2014-07-03 20 views

Ho un grafico padre che ho bisogno di eseguire il drill-down su un grafico figlio con più serie. Ecco un esempio di giocattolo e di ciò che vorrei fare. (So ​​che questo non funziona)Highcharts - drill down su più serie

Avviso Sto provando a passare in una matrice di ID da visualizzare nel grafico figlio.

Qualcuno conosce un modo per farlo? Se qualcuno da Highcharts legge questo, può essere aggiunto come caratteristica?

$(function() {  

// Create the chart 
    chart: { 
     type: 'column' 
    title: { 
     text: 'Basic drilldown' 
    xAxis: { 
     type: 'category' 

    plotOptions: { 
     column : { 
      stacking : 'normal' 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Yearly Orders', 
     data: [{ 
      name: 'Location 1', 
      y: 100, 
      drilldown: ['l1-wa', 'l1-wb'] 
     }, { 
      name: 'Location 2', 
      y: 150, 
      drilldown: ['l2-wa', 'l2-wb'] 
    drilldown: { 
     series: [{ 
      name: 'Widget A', 
      type: 'line', 
      id: 'l1-wa', 
      data: [ 
       {name: 'Qtr 1', y: 5}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 2', y: 25}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 3', y: 25}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 4', y: 20} 
      name: 'Widget B', 
      type: 'line', 
      id: 'l1-wb', 
      data: [ 
       {name: 'Qtr 1', y: 10}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 2', y: 5}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 3', y: 5}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 4', y: 5} 
     }, { 
      name: 'Widget A', 
      type: 'line', 
      id: 'l2-wa', 
      data: [ 
       {name: 'Qtr 1', y: 25}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 2', y: 5}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 3', y: 5}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 4', y: 15} 
      name: 'Widget B', 
      type: 'line', 
      id: 'l2-wb', 
      data: [ 
       {name: 'Qtr 1', y: 30}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 2', y: 30}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 3', y: 15}, 
       {name: 'Qtr 4', y: 25} 


Ecco una JSFiddle di questa foratura verso il basso per una sola serie http://jsfiddle.net/F7z3D/2/

EDIT - ho esteso Highcharts di darmi alcune modifiche avanzate quando il drill-down. Questo probabilmente non è il miglior codice, ma ha il merito. Ciò consente la modifica degli assi xey, la modifica del sottotitolo e più serie.

$(function() { 

(function (H) { 
    var noop = function() {}, 
    defaultOptions = H.getOptions(), 
     each = H.each, 
     extend = H.extend, 
     format = H.format, 
     wrap = H.wrap, 
     Chart = H.Chart, 
     seriesTypes = H.seriesTypes, 
     PieSeries = seriesTypes.pie, 
     ColumnSeries = seriesTypes.column, 
     fireEvent = HighchartsAdapter.fireEvent, 
     inArray = HighchartsAdapter.inArray; 

    H.wrap(H.Chart.prototype, 'drillUp', function (proceed) { 

     var chart = this, 
      drilldownLevels = chart.drilldownLevels, 
      levelNumber = drilldownLevels[drilldownLevels.length - 1].levelNumber, 
      i = drilldownLevels.length, 
      chartSeries = chart.series, 
      seriesI = chartSeries.length, 
      addSeries = function (seriesOptions) { 
       var addedSeries; 
       each(chartSeries, function (series) { 
        if (series.userOptions === seriesOptions) { 
         addedSeries = series; 

       addedSeries = addedSeries || chart.addSeries(seriesOptions, false); 
       if (addedSeries.type === oldSeries.type && addedSeries.animateDrillupTo) { 
        addedSeries.animate = addedSeries.animateDrillupTo; 
       if (seriesOptions === level.seriesOptions) { 
        newSeries = addedSeries; 

     while (i--) { 

      level = drilldownLevels[i]; 
      if (level.levelNumber === levelNumber) { 

       // Get the lower series by reference or id 
       oldSeries = level.lowerSeries; 

       if ($.isArray(oldSeries)) { 

    if (chart.series) { 
     while (chart.series.length > 0) { 

        if (level.levelSubtitle) { 
         chart.setTitle(null, {text: level.levelSubtitle}); 
        } else { 
         chart.setTitle(null, { 
          text: '' 

        if (chart.xAxis && level.levelXAxis) { 
         while (chart.xAxis.length > 0) { 
        if (chart.yAxis && level.levelYAxis) { 
         while (chart.yAxis.length > 0) { 

        if (level.levelYAxis) { 
         $.each(level.levelYAxis, function() { 
          chart.addAxis(this, false, false); 
        if (level.levelXAxis) { 
         $.each(level.levelXAxis, function() { 
          chart.addAxis(this, true, false); 
        $.each(level.levelSeriesOptions, function() { 
         chart.addSeries(this, false); 

