2013-08-30 12 views

Ho bisogno di implementare scorri per eliminare in un ListView con Undo funzione come in Gmail AppCome gestire annullare dopo lo scorrimento per eliminare in Android ListView?

So che ci sono domande già chiedendo scorri per eliminare come

Remove item listview with Slide - Like Gmail


android swipe to delete list row

Ma nessuno di loro spiega come gestire Undo dopo la cancellazione e animare di nuovo la vista cancellato su undo!

ho trovato altra con nessuna risposta qui

How to implement gmail like Achieve or Undo action in a list item

Così qui è la mia domanda.

Come creare un controllo ListView in Android con scorri per eliminare poi mostrare ANNULLA nello spazio cancellato e animare di nuovo la stessa vista se si preme l'undo, rimuovere anche l'opzione Annulla sul rotolo o un altro elemento clic o passare?

Le persone intelligenti hanno qualche idea?

| ----------- ITEM 1-----------| 

| ----------- ITEM 2-----------| 

| --Deleted-------<[UNDO]>| 

| ----------- ITEM 4-----------| 

| ----------- ITEM 5-----------| 

nota: mi dispiace di non poter aggiungere un'immagine a causa della mia bassa reputazione!


hai selezionato https: // github.com/47deg/android-swipelistview –


Controlla questo semplice http://iamvijayakumar.blogspot.in/2013/09/remove-and-undo-listview-item-with.html – Aravin



La tua domanda suona come siete confusi su come gestire l'attuale annullare parte. In tal caso, suggerirei di esaminare il modello di progettazione denominato "Command Design Pattern". Puoi accodare i 'Comandi' come cancella, quindi impegnarli solo una volta il timer di annullamento o comunque l'implementazione è terminata.


Libreria per rendere gli articoli in un ListView o RecyclerView eliminabili con la possibilità di annullarlo, utilizzando la propria vista per fornire questa funzionalità come l'app Gmail per Android.


Ecco un succo, nel caso in cui la pagina viene cambiato o collegamento va valido:


public class ListViewActivity extends Activity { 

private static final int TIME_TO_AUTOMATICALLY_DISMISS_ITEM = 3000; 

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 
    init((ListView) findViewById(R.id.list_view)); 

private void init(ListView listView) { 
    final MyBaseAdapter adapter = new MyBaseAdapter(); 
    final SwipeToDismissTouchListener<ListViewAdapter> touchListener = 
      new SwipeToDismissTouchListener<>(
        new ListViewAdapter(listView), 
        new SwipeToDismissTouchListener.DismissCallbacks<ListViewAdapter>() { 
         public boolean canDismiss(int position) { 
          return true; 

         public void onPendingDismiss(ListViewAdapter recyclerView, int position) { 


         public void onDismiss(ListViewAdapter view, int position) { 

    // Setting this scroll listener is required to ensure that during ListView scrolling, 
    // we don't look for swipes. 
    listView.setOnScrollListener((AbsListView.OnScrollListener) touchListener.makeScrollListener()); 
    listView.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() { 
     public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) { 
      if (touchListener.existPendingDismisses()) { 
      } else { 
       Toast.makeText(ListViewActivity.this, "Position " + position, LENGTH_SHORT).show(); 

static class MyBaseAdapter extends BaseAdapter { 

    private static final int SIZE = 100; 

    private final List<String> mDataSet = new ArrayList<>(); 

    MyBaseAdapter() { 
     for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) 
      mDataSet.add(i, "This is row number " + i); 

    public int getCount() { 
     return mDataSet.size(); 

    public String getItem(int position) { 
     return mDataSet.get(position); 

    public long getItemId(int position) { 
     return position; 

    public void remove(int position) { 

    static class ViewHolder { 
     TextView dataTextView; 
     ViewHolder(View view) { 
      dataTextView = (TextView) view.findViewById(R.id.txt_data); 

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { 

     ViewHolder viewHolder = convertView == null 
       ? new ViewHolder(convertView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.getContext()) 
        .inflate(R.layout.list_item, parent, false)) 
       : (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag(); 

     return convertView; 



public class SwipeToDismissTouchListener<SomeCollectionView extends ViewAdapter> implements 
    View.OnTouchListener { 

