2013-04-27 18 views

Questo è il mio codice:reindirizzare l'output al file di testo C#

Process pr2 = new Process(); 
pr2.StartInfo.FileName = "show-snps"; 
pr2.StartInfo.Arguments = @"-Clr -x 2 out.delta > out.snps"; 

show-SNPs scrive un errore. quando cancello la parte "> out.snps" tutto è ok e scrive il risultato nel terminale, ma ho bisogno di reindirizzare il file di testo. Come posso fare questo?


Qual è l'errore? –


Utilizzo errato. Suggerisce di leggere il manuale – user2080209


Ma quando copio tutto sulla riga di comando non c'è errore – user2080209



Non è possibile reindirizzare in questo modo quando si avvia il programma in questo modo. Richiede una shell come CMD.EXE per farlo.

Al contrario, è necessario impostare ProcessStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput in uno stream gestito dall'utente.

There's an example here.

Questo esempio mostra come ottenere i dati che il processo della console crea tramite uno StreamReader. Per la tua esigenza, dovresti leggere da StreamReader e scrivere su un output FileStream.

Nel caso in cui si tratta di alcun aiuto, ecco una classe di utilità che ho scritto anni fa (per Net 2) che potrebbe essere istruttivo:

using System; 
using System.IO; 
using System.Threading; 
using System.Diagnostics; 
using System.Collections; 
using System.Collections.Specialized; 

namespace ProcessUtilities 
    /// <summary> 
    /// Encapsulates an executable program. 
    /// This class makes it easy to run a console app and have that app's output appear 
    /// in the parent console's window, and to redirect input and output from/to files. 
    /// </summary> 
    /// <remarks> 
    /// To use this class: 
    /// (1) Create an instance. 
    /// (2) Set the ProgramFileName property if a filename wasn't specified in the constructor. 
    /// (3) Set other properties if required. 
    /// (4) Call Run(). 
    /// </remarks> 

    public class Executable 
     #region Constructor 

     /// <summary>Runs the specified program file name.</summary> 
     /// <param name="programFileName">Name of the program file to run.</param> 

     public Executable(string programFileName) 
      ProgramFileName = programFileName; 

      _processStartInfo.ErrorDialog   = false; 
      _processStartInfo.CreateNoWindow   = false; 
      _processStartInfo.UseShellExecute  = false; 
      _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = false; 
      _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = false; 
      _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = false; 
      _processStartInfo.WindowStyle   = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden; 
      _processStartInfo.Arguments    = ""; 

      /// <summary>Constructor.</summary> 

     public Executable(): this(string.Empty) 

     #endregion // Constructor 

     #region Public Properties 

     /// <summary>The filename (full pathname) of the executable.</summary> 

     public string ProgramFileName 
       return _processStartInfo.FileName; 

       _processStartInfo.FileName = value; 

     /// <summary>The command-line arguments passed to the executable when run. </summary> 

     public string Arguments 
       return _processStartInfo.Arguments; 

       _processStartInfo.Arguments = value; 

     /// <summary>The working directory set for the executable when run.</summary> 

     public string WorkingDirectory 
       return _processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory; 

       _processStartInfo.WorkingDirectory = value; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The file to be used if standard input is redirected, 
     /// or null or string.Empty to not redirect standard input. 
     /// </summary> 

     public string StandardInputFileName 
       _standardInputFileName = value; 
       _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value); 

       return _standardInputFileName; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The file to be used if standard output is redirected, 
     /// or null or string.Empty to not redirect standard output. 
     /// </summary> 

     public string StandardOutputFileName 
       _standardOutputFileName = value; 
       _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value); 

       return _standardOutputFileName; 

     /// <summary> 
     /// The file to be used if standard error is redirected, 
     /// or null or string.Empty to not redirect standard error. 
     /// </summary> 

     public string StandardErrorFileName 
       _standardErrorFileName = value; 
       _processStartInfo.RedirectStandardError = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(value); 

       return _standardErrorFileName; 

     #endregion // Public Properties 

     #region Public Methods 

     /// <summary>Add a set of name-value pairs into the set of environment variables available to the executable.</summary> 
     /// <param name="variables">The name-value pairs to add.</param> 

     public void AddEnvironmentVariables(StringDictionary variables) 
      if (variables == null) 
       throw new ArgumentNullException("variables"); 