       } else { 
        if (!oldSeries.chart) { // #2786 
         while (seriesI--) { 
          if (chartSeries[seriesI].options.id === level.lowerSeriesOptions.id) { 
           oldSeries = chartSeries[seriesI]; 
        oldSeries.xData = []; // Overcome problems with minRange (#2898) 

        each(level.levelSeriesOptions, addSeries); 

        fireEvent(chart, 'drillup', { 
         seriesOptions: level.seriesOptions 

        if (newSeries.type === oldSeries.type) { 
         newSeries.drilldownLevel = level; 
         newSeries.options.animation = chart.options.drilldown.animation; 

         if (oldSeries.animateDrillupFrom) { 

        newSeries.levelNumber = levelNumber; 


        // Reset the zoom level of the upper series 
        if (newSeries.xAxis) { 
         oldExtremes = level.oldExtremes; 
         newSeries.xAxis.setExtremes(oldExtremes.xMin, oldExtremes.xMax, false); 
         newSeries.yAxis.setExtremes(oldExtremes.yMin, oldExtremes.yMax, false); 



     if (this.drilldownLevels.length === 0) { 
      this.drillUpButton = this.drillUpButton.destroy(); 
     } else { 
      console.log('no destroy '+this.drilldownLevels.length); 
       text: this.getDrilldownBackText() 


    H.wrap(H.Chart.prototype, 'addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown', function (proceed, point, ddOptions) { 

     if (!ddOptions.series) { 
      proceed.call(this, point, ddOptions); 
     } else { 

      var thisChart = this; 

      var oldSeries = point.series, 
       xAxis = oldSeries.xAxis, 
       yAxis = oldSeries.yAxis, 
       color = point.color || oldSeries.color, 
       levelSeries = [], 
       levelSeriesOptions = [], 
       levelXAxis = [], 
       levelYAxis = [], 

      levelNumber = oldSeries.levelNumber || 0; 

     // ddOptions.series[0] = extend({ 
      //  color: color 
     // }, ddOptions.series[0]); 
     // pointIndex = inArray(point, oldSeries.points); 

      // Record options for all current series 
      each(oldSeries.chart.series, function (series) { 
       if (series.xAxis === xAxis) { 
        series.levelNumber = series.levelNumber || 0; 

      each(oldSeries.chart.xAxis, function (xAxis) { 

      each(oldSeries.chart.yAxis, function (yAxis) { 

      if(oldSeries.chart.subtitle && oldSeries.chart.subtitle.textStr){ 
       levelSubtitle = oldSeries.chart.subtitle.textStr; 

      // Add a record of properties for each drilldown level 
      level = { 
       levelNumber: levelNumber, 
       seriesOptions: oldSeries.userOptions, 
       levelSeriesOptions: levelSeriesOptions, 
       levelSeries: levelSeries, 
       levelXAxis: levelXAxis, 
       levelYAxis: levelYAxis, 
       levelSubtitle: levelSubtitle, 
       shapeArgs: point.shapeArgs, 
       bBox: point.graphic.getBBox(), 
       color: color, 
       lowerSeriesOptions: ddOptions, 
       pointOptions: oldSeries.options.data[pointIndex], 
       pointIndex: pointIndex, 
       oldExtremes: { 
        xMin: xAxis && xAxis.userMin, 
        xMax: xAxis && xAxis.userMax, 
        yMin: yAxis && yAxis.userMin, 
        yMax: yAxis && yAxis.userMax 