// Cached ViewConfiguration and system-wide constant values 
private final int mSlop; 
private final int mMinFlingVelocity; 
private final int mMaxFlingVelocity; 
private final long mAnimationTime; 

// Fixed properties 
private final SomeCollectionView mRecyclerView; 
private final DismissCallbacks<SomeCollectionView> mCallbacks; 
private int mViewWidth = 1; // 1 and not 0 to prevent dividing by zero 

// Transient properties 
private PendingDismissData mPendingDismiss; 
private float mDownX; 
private float mDownY; 
private boolean mSwiping; 
private int mSwipingSlop; 
private VelocityTracker mVelocityTracker; 
private int mDownPosition; 
private RowContainer mRowContainer; 
private boolean mPaused; 

// Handler to dismiss pending items after a delay 
private final Handler mHandler; 
private final Runnable mDismissRunnable = new Runnable() { 
    public void run() { 
private long mDismissDelayMillis = -1; // negative to disable automatic dismissing 

public class RowContainer { 

    final View container; 
    final View dataContainer; 
    final View undoContainer; 
    boolean dataContainerHasBeenDismissed; 

    public RowContainer(ViewGroup container) { 
     this.container = container; 
     dataContainer = container.getChildAt(0); 
     undoContainer = container.getChildAt(1); 
     dataContainerHasBeenDismissed = false; 

    View getCurrentSwipingView() { 
     return dataContainerHasBeenDismissed ? undoContainer: dataContainer; 


* The callback interface used by {@link SwipeToDismissTouchListener} to inform its client 
* about a successful dismissal of one or more list item positions. 
public interface DismissCallbacks<SomeCollectionView extends ViewAdapter> { 
    * Called to determine whether the given position can be dismissed. 
    boolean canDismiss(int position); 

    * Called when an item is swiped away by the user and the undo layout is completely visible. 
    * Do NOT remove the list item yet, that should be done in {@link #onDismiss(com.hudomju.swipe.adapter.ViewAdapter, int)} 
    * This may also be called immediately before and item is completely dismissed. 
    * @param recyclerView The originating {@link android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView}. 
    * @param position The position of the dismissed item. 
    void onPendingDismiss(SomeCollectionView recyclerView, int position); 

    * Called when the item is completely dismissed and removed from the list, after the undo layout is hidden. 
    * @param recyclerView The originating {@link android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView}. 
    * @param position The position of the dismissed item. 
    void onDismiss(SomeCollectionView recyclerView, int position); 

* Constructs a new swipe-to-dismiss touch listener for the given list view. 
* @param recyclerView The list view whose items should be dismissable. 
* @param callbacks The callback to trigger when the user has indicated that she would like to 
*     dismiss one or more list items. 
public SwipeToDismissTouchListener(SomeCollectionView recyclerView, 
            DismissCallbacks<SomeCollectionView> callbacks) { 
    ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(recyclerView.getContext()); 
    mSlop = vc.getScaledTouchSlop(); 
    mMinFlingVelocity = vc.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity() * 16; 
    mMaxFlingVelocity = vc.getScaledMaximumFlingVelocity(); 
    mAnimationTime = recyclerView.getContext().getResources().getInteger(
    mRecyclerView = recyclerView; 
    mCallbacks = callbacks; 
    mHandler = new Handler(); 

* Enables or disables (pauses or resumes) watching for swipe-to-dismiss gestures. 
* @param enabled Whether or not to watch for gestures. 
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { 
    mPaused = !enabled; 

* Set the delay after which the pending items will be dismissed when there was no user action. 
* Set to a negative value to disable automatic dismissing items. 
* @param dismissDelayMillis The delay between onPendingDismiss and onDismiss calls, in milliseconds. 
public void setDismissDelay(long dismissDelayMillis) { 
    this.mDismissDelayMillis = dismissDelayMillis; 

