"] = u"VERB" 
    french_to_universal[u"VPP"] = u"VERB" 
    french_to_universal[u"VPR"] = u"VERB" 
    french_to_universal[u"VS"]  = u"VERB" 
    #nb, I is not part of the universal tagset--interjections get mapped to X 
    french_to_universal[u"I"]  = u"X" 
    return french_to_universal 

french_to_universal_dict = create_french_to_universal_dict() 

def map_french_tag_to_universal(list_of_french_tag_tuples): 
    '''this function reads in a list of tuples (word, pos) and returns the same list with pos mapped to universal tagset''' 
    return [ (tup[0], french_to_universal_dict[ tup[1] ]) for tup in list_of_french_tag_tuples ] 

# Define Similarity Functions # 

def counter_cosine_similarity(c1, c2): 
    '''this function reads in two counters and returns their cosine similarity''' 
    terms = set(c1).union(c2) 
    dotprod = sum(c1.get(k, 0) * c2.get(k, 0) for k in terms) 
    magA = math.sqrt(sum(c1.get(k, 0)**2 for k in terms)) 
    magB = math.sqrt(sum(c2.get(k, 0)**2 for k in terms)) 
    return dotprod/(magA * magB) 

def longest_common_subsequence_length(a, b): 
    '''this function reads in two lists and returns the length of their longest common subsequence''' 
    table = [[0] * (len(b) + 1) for _ in xrange(len(a) + 1)] 
    for i, ca in enumerate(a, 1): 
     for j, cb in enumerate(b, 1): 
      table[i][j] = (
       table[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 if ca == cb else 
       max(table[i][j - 1], table[i - 1][j])) 
    return table[-1][-1]   

def longest_contiguous_subsequence_length(a, b): 
    '''this function reads in two lists and returns the length of their longest contiguous subsequence''' 
    table = [[0] * (len(b) + 1) for _ in xrange(len(a) + 1)] 
    l = 0 
    for i, ca in enumerate(a, 1): 
     for j, cb in enumerate(b, 1): 
      if ca == cb: 
       table[i][j] = table[i - 1][j - 1] + 1 
       if table[i][j] > l: 
        l = table[i][j] 
    return l 

def calculate_syntactic_similarity(french_pos_tuples, english_pos_tuples): 
    '''this function reads in two lists of (word, pos) tuples and returns their cosine similarity, logest_common_subsequence, and longest_common_contiguous_sequence''' 
    french_pos_list   = [tup[1] for tup in french_pos_tuples] 
    english_pos_list   = [tup[1] for tup in english_pos_tuples] 
    french_pos_counter  = Counter(french_pos_list) 
    english_pos_counter  = Counter(english_pos_list) 
    cosine_similarity   = counter_cosine_similarity(french_pos_counter, english_pos_counter) 
    lc_subsequence   = longest_common_subsequence_length(french_pos_counter, english_pos_counter)/max(len(french_pos_list), len(english_pos_list)) 
    lc_contiguous_subsequence = longest_contiguous_subsequence_length(french_pos_counter, english_pos_counter)/max(len(french_pos_list), len(english_pos_list)) 
    return cosine_similarity, lc_subsequence, lc_contiguous_subsequence 

# Parse POS with Stanford # 

#set java_home path from within script. Run os.getenv("JAVA_HOME") to test java_home 
os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] = "C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jdk1.7.0_25\\bin" 

english = u"the whole earth swarms with living beings, every plant, every grain and leaf, supports the life of thousands." 
french = u"Chaque plante, chaque graine, chaque particule de matière organique contient des milliers d'atomes animés." 

#specify paths 
path_to_english_model = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\models\\english-bidirectional-distsim.tagger" 
path_to_french_model = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\models\\french.tagger" 
path_to_jar = "C:\\Text\\Professional\\Digital Humanities\\Packages and Tools\\Stanford Packages\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger-full-2014-08-27\\stanford-postagger.jar" 

#define english and french taggers 
english_tagger = POSTagger(path_to_english_model, path_to_jar, encoding="utf-8") 
french_tagger = POSTagger(path_to_french_model, path_to_jar, encoding="utf-8") 

#each tuple in list_of_english_pos_tuples = (word, pos) 
list_of_english_pos_tuples = english_tagger.tag(word_tokenize(english)) 
list_of_french_pos_tuples = french_tagger.tag(word_tokenize(french)) 

#simplify each tagset 
simplified_pos_tags_english = [(word, map_tag('en-ptb', 'universal', tag)) for word, tag in list_of_english_pos_tuples] 
simplified_pos_tags_french = map_french_tag_to_universal(list_of_french_pos_tuples) 

print calculate_syntactic_similarity(simplified_pos_tags_french, simplified_pos_tags_english) 

Grazie per averlo fatto! Le persone NLTK potrebbero essere interessate alla tua mappatura dal set di tag Stanford ("Crabbe e Candito") al tagset universale. –


Il mio piacere! Proverò a creare una richiesta di pull ad un certo punto in modo che possano includere questa mappatura in una versione futura. – duhaime


@duhaime, volevo ringraziare e dire che ho preso la tua mappatura e ho creato una richiesta di pull per contribuire al progetto di tag Universal POS (https://github.com/slavpetrov/universal-pos-tags/pull/12) con il tu e questa pagina SO. –

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