      // Generate and push it to a lookup array 
      if (!this.drilldownLevels) { 
       this.drilldownLevels = []; 

      level.lowerSeries = []; 

      if (ddOptions.subtitle) { 
       this.setTitle(null, {text: ddOptions.subtitle}); 
       this.setTitle(null, {text: ''}); 

      if (this.xAxis && ddOptions.xAxis) { 
       while (this.xAxis.length > 0) { 
      if (this.yAxis && ddOptions.yAxis) { 
       while (this.yAxis.length > 0) { 

      if (ddOptions.yAxis) { 
       if ($.isArray(ddOptions.yAxis)) { 
        $.each(ddOptions.yAxis, function() { 
         thisChart.addAxis(this, false, false); 
       } else { 
        thisChart.addAxis(ddOptions.yAxis, false, false); 
      if (ddOptions.xAxis) { 
       if ($.isArray(ddOptions.xAxis)) { 
        $.each(ddOptions.xAxis, function() { 
         thisChart.addAxis(this, true, false); 
       } else { 
        thisChart.addAxis(ddOptions.xAxis, true, false); 


      $.each(ddOptions.series, function() { 

       var newSeries = thisChart.addSeries(this, true); 
       newSeries.levelNumber = levelNumber + 1; 
    //   if (xAxis) { 
    //     xAxis.oldPos = xAxis.pos; 
     //    xAxis.userMin = xAxis.userMax = null; 
     //    yAxis.userMin = yAxis.userMax = null; 
      //  } 

      //  // Run fancy cross-animation on supported and equal types 
      // if (oldSeries.type === newSeries.type) { 
       //  newSeries.animate = newSeries.animateDrilldown || noop; 
       //  newSeries.options.animation = true; 
       // } 


    H.wrap(H.Point.prototype, 'doDrilldown', function (proceed, _holdRedraw) { 

     if (!$.isPlainObject(this.drilldown)) { 
      proceed.call(this, _holdRedraw); 
     } else { 
      var ddChartConfig = this.drilldown; 
      var ddSeries = ddChartConfig.series; 

      var series = this.series; 
      var chart = series.chart; 
      var drilldown = chart.options.drilldown; 

      var seriesObjs = []; 
      for (var i = 0; i < ddSeries.length; i++) { 
       if (!$.isPlainObject(ddSeries[i])) { 
        var j = (drilldown.series || []).length; 
        var seriesObj = null; 
        while (j-- && !seriesObj) { 
         if (drilldown.series[j].id === ddSeries[i]) { 
          seriesObj = drilldown.series[j]; 
        if (seriesObj) { 
       } else { 

      ddChartConfig.series = seriesObjs; 
      ddSeries = ddChartConfig.series; 

      // Fire the event. If seriesOptions is undefined, the implementer can check for 
      // seriesOptions, and call addSeriesAsDrilldown async if necessary. 
      HighchartsAdapter.fireEvent(chart, 'drilldown', { 
       point: this, 
       seriesOptions: ddChartConfig 

      if (ddChartConfig) { 
       if (_holdRedraw) { 
        chart.addSingleSeriesAsDrilldown(this, ddChartConfig); 
       } else { 
        chart.addSeriesAsDrilldown(this, ddChartConfig); 


// Create the chart 
    chart: { 
     type: 'column' 
    title: { 
     text: 'Basic drilldown' 
    xAxis: { 
     type: 'category' 

    plotOptions: { 
     column: { 
      stacking: 'normal' 

    series: [{ 
     name: 'Yearly Orders', 
     data: [{ 
      name: 'Location 1', 
      y: 100, 
      drilldown: { 
       series: ['l1-wa', 'l2-wa'], 
       subtitle: "subtitle", 
       xAxis: { 
        title: { 
         text: 'X Axis' 
       yAxis: { 
        title: { 
         text: 'Y Axis' 
     }, { 
      name: 'Location 2', 
      y: 150 //, 
      // drilldown: 'l2-wa' 
    drilldown: { 
     series: [{ 
      name: 'Widget A', 
      type: 'column', 
      id: 'l1-wa', 
      data: [{ 
       name: 'Qtr 1', 
       y: 5, 
       drilldown: {series: ['l2-wb'],   xAxis: { 
       yAxis: { 

      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 2', 
       y: 25 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 3', 
       y: 25 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 4', 
       y: 20 
     }, { 
      name: 'Widget B', 
      type: 'line', 
      id: 'l1-wb', 
      data: [{ 
       name: 'Qtr 1', 
       y: 10 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 2', 
       y: 5 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 3', 
       y: 5 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 4', 
       y: 5 
     }, { 
      name: 'Widget A', 
      type: 'column', 
      id: 'l2-wa', 
      data: [{ 
       name: 'Qtr 1', 
       y: 25 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 2', 
       y: 5 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 3', 
       y: 5 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 4', 
       y: 15 
     }, { 
      name: 'Widget B', 
      type: 'pie', 
      id: 'l2-wb', 
      data: [{ 
       name: 'Qtr 1', 
       y: 30 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 2', 
       y: 30 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 3', 
       y: 15 
      }, { 
       name: 'Qtr 4', 
       y: 25 