* Returns an {@link android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener} to be added to the {@link 
* android.widget.ListView} using {@link android.widget.ListView#setOnScrollListener(android.widget.AbsListView.OnScrollListener)}. 
* If a scroll listener is already assigned, the caller should still pass scroll changes through 
* to this listener. This will ensure that this {@link SwipeToDismissTouchListener} is 
* paused during list view scrolling.</p> 
* @see SwipeToDismissTouchListener 
public Object makeScrollListener() { 
    return mRecyclerView.makeScrollListener(new AbsListView.OnScrollListener() { 
     public void onScrollStateChanged(AbsListView absListView, int scrollState) { 
      setEnabled(scrollState != AbsListView.OnScrollListener.SCROLL_STATE_TOUCH_SCROLL); 

     public void onScroll(AbsListView absListView, int i, int i1, int i2) { 

public boolean onTouch(View view, MotionEvent motionEvent) { 
    if (mViewWidth < 2) { 
     mViewWidth = mRecyclerView.getWidth(); 

    switch (motionEvent.getActionMasked()) { 
     case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: { 
      if (mPaused) { 
       return false; 

      // TODO: ensure this is a finger, and set a flag 

      // Find the child view that was touched (perform a hit test) 
      Rect rect = new Rect(); 
      int childCount = mRecyclerView.getChildCount(); 
      int[] listViewCoords = new int[2]; 
      int x = (int) motionEvent.getRawX() - listViewCoords[0]; 
      int y = (int) motionEvent.getRawY() - listViewCoords[1]; 
      View child; 
      for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { 
       child = mRecyclerView.getChildAt(i); 
       if (rect.contains(x, y)) { 
        assert child instanceof ViewGroup && 
          ((ViewGroup) child).getChildCount() == 2 : 
          "Each child needs to extend from ViewGroup and have two children"; 

        boolean dataContainerHasBeenDismissed = mPendingDismiss != null && 
          mPendingDismiss.position == mRecyclerView.getChildPosition(child) && 
        mRowContainer = new RowContainer((ViewGroup) child); 
        mRowContainer.dataContainerHasBeenDismissed = dataContainerHasBeenDismissed; 

      if (mRowContainer != null) { 
       mDownX = motionEvent.getRawX(); 
       mDownY = motionEvent.getRawY(); 
       mDownPosition = mRecyclerView.getChildPosition(mRowContainer.container); 
       if (mCallbacks.canDismiss(mDownPosition)) { 
        mVelocityTracker = VelocityTracker.obtain(); 
       } else { 
        mRowContainer = null; 
      return false; 

     case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: { 
      if (mVelocityTracker == null) { 

      if (mRowContainer != null && mSwiping) { 
       // cancel 
      mVelocityTracker = null; 
      mDownX = 0; 
      mDownY = 0; 
      mRowContainer = null; 
      mDownPosition = ListView.INVALID_POSITION; 
      mSwiping = false; 

     case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: { 
      if (mVelocityTracker == null) { 

      float deltaX = motionEvent.getRawX() - mDownX; 
      float velocityX = mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity(); 
      float absVelocityX = Math.abs(velocityX); 
      float absVelocityY = Math.abs(mVelocityTracker.getYVelocity()); 
      boolean dismiss = false; 
      boolean dismissRight = false; 
      if (Math.abs(deltaX) > mViewWidth/2 && mSwiping) { 
       dismiss = true; 
       dismissRight = deltaX > 0; 
      } else if (mMinFlingVelocity <= absVelocityX && absVelocityX <= mMaxFlingVelocity 
        && absVelocityY < absVelocityX && mSwiping) { 
       // dismiss only if flinging in the same direction as dragging 
       dismiss = (velocityX < 0) == (deltaX < 0); 
       dismissRight = mVelocityTracker.getXVelocity() > 0; 
      if (dismiss && mDownPosition != ListView.INVALID_POSITION) { 
       // dismiss 
       final RowContainer downView = mRowContainer; // mDownView gets null'd before animation ends 
       final int downPosition = mDownPosition; 
         .translationX(dismissRight ? mViewWidth : -mViewWidth) 
         .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { 
          public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { 
           performDismiss(downView, downPosition); 
      } else { 
       // cancel 
      mVelocityTracker = null; 
      mDownX = 0; 
      mDownY = 0; 
      mRowContainer = null; 
      mDownPosition = ListView.INVALID_POSITION; 
      mSwiping = false; 

     case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: { 
      if (mVelocityTracker == null || mPaused) { 

      float deltaX = motionEvent.getRawX() - mDownX; 
      float deltaY = motionEvent.getRawY() - mDownY; 
      if (Math.abs(deltaX) > mSlop && Math.abs(deltaY) < Math.abs(deltaX)/2) { 
       mSwiping = true; 
       mSwipingSlop = deltaX > 0 ? mSlop : -mSlop; 