      StringDictionary environmentVariables = _processStartInfo.EnvironmentVariables; 

      foreach (DictionaryEntry e in variables) 
       environmentVariables[(string)e.Key] = (string)e.Value; 

     /// <summary>Run the executable and wait until the it has terminated.</summary> 
     /// <returns>The exit code returned from the executable.</returns> 

     public int Run() 
      Thread standardInputThread = null; 
      Thread standardOutputThread = null; 
      Thread standardErrorThread = null; 

      _standardInput = null; 
      _standardError = null; 
      _standardOutput = null; 

      int exitCode = -1; 

       using (Process process = new Process()) 
        process.StartInfo = _processStartInfo; 

        if (process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput) 
         _standardInput = process.StandardInput; 
         standardInputThread = startThread(new ThreadStart(supplyStandardInput), "StandardInput"); 

        if (process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError) 
         _standardError = process.StandardError; 
         standardErrorThread = startThread(new ThreadStart(writeStandardError), "StandardError"); 

        if (process.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput) 
         _standardOutput = process.StandardOutput; 
         standardOutputThread = startThread(new ThreadStart(writeStandardOutput), "StandardOutput"); 

        exitCode = process.ExitCode; 

      finally // Ensure that the threads do not persist beyond the process being run 
       if (standardInputThread != null) 

       if (standardOutputThread != null) 

       if (standardErrorThread != null) 

      return exitCode; 

     #endregion // Public Methods 

     #region Private Methods 

     /// <summary>Start a thread.</summary> 
     /// <param name="startInfo">start information for this thread</param> 
     /// <param name="name">name of the thread</param> 
     /// <returns>thread object</returns> 

     private static Thread startThread(ThreadStart startInfo, string name) 
      Thread t = new Thread(startInfo); 
      t.IsBackground = true ; 
      t.Name = name; 
      return t; 

     /// <summary>Thread which supplies standard input from the appropriate file to the running executable.</summary> 

     private void supplyStandardInput() 
      // feed text from the file a line at a time into the standard input stream 

      using (StreamReader reader = File.OpenText(_standardInputFileName)) 
      using (StreamWriter writer = _standardInput) 
       writer.AutoFlush = true; 

       for (;;) 
        string textLine = reader.ReadLine(); 

        if (textLine == null) 


     /// <summary>Thread which outputs standard output from the running executable to the appropriate file.</summary> 

     private void writeStandardOutput() 
      using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(_standardOutputFileName)) 
      using (StreamReader reader = _standardOutput) 
       writer.AutoFlush = true; 

       for (;;) 
        string textLine = reader.ReadLine(); 

        if (textLine == null) 


      if (File.Exists(_standardOutputFileName)) 
       FileInfo info = new FileInfo(_standardOutputFileName); 

       // if the error info is empty or just contains eof etc. 

       if (info.Length < 4) 

     /// <summary>Thread which outputs standard error output from the running executable to the appropriate file.</summary> 

     private void writeStandardError() 
      using (StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText(_standardErrorFileName)) 
      using (StreamReader reader = _standardError) 
       writer.AutoFlush = true; 

       for (;;) 
        string textLine = reader.ReadLine(); 

        if (textLine == null) 


      if (File.Exists(_standardErrorFileName)) 
       FileInfo info = new FileInfo(_standardErrorFileName); 

       // if the error info is empty or just contains eof etc. 

       if (info.Length < 4) 

     #endregion // Private Methods 

     #region Private Fields 

     private StreamReader _standardError ; 
     private StreamReader _standardOutput ; 
     private StreamWriter _standardInput ; 

     private string _standardInputFileName; 
     private string _standardOutputFileName; 
     private string _standardErrorFileName; 

     ProcessStartInfo _processStartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); 

     #endregion // Private Fields 

Ciao @Matthew Watson, ho esaminato la classe che hai scritto, Un dubbio che ho bisogno di chiedere, Attualmente il metodo Run() attende il thread per completato, non restituisce il controllo al thread chiamante (thread principale). Come si potrebbe ottenere. – csharpcoder


Non ha funzionato perché > reindirizzamento è stato sostenuto da cmd.exe shell. Prova invece il seguente codice.

Process pr2 = new Process(); 
pr2.StartInfo.FileName = @"c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"; 
pr2.StartInfo.Arguments = @"/k \"show-snps -Clr -x 2 out.delta > out.snps\""; 
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