Ecco un JSFIDDLEhttp://jsfiddle.net/skTHx/10/


In questo momento non è supportato da drilldown.js plugin. Abbiamo in programma di aggiungere questo da qualche parte in futuro (nessun ETA adesso). –



È possibile fare riferimento questa demo: JSFIDDLE


$(function() { 
var chart; 
$(document).ready(function() { 

    var colors = Highcharts.getOptions().colors, 
     categories = ['MSIE', 'Firefox', 'Chrome', 'Safari', 'Opera'], 
     name = ['Browser brands'], 
     data = [{ 
       y: 55.11, 
       color: colors[0], 
       drilldown: { 
        categories: ['MSIE 6.0', 'MSIE 7.0', 'MSIE 8.0', 'MSIE 9.0'], 
        series: [{ 
         type: 'spline', 
         name: 'MSIE versions 2000', 
         data: [10.85, 7.35, 33.06, 2.81], 
         color: colors[0] 
         type: 'spline', 
         name: 'MSIE versions 2010', 
         data: [1, 5, 10, 15], 
         color: colors[0] 
      }, { 
       y: 21.63, 
       color: colors[1], 
       drilldown: { 
        name: 'Firefox versions', 
        categories: ['Firefox 2.0', 'Firefox 3.0', 'Firefox 3.5', 'Firefox 3.6', 'Firefox 4.0'], 
        data: [0.20, 0.83, 1.58, 13.12, 5.43], 
        color: colors[1] 
      }, { 
       y: 11.94, 
       color: colors[2], 
       drilldown: { 
        name: 'Chrome versions', 
        categories: ['Chrome 5.0', 'Chrome 6.0', 'Chrome 7.0', 'Chrome 8.0', 'Chrome 9.0', 
         'Chrome 10.0', 'Chrome 11.0', 'Chrome 12.0'], 
        data: [0.12, 0.19, 0.12, 0.36, 0.32, 9.91, 0.50, 0.22], 
        color: colors[2] 
      }, { 
       y: 7.15, 
       color: colors[3], 
       drilldown: { 
        name: 'Safari versions', 
        categories: ['Safari 5.0', 'Safari 4.0', 'Safari Win 5.0', 'Safari 4.1', 'Safari/Maxthon', 
         'Safari 3.1', 'Safari 4.1'], 
        data: [4.55, 1.42, 0.23, 0.21, 0.20, 0.19, 0.14], 
        color: colors[3] 
      }, { 
       y: 2.14, 
       color: colors[4], 
       drilldown: { 
        name: 'Opera versions', 
        categories: ['Opera 9.x', 'Opera 10.x', 'Opera 11.x'], 
        data: [ 0.12, 0.37, 1.65], 
        color: colors[4] 

    function setChart(name, categories, data, color, type) { 
     var len = chart.series.length; 
     for(var i = 0; i < len; i++){ 
      for(var i = 0; i < data.series.length; i ++){ 
        name: data.series[i].name, 
        data: data.series[i].data, 
        type: data.series[i].type, 
        color: data.series[i].color || 'white' 
     } else { 
        name: name, 
        data: data, 
        type: type, 
        color: color || 'white' 

    chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ 
     chart: { 
      renderTo: 'container', 
      type: 'column' 
     title: { 
      text: 'Browser market share, April, 2011' 
     subtitle: { 
      text: 'Click the columns to view versions. Click again to view brands.' 
     xAxis: { 
      categories: categories 
     yAxis: { 
      title: { 
       text: 'Total percent market share' 
     plotOptions: { 
      column: { 
       cursor: 'pointer', 
       point: { 
        events: { 
         click: function() { 
          var drilldown = this.drilldown; 
          if (drilldown) { // drill down 
           setChart(null, drilldown.categories, drilldown, drilldown.type); 
          } else { // restore 
           setChart(name, categories, data, drilldown.type); 
       dataLabels: { 
        enabled: true, 
        color: colors[0], 
        style: { 
         fontWeight: 'bold' 
        formatter: function() { 
         return this.y +'%'; 
      spline: { 
       cursor: 'pointer', 
       point: { 
        events: { 
         click: function() { 
          setChart(name, categories, data, 'column'); 
       dataLabels: { 
        enabled: true, 
        color: colors[0], 
        style: { 
         fontWeight: 'bold' 
        formatter: function() { 
         return this.y + '%'; 
     tooltip: { 
      formatter: function() { 
       var point = this.point, 
        s = this.x +':<b>'+ this.y +'% market share</b><br/>'; 
       if (point.drilldown) { 
        s += 'Click to view '+ point.category +' versions'; 
       } else { 
        s += 'Click to return to browser brands'; 
       return s; 
     series: [{ 
      name: name, 
      data: data, 
      color: 'white' 
     exporting: { 
      enabled: false 