       // Cancel ListView's touch (un-highlighting the item) 
       MotionEvent cancelEvent = MotionEvent.obtain(motionEvent); 
       cancelEvent.setAction(MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL | 
           << MotionEvent.ACTION_POINTER_INDEX_SHIFT)); 

      if (mSwiping) { 
       mRowContainer.getCurrentSwipingView().setTranslationX(deltaX - mSwipingSlop); 
       mRowContainer.getCurrentSwipingView().setAlpha(Math.max(0f, Math.min(1f, 
         1f - 2f * Math.abs(deltaX)/mViewWidth))); 
       return true; 
    return false; 

class PendingDismissData implements Comparable<PendingDismissData> { 
    public int position; 
    public RowContainer rowContainer; 

    public PendingDismissData(int position, RowContainer rowContainer) { 
     this.position = position; 
     this.rowContainer= rowContainer; 

    public int compareTo(@NonNull PendingDismissData other) { 
     // Sort by descending position 
     return other.position - position; 

private void performDismiss(RowContainer dismissView, int dismissPosition) { 
    // Animate the dismissed list item to zero-height and fire the dismiss callback when 
    // all dismissed list item animations have completed. This triggers layout on each animation 
    // frame; in the future we may want to do something smarter and more performant. 
    if (mPendingDismiss != null) { 
     boolean dismissingDifferentRow = mPendingDismiss.position != dismissPosition; 
     int newPosition = mPendingDismiss.position < dismissPosition ? dismissPosition-1 : dismissPosition; 
     if (dismissingDifferentRow) { 
      addPendingDismiss(dismissView, newPosition); 
    } else { 
     addPendingDismiss(dismissView, dismissPosition); 

private void addPendingDismiss(RowContainer dismissView, int dismissPosition) { 
    dismissView.dataContainerHasBeenDismissed = true; 
    mPendingDismiss = new PendingDismissData(dismissPosition, dismissView); 
    // Notify the callbacks 
    mCallbacks.onPendingDismiss(mRecyclerView, dismissPosition); 
    // Automatically dismiss the item after a certain delay 
    if(mDismissDelayMillis >= 0) 
     mHandler.postDelayed(mDismissRunnable, mDismissDelayMillis); 

* If a view was dismissed and the undo container is showing it will proceed with the final 
* dismiss of the item. 
* @return whether there were any pending rows to be dismissed. 
public boolean processPendingDismisses() { 
    boolean existPendingDismisses = existPendingDismisses(); 
    if (existPendingDismisses) processPendingDismisses(mPendingDismiss); 
    return existPendingDismisses; 

* Whether a row has been dismissed and is waiting for confirmation 
* @return whether there are any pending rows to be dismissed. 
public boolean existPendingDismisses() { 
    return mPendingDismiss != null && mPendingDismiss.rowContainer.dataContainerHasBeenDismissed; 

* If a view was dismissed and the undo container is showing it will undo and make the data 
* container reappear. 
* @return whether there were any pending rows to be dismissed. 
public boolean undoPendingDismiss() { 
    boolean existPendingDismisses = existPendingDismisses(); 
    if (existPendingDismisses) { 
     mPendingDismiss = null; 
    return existPendingDismisses; 

private void processPendingDismisses(final PendingDismissData pendingDismissData) { 
    mPendingDismiss = null; 
    final ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = pendingDismissData.rowContainer.container.getLayoutParams(); 
    final int originalHeight = pendingDismissData.rowContainer.container.getHeight(); 

    ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(originalHeight, 1).setDuration(mAnimationTime); 

    animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { 
     public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { 
      if (mCallbacks.canDismiss(pendingDismissData.position)) 
       mCallbacks.onDismiss(mRecyclerView, pendingDismissData.position); 
      pendingDismissData.rowContainer.dataContainer.post(new Runnable() { 
       public void run() { 

        lp.height = originalHeight; 

    animator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { 
     public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { 
      lp.height = (Integer) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); 



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