bella soluzione. il miglioramento potenziale sarebbe avere il clic "indietro" che non si basa sul clic puntato sul drilldown. sarebbe bello se si presentasse come il pulsante 'indietro' del normale drilldown. –


trovato una soluzione ordinata here

Utilizza un'opzione drillup,

     lang: { 
      drillUpText: '<< Go Back {series.name}' 

Una soluzione per un pulsante drillup in combinazione con la soluzione setChart(), può essere quello di aggiungere un collegamento ipertestuale (ad esempio in un sottotitolo). Poi dare i dati originali per setChart()

$(document).on('click', '#drillup', function() { 
    var data = {categories: categories, series: series}; 
    setChart('new title', categories, data, chart.type); 
Sample code for multiple series drill-down column and line charts.. 

    <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> 
    <script src="http://github.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> 
    <script src="http://github.highcharts.com/modules/drilldown.js"></script> 

    <div id="container" style="min-width: 310px; height: 400px; margin: 0 auto"></div> 
    $(function() {  

     // Create the chart 
     // type to line for line chart 
      chart: { 
       type: 'column' 
      title: { 
       text: 'Basic drilldown' 
      xAxis: { 
       type: 'category' 

      legend: { 
       enabled: true 

      plotOptions: { 
       series: { 
        borderWidth: 0, 
        dataLabels: { 
         enabled: true, 
         style: { 
          color: 'white', 
          textShadow: '0 0 2px black, 0 0 2px black' 
        stacking: 'normal' 

      series: [{ 
       name: 'Things', 
       data: [{ 

        name: 'Animals', 
        y: 5, 
        drilldown: 'animals' 
       }, { 
        name: 'Fruits', 
        y: 2, 
        drilldown: 'fruits' 
       }, { 
        name: 'Cars', 
        y: 4, 
        drilldown: 'cars' 
      }, { 
       name: 'Things3', 
       stack: 1, 
       type: 'line',   
       data: [{ 
        name: 'Animals', 
        y: 8, 
        drilldown: 'animals3' 
       }, { 
        name: 'Fruits', 
        y: 7, 
        drilldown: 'fruits3' 
       }, { 
        name: 'Cars', 
        y: 10, 
        drilldown: 'cars3' 
      drilldown: { 
       activeDataLabelStyle: { 
        color: 'white', 
        textShadow: '0 0 2px black, 0 0 2px black' 
       series: [{ 
        id: 'animals', 
        name: 'Animals', 
        data: [ 
         ['Cats', 4], 
         ['Dogs', 2], 
         ['Cows', 1], 
         ['Sheep', 2], 
         ['Pigs', 1] 
       }, { 
        id: 'fruits', 
        name: 'Fruits', 
        data: [ 
         ['Apples', 4], 
         ['Oranges', 2] 
       }, { 
        id: 'cars', 
        name: 'Cars', 
        data: [ 
         ['Toyota', 4], 
         ['Opel', 2], 
         ['Volkswagen', 2] 
        id: 'animals3', 
        name: 'Animals3', 
        type: 'line', 
        stack: 1, 
        data: [ 
         ['Cats', 2], 
         ['Dogs', 3], 
         ['Cows', 1], 
         ['Sheep', 1], 
         ['Pigs', 1] 
       }, { 
        id: 'fruits3', 
        name: 'Fruits3', 
        type: 'line', 
        stack: 1, 
        data: [ 
         ['Apples', 4], 
         ['Oranges', 3] 
       }, { 
        id: 'cars3', 
        name: 'Cars3', 
        type: 'line',    
        stack: 1, 
        data: [ 
         ['Toyota', 4], 
         ['Opel', 3], 
         ['Volkswagen', 3] 

Aggiungi qualche spiegazione per capire la tua risposta –

Problemi correlati